The best Wonder Weapons in Call of Duty Zombies provide players with the arsenal they need to kill zombies in creatively dangerous ways. Each COD Zombies map has an exclusive Wonder Weapon that can easily conquer, providing players with the high rounds that they need to reach to maximize the fun and enjoy the thrills of creatively designed weapons.

Call of Duty Zombies Map Tier List
From World at War to Black Ops 6, Treyarch’s Call of Duty Zombies series has seen some titanic ups and downs, with almost 40 maps to choose from.
Call of Duty Zombies has only grown since its debut in World at War, and with Call of Duty deep into Black Ops 6, Wonder Weapons have become a signature staple of every new map. With more to come, and more to talk about, why not look back at some of the best Wonder Weapons in COD Zombies history?
Ray Gun
The Original Wonder Weapon That Makes Crawlers and Has Lethal Splash Damage
- Feauted in: All Maps from Nacht der Untoten to Citadelle des Morts (World at War – Black Ops 6)
There’s no Wonder Weapon like the Ray Gun, and it’s an utter classic that has been with COD Zombies from the first with Nacht der Untoten to the latest. The Ray Gun remains unchanged in terms of design and power, but that’s not always a great thing, since the power has underwhelmed in a few maps when compared to other Wonder Weapons.
The Ray Gun has a classic firing mode, semi-auto like a standard pistol, but with a kick that feels like a horse. The Ray Gun does have a fatal flaw with its splash damage, so players might accidentally eliminate themselves, especially in maps with tight corridors and up-close hordes.
31-79 JGb215
The Shrink Ray / Baby Gun That Makes Zombies Easy to Kick
The 31-79 JGb215 might have a pretty confusing name, but all players need to know about it is that it can shrink zombies, including banshees and napalm bursters, to turn them into big-headed tiny-bodied walking corpses in need of a good kicking. This is an extremely funny Wonder Weapon due to what it does to zombies, and it’s made even funnier when players realize they can sprint into them and kick them like they’re trying to score a field goal in football.

Call of Duty: 10 Hardest Zombies Maps
The Call of Duty franchise has plenty of challenging zombie maps that will test the survival skills of players across a variety of locations.
The 31-79 JGb215 can only be acquired in Shangri-La, and it’s a shame considering how fun it is. While the 31-79 JGb215 can’t annihilate swarms of undead, it can take out a decent line, but do be careful, the babified zombies can still have a pretty nasty.
Bastard Swords
Brutal Medieval Swords Imbued With the Power of the Elements
All Elemental Swords, Ranked |
Balmung |
Caliburn |
Solais |
Durendal |
- Featured in: Citadelle des Morts
The best Wonder Weapon in Black Ops 6 so far comes from the four swords of the Bastard Knights in Citadelle des Morts. The four Bastard Swords can be upgraded into some truly ultimate weapons with Balmung, Caliburn, Solais, and Durendal. On the surface, each of these swords is utterly brutal, and with Melee Macchiato as a Perk, these swords can one-hit one-kill every zombie it comes across.
Sadly, that one-hit one-kill might be where the Bastards Swords see fault, as it cannot swipe multiple enemies at once. There are some superior swords, like Balmung, that create a lethal void tear to suck up zombies, but still, each of them is unique and powerful in its own right.
Wunderwaffe DG-2
A Lightning Gun That Chains Lethal Volts Between Zombies
- Featured in: Shi No Numa, Der Riese, Call of the Dead, Verruckt (BO3)
The second-ever Wonder Weapon in Call of Duty Zombies belongs to the Wunderwaffe DG-2, a weapon that players adore despite future weapons certainly beating it. The Wunderwaffe DG-2 is a lightning gun that essentially shoots lethal volts of electricity and then chains them with a domino effect to eradicate a horde, one by one.
Shoot one zombie, and the rest will soon fall like dominos. The Wunderwaffe DG-2 is vicious, but it does have a rather slow fire rate and reload time. It’s a Richtofen classic, and while it featured in Black Ops 6 through a cinematic trailer for Liberty Falls, it’s yet to actually feature in the game.
Ray Gun Mark 2
A Three-Round Burst, Zero Splash Damage Evolution
- Featured in: Buried, Zombies Chronicles Maps, Blood of the Dead, Classified, Alpha Omega, Tag der Toten
The Ray Gun Mark 2 was the natural evolution of the Ray Gun, and it quickly became an even more popular choice to pull from the Mystery Box, despite how cruel its rarity actually is considering the chance to grab it comes at a much lower rate than the usual weapons. Regardless of its rarity, the Ray Gun Mark 2 packs a real punch (even without Pack-a-Punch).

Call of Duty Zombies: 8 Easiest Maps
Across over 30 maps in the Call of Duty Zombies series, there has been a bundle of easy maps that allow for a casual set of high rounds.
The Ray Gun Mark 2 fires off three-round bursts, and while that might provide players with a bit of a kick, it’s not going to be lethal, like the splash damage of the original Ray Gun. The Ray Gun Mark 2 is like the M16 as a Ray Gun, and it’s a delightful time for all who get their hands on it thanks to its rapid fire and brutal damage.
RAI K-84
The Power of a Ray Gun in an Assault Rifle
With a pretty lengthy name, the Reactorniy Avtomat-Izluchatel Kuhlklay-84, this 1984 Cold War weapon was an incredible choice of weaponry for an experimental prototype, capable of mass destruction within Firebase Z for easily eradicating Mimics, Manglers, and of course, the Orda. Essentially, the RAI K-84 is like if the Ray Gun was reverse-engineered to be compatible with an AK-47.
Not only does the RAI K-84 destroy with its fully automatic fire rate, but it also sucks zombies up into vortex grenades thanks to its alt-fire mode that’s basically a Wonder Weapon version of a grenade launcher. Melting everything shot by it, or slowing them in a field, the RAI K-84 should never be underestimated.
A Weapon That Blows Hordes Away
- Featured in: Kino der Toten, Ascension, Revelations, Nacht der Untoten (BO3)
The Thundergun is a triumphant Wonder Weapon that was fortunately not created by Richtofen, as this allows the weapon to blow. The Thundergun is a close-range weapon that can easily throw hordes of zombies away like ragdolls, or like a leaf blower to an army of Autumn leaves. The Thundergun can easily kill from close to mid-range, and it’s the perfect weapon for patience.
The Thundergun may have limited ammo, but that’s why it’s best reserved for hordes of undead that are at their maximum capacity and are in need of being blown to pieces. The Thundergun also excels at dealing with Margwas in Revelations, and it’s more than capable of taking players to high rounds thanks to its absurd power that tears off limbs and leaves none standing.
Apothicon Servant
A Wonder Weapon That Fires Inescapable Black Holes
- Featured in: Shadows of Evil, Revelations
The Aopthicon Servant is easily one of the best Wonder Weapons out there, and one of the most visually distinct. The Apothicon Servant is a living gun that fires out black holes that are utterly inescapable from the zombies that are nearby, and it basically acts as a wieldable Gersh Device. The Apothicon Servant annihilates through its powerful suction, and nothing can escape the cold vacuum of the void.
A single-shot firing Wonder Weapon that deals infinite damage no matter the round, the Apothicon Servant becomes a crutch that everyone needs on Shadows of Evil and Revelations due to how it will eat through endless hordes of zombies. It’s visually interesting, extremely powerful, and something to brag about when other players can’t get this weapon.
Wrath of the Ancients
Immense Elemental Powers in the Arrows of Four Bows
All Elemental Bows, Ranked |
Storm Bow/Kreema’ahm la Ahmahm |
Wolf Bow/Kreeholo lu Kreemasaleet |
Fire Bow/Kreeaho’ahm nal Ahmhogaroc |
Void Bow/Kreegakaleet lu Gosata’ahm |
- Featured in: Der Eisendrache
The Wrath of the Ancients is a pretty good bow on its own, but each of the four upgrade paths for the four elemental bows is even greater. Each of the bows is incredible, and players shouldn’t need to fight among each other on what bow to obtain within Der Eisendrache, because they are all equally powerful, and immensely fun to use and to obtain.
Whether it’s unleashing a deadly storm, blasting zombies to Hell with spirit wolves, or having Keeper skulls gnaw at zombies until they are eaten to death, there is incredible enjoyment in each of these bows. The quick-fire and charged shots have immense potential to help players through the rounds in one of Call of Duty Zombies’ best maps.
Elemental Staffs
Four Distinct but Equally Powerful Wonder Weapons
All Elemental Staffs, Ranked |
Ice Staff/Ull’s Arrow |
Wind Staff/Boreas’ Fury |
Fire Staff/Kagutsuchi’s Blood |
Lightning Staff/Kimat’s Bite |
The Elemental Staffs found in Origins are Wonder Weapons like no other. They began a repeating trend of elemental weapons that could be crafted in the map they were released in, and they provided players with intense powers that other Wonder Weapons fail to live up to, and reaching the highest rounds without the Elemental Staffs is near impossible.
The Elemental Staffs have their own ranking system due to how unique each of them is, but there are many factors to consider with their top spot. Firstly, they have a melee ability that is better than any Bowie Knife could be, and upgrading the weapon provides an alternate fire mode that can revive players. While the Ice Staff is arguably the best of the four, they all have unique traits that make them truly incredible.

Call of Duty: All Zombies Crews & Their Fates
The fate of every crew in Call of Duty Zombies is revealed, allowing players to see the endings of their favorite characters, no matter how tragic.
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