One of the most exciting parts of Marvel Rivals is not just its excellent gameplay but its incredible world-building. Seeing classic and beloved locations in the amazing art style of this game will bring a smile to your face and, with the creative spin the team adds to them, it makes them one of a kind.

Marvel Rivals: Every Map, Ranked
Let’s take a look at every map in Marvel Rivals and decide which is best.
We have seen many iconic Marvel locations debut in the game with some sort of change. From galactic empires formed in Wakanda to entire fusions of two places with Yggsgard, NetEase Games goes all out with love. With such a wide world of many universes and multiverses, there are boundless more we would love to see them add.
The Avengers Tower
The Most Marvel Location Of All Time
Being such an iconic location in every part of the Marvel world and already appearing in Rivals lore, we can almost guarantee that the Avengers Tower will appear as a map. With a very easy-to-work-around design that would be great for any of the modes, it would be a shame not to see it appear.
There should be a giant window to look out and see the chaos of how Doctor Doom is affecting the world. Being where the Heroes have created a stronghold in this world, we should also see a season focused on defending the map in a special mode, which could permanently alter the state of the map after the event ends, depending on what players do.
The X-Mansion
An X-Tremely Important Location
The X-Men are some of Marvel’s most beloved mutants, and they deserve more love in Rivals. The X-Mansion is where mutants and heroes are trained and also serves as the home base for the X-Men. With its future Victorian fusion design, it should be a wonderful design for a map.
Seeing the Mansion destroyed in ruin, like in the bad timeline in X-Men: Days of Future Past, would be interesting and bring more continuity between the game and the Cinematic Universe. NetEase Games could even push things further and make their own changes to truly make the game stand on its own.
Castle Doom
The Final Boss Of Maps
Castle Doom is the fortress where Doctor Doom resides in Doomstadt. In the story, the two Doctor Dooms are very powerful tyrants who caused this mess, and so we may see a technological showcase with dominant power of elements from both modern times and 2099. It could even feature other elements from maps transported here through the Timestream Entanglement.

If Rivals wants to have its story move along with the live-service updates, NetEase Games could have a season focused on a siege on Castle Doom when the map is added, where you get tasked with winning a certain number of matches on the map to earn rewards and alter the canon story depending on everyone’s performance.
An Out Of This World Map
Marvel Rivals takes a lot of its locations from Earth in the Marvel universe and creates fun maps out of them. Earth, however, is just one planet in the universe-spanning lore present in many of the stories. A trip to Xandar in Marvels would be a nice change of pace.
Being the capital of the Nova Empire means Xandar is one of the most developed and well-known planets in the Marvel universe. With how advanced and unique the world is, it would make for a great map, especially with the potential of how they could change it through the effects of the Timestream Entanglement.
Castle Dracula
Iconic Halloween Goodness
Castle Dracula will prevail in all media as one of the most recognizable locations ever. In this messed-up world, you may, however, see the castle is no longer Dracula’s but instead Blade’s, as he is Marvel’s go-to vampire slayer. This would work as a unique location for Rivals that has a dark atmosphere.
Dropping this map alongside a Halloween event and Blade as a playable Hero would be ideal and create a fun surprise for any Marvel fans who had no idea this location was even a canon place. Dracula will always find his way into any universe, especially ones as big as Marvel.
Sanctum Sanctorum
A Strange Location To Fight
Doctor Strange has to be the most potential for a Hero to have a great map based around them. With his link to not only other universes but multiverses, we could see some wild design being flexed by NetEase Games’ skilled team. His iconic mansion, the Sanctum Sanctorum, is a huge location that could work as a multilayered map.
On certain walls, we could see portals, which lead to another dimension, with a small area which could be the effects of the Timestream Entanglement on the mansion. This would be an incredible use of game design that would be a sight to behold.
The Peak
It Would Be A Peak Map
A ton of the Marvel Universe is not just limited to Earth locations. With an endless galaxy of planets and alternate dimensions, it’s about time that we get to fight in some more of that space. The Peak is a sword-like spacecraft that orbits the Earth, acting as S.W.O.R.D.’s headquarters.
In the universe, it did crash down to earth after an attack, so NetEase has many options for what they can do with the design. Either it could be set in space before it crashes and have a jaw-dropping star-filled sky or have the sword crashed on earth with clear damage scattered around.
S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier
The Airship Which Will Carry Us To Victory
Besides the Avengers Tower, the S.H.I.E.L.D Helicarriers are one of the most memorable locations featured in the MCU. They both even have giant Lego sets to dominate their supremacy. Being the main airship that SHIELD uses, the Helicarriers are very futuristic, with tight yet large spaces and lots of open-air bays.
A map that takes place entirely on a battleship would be a standout from the rest. A subtle detail could be the world around the map having a few different locations, which it cycles through every time the map is loaded to give it a unique visual gimmick.
The Dark Dimension
A One Of A Kind Dimension Making For An Incredibly Abstract Map
The Dark Dimension is a beautiful abstract location that would make a one-of-a-kind map in Rivals. With its strange, twisted design seen in The Doctor Strange movies, it could be a distinctly Marvel map. Many of the current maps and ideas just feel like things that are cloned or heavily inspired by other hero shooters.

The way to twist this location is to make it a villain’s empire. This could even be under a twisted Doctor Strange’s control. On the flip side, they could also transport a major location here and have it have a dark, corrupted twist, as just having this dimension as a background would be absolutely stunning.
Old Kingdom Of Atlantis
A Frozen Water Paradise With An Ocean Of Potential
An underwater kingdom full of aquatic creatures where we can crown Jeff The Land Shark as our king? Sign us up! Atlantis in the comics is two separate locations, with one being named Old Atlantis, ruled by the Invisible Woman, and the other, Atlantis, ruled by Namor.
Considering Namor and his past with Doctor Doom, we can see this Atlantis being more possible, but with The Fantastic Four’s involvement in the affairs of Old Atlantis, it could also make a good fit in Rivals. Either way, an underwater map would be a dream come true, especially with the Greek-inspired architecture found in the kingdom.
Does Anyone Know Where The Convoy Is?
This location may sound unimportant, but it is where the Guardians of the Galaxy have their headquarters. Creating a battleground on a decapitated head may sound like a questionable idea, but with how we see Knowhere in the Guardians of the Galaxy cinematic movies, it would make a compelling map. With so many Guardians already playable, like the hard-to-master Groot, it is strange that their main HQ is not in the game yet.
Marvel Rivals needs to focus more on the Marvel exclusive locations, especially so with the intergalactic worlds to help it better create its own identity visually. Marvel has a stunning art style that would make these unique places really stand out, but many of the maps currently feel uninspired by the source material.

9 Heroes We Would Love To See In Marvel Rivals
With an incredible roster, Marvel Rivals has nearly every character any fan could ask for, however there are still some we would love to see added in.
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