Where To Find Nitemary In Palworld

Where To Find Nitemary In Palworld

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While playing Palworld, you will constantly be searching for two things: resources and pals. Both can be found throughout the open world, with many different variations to discover. When it comes to pals, you will find that some excel in specific tasks, whether it’s for base work or combat.


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The new update introduces a whole new map called Feybreak, which brings with it many new pals that you can meet and capture. However, the island is dangerous and filled with challenges, so you’ll need to be prepared for what’s waiting for you there.

Where To Find Nitemary

A picture of Nitemary page - Palworld

Nitemary is a Dark-type pal that can be found on Feybreak Island, but the area is quite high-level. It’s recommended to have your character at least level 50 before attempting to reach it.

A convenient location to find and catch Nitemary is near The Oculus Gate, Tower in Sight, which is located around the middle of the map. Here, you’ll come across several Nitemary pals that you can catch.

  • The coordinates are -1158, -1414.
Map location of the Nitemary pal - Palworld

Whether you choose to defeat it or capture it, there’s a chance it will drop a Small Pal Soul, which can be used at the Statue of Power.

However, if you decide to capture it, make sure to lower its health as much as possible and use a high-tier legendary sphere to successfully catch it.

Nitemary’s work suitability includes level three Handiwork and level two Transportation, two essential tasks that can help boost productivity when assigned to your base.

As with any other pal in the game, the location mentioned above is just one convenient spot to find Nitemary and you may also encounter them around that region.

The map below, with the highlighted orange areas, shows all the possible locations where you can find Nitemary.

A map picture showing all the possible locations for Nitemary in Palworld


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