Interview with Hideaki Nishino, CEO of the platform business

Interview with Hideaki Nishino, CEO of the platform business
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ApocalypseShadow6h ago(Edited 6h ago)

Darth, you’re kind of misleading people with what your saying.

As jz said, Blu-ray discs are durable. You’d have to want to scratch them to scratch them. This isn’t the days of CD and DVD discs or VHS getting scratched or broken.

Secondly, Pioneer came up with a 400 gig disc years ago and already tested a 500 gig disc. Discs will only go away if companies force them to go away. But they’re still useful in holding large games and large movies. And when 8K games and movies show up, the disc would work for that. What games today are that big? The largest games today would fit on one or two 128 gig discs today. And that current standard. They’d definitely fit on the larger ones.

Third, who wants to download 200 gig plus games from the Internet just to play them? How many gamers have the speed or data allowance monthly to do that? Or even reliable Internet?

Discs are only going away because some feel they are a big environmental footprint. Or companies are programming the next generation of gamers to not have ownership of their games but allows companies to have huge profits not selling discs by selling digital content. It’s not that gamers don’t want it. They are trained not to want it. When in reality, the tech is still needed.

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