How to Trade in Jujutsu Infinite

How to Trade in Jujutsu Infinite

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Most of the time, players have to grind resources and equipment in Jujutsu Infinite to progress. However, completing raids and missions is not the only way to get the items you need, as you can trade with other players. Therefore, in this guide, we will tell you how to trade in Jujutsu Infinite.

The trading feature in this Roblox game has some limitations. But it is still one of the best ways to get rare resources, such as Energy Nature Scrolls.


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How to Unlock Trading in Jujutsu Infinite

Jujutsu Infinite Trade Hub

Jujutsu Infinite offers players a lot of different content that is unlocked sequentially as they progress. For this reason, beginners need to spend quite a lot of time to reach the desired level. And this also applies to trading in Jujutsu Infinite, since only players who have reached level 300 can trade.

To achieve this as quickly as possible, you should follow the story quests, as to complete the entire story you will need to reach level 300 and above. You can also farm Exp using the appropriate consumables.


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How to Trade in Jujutsu Infinite

Jujutsu Infinite chat

Once you have reached level 300, and most likely have earned quite a lot of different valuable resources, you can start trading with players in Jujutsu Infinite. To do this, you need to teleport to the Zen Forest and find the door with two green arrows there. It is easy to spot by the Trade Hub title.

Thus, you are teleported to the old train station location, where there are almost always many players. This place is intended specifically for trading, so use the in-game chat to find the items you need or offer yours.

When you find players for a deal, you need to activate the trade menu. To do this, you just need to enter this command in the chat:

If the player accepts this request, then the trade window will open on the screen, and you can trade your items for items of another player in Jujutsu Infinite. Using this feature you can sell almost any item in your inventory. This applies to both common consumables and the rarest special-grade loot.

Sometimes in the Trade Hub, you can find offers to sell high-level weapons. For this reason, we recommend that you watch the deals and conversations of other players so as not to sell your resources for too cheap.

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September 1, 2006


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