How to talk in CS2: Perfect Comms

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In Counter-Strike 2, communication is one of the biggest elements for success on the server. In this guide, we’re going to show you how to talk in CS2, helping you get the perfect comms with your teammates.

Change your CS2 mic settings

how to talk in CS2

If you want to know how to talk in CS2, you need to start by adjusting your mic settings. You can see the ones I use above. The most important thing is that your Voice/Microphone Mode is set to “Push to talk,” and your Voice Input Audio Device is set to whatever your active microphone is on your PC. You should also play around with the Microphone Trigger Threshold setting, but this will be dependent on how sensitive your microphone is.

With these CS2 settings all set up, you’re pretty much ready to hop into a game and start talking in CS2. Next, we’ll go over how to communicate with your teammates in-game.

How to talk in CS2 matches

Once you’re into a CS2 match, there are a few different ways to can communicate with your teammates. The first is via text chat. This can be useful when you’re dead and don’t want to distract your alive teammates, or at the start of a round – not so much for the heat of the action where info needs to be instant. To use text chat in CS2, you press Y for all chat, allowing you to communicate with both your own and the enemy team. Alternatively, press U for team chat, which will only send messages to your teammates.

how to talk in CS2

The best way to talk in CS2 is to use voice chat. This can only be done with teammates, so don’t expect to flame your enemies over voice chat. To use voice to talk in CS2, hold down Q. If you’re using the Push to Talk setting I mentioned earlier, this should bring up a small icon in the bottom left corner of your screen, as pictured below. This means you’re talking. If you don’t like using Q, you can always change the hotkey for this to something else.

CS2 in-game Voice Chat

The final way to communicate in CS2 is via pings. While alive, you can middle-mouse click to where your crosshair is currently pointed to ping a location to your teammates. It’s not perfect, but it’s a viable way to quickly give your teammates information without talking.

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