How To Fly In Wuthering Waves

How To Fly In Wuthering Waves
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With the Wuthering Waves 2.0 update, we got an absolutely massive amount of new content: a new region, amazing new characters, new Echoes, weapons, quality of life updates, and, to top it all off, a (somewhat limited) ability to fly. As you might imagine, actual flight makes getting around Rinacita a dream, and you’ll need it to reach every part of the world.


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Flying in Wuthering Waves is thankfully very straightforward, as it uses mechanics you might already be familiar with and a couple of additions to make the experience a bit more seamless and enjoyable.

How To Unlock Flying

Unlocking Flight Screen in Wuthering Waves.

As one of the bigger quality-of-life features in Wuthering Waves 2.0, you unlock the ability to fly early in the Rinacita campaign during the early mission called The Sacred Breeze So Often Breathes. Specifically, you’ll unlock it as you enter the Cathedral of Mecuryin Ragunna City.

You won’t be able to access it immediately, but you can fast-track your way to the new region by completing Chapter One, Act Three, “Ominous Star,” then navigate to Next Stop: Rinacita on the Event page.

Quick access to Rinacita in Wuthering Waves.

Ideally, you’ll have completed all the content from before 2.0 up to and including the entire Black Shores storyline. However, it’s not strictly necessary, as the Rinacita content stands more than well enough on its own.

Either way, once you’ve unlocked Flight, you use it by equipping it as a Utility and activating flight when you’re high enough off the ground (though there’s a touch more to it).

How Flying Works

Carlotta Flying in Rinacita in Wuthering Waves.

Flight in Wuthering Waves is a simple enough affair. Provided you’re high enough off the ground, activating the flight utility will cause your Rover to spawn a jetpack and a pair of wings before quickly picking up speed and setting off into the sky.

To control yourself, use either your movement keys or the control stick if playing on a controller or mobile device. You have a separate stamina bar for flight, and once it runs out, you’ll be forced back to using your glider for the rest of your way down.

By default, “flight” is basically much more effective gliding, functioning more akin to how gliding in the Batman: Arkham games worked. If you want to ascend, you need to dive to gain momentum and then quickly pitch back up to gain height. Otherwise, you’ll very gradually continue descending.

You can press the sprint button to gain a boost of speed that allows you to ascend freely. Using boost consumes flight stamina more quickly, but you can get much higher more easily if you use it intelligently.

To increase your maximum flight stamina, you’ll need to explore Rinacita and gain additional Exploration Progress. You do so the same way as in 1.0: activating Resonance Beacons, collecting Sonance Cask items, completing challenges, etc.

You earn an additional ten Flight Stamina for reaching 25 percent exploration in each region in Rinacita, so it shouldn’t take too long to extend your airtime.

Getting more flight stamina in Wuthering Waves.

Another way to get more time in the air is to use the Wingray Echoes scattered about the world. Simply approach them and press your utility hotkey to grapple onto them, and they’ll carry you high into the sky. You can jump off any time and enter flight mode, which you’ll want to do, as Wingrays have a set flight path.

Carlotta next to a Wingray in Wuthering Waves.

Having Carlotta as a Resonator in your party reduces your Flight Stamina usage by 20 percent, in case you need an additional reason to add her to your team.

Flight only works in Rinacita as of the 2.0 launch window, and attempting to fly in any of the other world spaces will only get a message saying the function isn’t available.

You can probably expect flight to come to other regions later unless some weird backend code issues prevent its addition to the 1.0 areas.


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