Gearbox CEO Refuses to Call Borderlands 4 “Open World” Because it “Comes with a lot of Baggage”

Gearbox CEO Refuses to Call Borderlands 4 "Open World" Because it "Comes with a lot of Baggage"

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-Foxtrot13d ago (Edited 13d ago )


You have a character that could do so much whacky s*** without relying on technology yet they want to do the most basic ass power when other characters have done similar things?

Would be a waste of a Sirens power and so far, because they really screwed up lore wise, they backed themselves into a corner by saying that not only can there be only 6 Sirens active at once in the entire Universe but they now recycle their powers. So they are going to have to do something in BL4 to solve this for future games.

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