A Missouri man was busted by cops after getting caught driving 107mph while playing video games behind the wheel, authorities said.
The Claycomo Police Department said in a release that the man, who was not identified, was doing 107mph in a 65mph zone on I-35 in Missouri. “The driver was playing a video game, yes, a video game, while driving 107mph,” authorities said. The man also had a suspended license.
“Apparently he was so distracted he didn’t see our motor officer in the lane ahead of him. We forgot to ask if he was playing NASCAR, but we’ll assume,” the police said.
The man has a court date pending with “several charges” for what transpired on the roads. The incident took place on the evening of December 27, 2024.
This was just before a new law in Missouri went into effect on January 1 that prohibits holding a cellphone, reading or sending text messages, or recording videos while driving, with offenders facing a penalty of $150 for the first offense and scaling up $500 for repeat violations.
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