Wuthering Waves contains a roster of many characters who look gorgeous in and outside combat. Luckily for all of us, you can team three of these characters together. Generally, the game’s buffing system comes in the form of Outro Skills, which means players must fill a Resonator’s Concerto Energy then switch them out. This creates a system where it’s important to keep switching characters to get the rotation going.
When it comes to Carlotta team comp in WuWa, she needs characters that can buff her Skill since her damage is mostly considered Resonance Skill DMG. For this, Resonators like Zhezhi, Taoqi, and Lumi are on the top list for Carlotta teammates in Wuthering Waves.

Wuthering Waves: Carlotta Ascension Materials
Prepare the following materials to immediately maximize Carlotta in Wuthering Waves.
Carlotta + Zhezhi + Shorekeeper
Carlotta is a Glacio unit that heavily depends on her Resonance Skill in Wuthering Waves. Her Forte Circuit and Resonance Liberation state that their DMG is considered Resonance Skill. For that, pairing her with Zhezhi in Wuthering Waves is only logical. Zhezhi has the ability to enhance both Carlotta’s Glacio DMG and Resonance Skill DMG in addition to all her own coordinated off-field DMG. If that wasn’t enough, Zhezhi also regenerates Carlotta’s energy when casting her Outro Skill, which is amazing for Carlotta’s kit.
On the other hand, the Shorekeeper also carries a lot of DMG and Crit buffs for the entire team. Of course, putting a perfect pair in this Carlotta team in Wuthering Waves means the best healer and Support should also be on the team. Both Zhezhi and Shorekeeper don’t take much field time, which allows Carlotta to stay active longer. When Carlotta takes the field and starts dealing DMG with her combos, she will trigger Zhezhi’s coordinated attacks while taking advantage of both Zhezhi and Shorekeeper’s buffs.
Switch Shorekeeper with Verina or Baizhi if she’s unavailable.
Team Roles
- Carlotta: Main DPS
- Zhezhi: Sub-DPS, buffer, battery
- Shorekeeper: Support, healer, buffer
Carlotta + Taoqi + Yangyang
If you don’t have Zhezhi and want to build a team for Carlotta in Wuthering Waves, you can always go for an F2P team. For the Sub-DPS or Hybrid role, you always need a character who offers a big buff for Carlotta, at least with their Outro Skill. Since Carlotta relies on her Resonance Skill to deal DMG, it’s best to team her with Taoqi or Lumi since both 4-star characters can grant her 38% extra Resonance Skill DMG. Taoqi leans more into the Supportive role with her shields and kit. On the other hand, Lumi takes slightly longer field time but can offer more DPS to the team on top of an S6 Sequence that buffs Carlotta’s ATK% by 20%.
Since both Taoqi and Lumi might suffer with energy, add Yangyang who has a battery Outro Skill in Wuthering Waves. She has a fast rotation and can grant them enough energy to cast their Resonance Liberation. This will help them finish their rotations faster and grant Carlotta the buff she needs. Not only that, but Carlotta also might need energy, and you can switch the rotation by using Yangyang’s Outro to make sure Carlotta is ready, then switch back and forth between Taoqi and Carlotta. Alternatively, use Baizhi for more sustain.
Team Roles
- Carlotta: Main DPS
- Taoqi: Support, shielder, buffer
- Yangyang: Sub-DPS, battery, CC
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