What Gears Tactics Could Mean for Gears of War: E-Day’s Story

What Gears Tactics Could Mean for Gears of War: E-Day's Story


  • Ukkon, the scientist behind the Locust Horde, may play a central role in E-Day’s story.
  • Players might encounter Gabriel Diaz, protagonist of Gears Tactics, during E-Day’s events.
  • E-Day’s narrative could show the COG transitioning to martial law after the Locust invasion.

Gears of War: E-Day is already set up to be one of the most memorable Gears of War experiences ever made, as it prepares to take players back to the fateful Emergence Day event, when the Locust Horde first invaded Sera and pushed humanity to the brink of extinction. While there are plenty of things that can be assumed about Gears of War: E-Day‘s story, since the events of Emergence Day are so pivotal to the overarching narrative of the series, another game in the franchise might help shed light on some specifics that general knowledge might not be able to account for.

Since Gears Tactics takes place only one year after the events of Gears of War: E-Day, it could be a sign of what’s to come for E-Day‘s narrative, including what Easter eggs players might find in the story and how the two games might connect. Whether it’s a potentially central role for Ukkon in Gears of War: E-Day, a possible cameo from Gabriel Diaz, or the Coalition of Ordered Governments‘ (COG) transition to martial law, there are plenty of ways Gears Tactics could influence what fans eventually see play out in Gears of War: E-Day.


Gears of War: E-Day Should Inspire The Coalition to Join an Industry Trend

Now that Gears of War: E-Day is finally taking players to the event that started it all, The Coalition should move on to a growing industry trend.

How Gears Tactics Might Influence Gears of War: E-Day’s Story

Ukkon Could Be Central to Gears of War: E-Day’s Plot

One of the aspects of Gears Tactics that is perhaps more likely to make its way into Gears of War: E-Day is Ukkon, the primary antagonist of Gears Tactics. While Ukkon is ultimately defeated in Gears Tactics, he very well could be one of the driving forces behind the events of Gears of War: E-Day, given his history. As the lead scientist of the Locust Horde and the architect behind the Locust’s war beasts, his creations would have been a significant contributor to the initial assault on Sera during Emergence Day. As such, players are likely to see Ukkon at some point during Gears of War: E-Day, and perhaps even engage in an unbeatable combat scenario with him.

Players Might Encounter Gabriel Diaz During Gears of War: E-Day’s Story

Since Gears Tactics‘ story is led by protagonist Gabriel Diaz, the father of Gears 5‘s Kate Diaz, it’s possible the character will also make an appearance in Gears of War: E-Day. Gabriel Diaz was an active member of the COG military during Emergence Day, so it would only make sense if his character were to appear at some point during Gears of War: E-Day‘s story, even if his appearance only amounted to a brief cameo. As such, it might behoove fans who plan to play Gears of War: E-Day to play Gears Tactics ahead of the former’s release in order to get a better idea of who Gabriel Diaz is and his experiences ahead of E-Day‘s events.

There is no record of Gabriel Diaz ever encountering Marcus Fenix or Dominic Santiago, but Gears of War: E-Day‘s prequel status gives it some narrative liberties other games in the series don’t have.

Gears of War: E-Day Might Show the COG’s Transition to Martial Law

While it’s expected that Gears of War: E-Day‘s earliest moments into the Locust Horde invasion will see the COG military moving quickly to keep the threat under control, there is more than enough reason to believe that E-Day‘s story could see the COG begin to transition to martial law. Around one year after Emergence Day, during the time period of Gears Tactics, the COG enacted the Fortification Act, which placed all COG-controlled territories on the planet Sera under strict military control. Since the COG took over only a year after the events of Emergence Day, players may see this beginning to take place during Gears of War: E-Day‘s story.

Given the closeness of Gears Tactics‘ setting to Gears of War: E-Day‘s, it would only make sense for there to be some distinct connections between the two. The most likely connection seems to be Ukkon, the Locust scientist, but it’s possible players might also cross paths with Gears Tactics‘ Gabriel Diaz and even see the COG slowly transition into martial law. In any case, Gears of War: E-Day seems primed to offer Gears fans and newcomers alike an unforgettable experience.

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