Tips For Setting The Best Prices In TCG Card Shop Simulator

Tips For Setting The Best Prices In TCG Card Shop Simulator


  • Price items to the nearest round number for easier transactions and faster service.
  • Check price fluctuations daily to ensure items are priced accurately.
  • Use the 10% rule to set prices slightly above market value for good profit and quick sales.

Pricing items reasonably will help players make more money in TCG Card Shop Simulator. The balance between too cheap and too expensive is a fine line. Luckily, there are a few things that players can do to help ensure that both the customers are happy and that the player is making a decent profit in the process.


TCG Card Shop Simulator: All Card Rarities Explained

Opening packs and collecting cards is a massive part of TCG Card Shop Simulator. Here are all the card rarities that are available in the game.

Since prices fluctuate, it can be difficult to keep prices in line with the market value. That said, after a while, players will begin to get the hang of how prices work, and they can even do things that directly influence a card’s value. Here’s how to manage prices in the game.

Updated January 1, 2025 by Benjamin Joe: Since this piece was written, TCG Card Shop Simulator has had several updates that have introduced lots of new mechanics to the game. These new additions have made it easier for players to manage their prices in-store. Customers can now trade cards with the player. This can lead to some healthy profits.

Not only that but staff members can now be assigned to pricing duty. They will make sure that all prices are kept in line with a certain margin, helping to maximize the amount of money the player will make each day. This article update will add those new features to the list.


Best Pricing Practice During The Early Stages

Keep Things Simple Early On

Setting A Price In TCG Card Simulator
  • Price Items To The Nearest Round Number Early On

When starting out, the player will be the store’s only employee. Therefore, they will need to do everything themselves, including stocking shelves, ordering stock, pricing items, and working the register. Eventually, players will be able to hire some employees, but during the early stages, things can get chaotic.



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To make things easier, try to price items to the nearest round number. It’s not always possible to do this, but try to price things so that they end in either a zero or a five. This will make it easier to give out change, as the player won’t need to sift through a bunch of coins. Serving customers fast is not only great for making money, but it also frees up some time that the player can use to complete some of the other tasks required to keep the store running.


Check Price Fluctuation Before Opening The Store

Avoid Making Costly Mistakes

Closed Store In TCG Card Shop Simulator
  • Keep An Eye On The Market To Stay In line WIth The Price Trends

The price of every item that the player can sell in their shop will fluctuate. The value of some items can be directly impacted by the player holding card tournaments. But, outside of that, things will change almost at random on a regular basis.

To avoid charging too much or too little for an item, it’s worth spending a few minutes at the start of each day checking market values. Since time is paused until the player opens the store, they can take all the time they need to change prices. The ones to watch out for are the individual cards, as these cards can change in value very quickly.


Assign A Staff Member To Check Shelf Prices

Automate Some Of The Price Checking

An Employee Changing Prices In TCG Card Shop Simulator
  • Having A Member Of Staff Managing Prices Can Prevent The Player From Accidentally Charging Too Much Or Too Little For Products

While players should still check prices each day, it is now possible to assign staff members to check and change prices. The player can select the price percentage that they’d like to apply to their products and then their staff members will walk around continuously checking and changing the prices. Unfortunately, this isn’t a particularly fast process. However, having an extra pair of hands helping out with price checking can help to ensure that nothing is missed.


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If an item goes down in value and the player doesn’t catch it, then it may result in them missing out on a few sales. Since the staff members will walk around all day checking prices, the player will make more money in the long run.


Trade With Customers & Find Good Deals For Reselling

Buy Low And Sell High

Customer Trading In TCG Card Shop Simulator
  • Get A More Accurate Value On Single Cards

A recent update introduced customer trading to the game. This is a great way of collecting new and interesting cards. However, this feature gives players a bit more of an insight as to how much customers are willing to pay for single cards. Since card values fluctuate regularly, it can be difficult to find a price balance. Customer trading gives players a real-time value on what a particular customer is willing to take on any particular trade.

For the most part, players can net themselves a bargain while trading with customers. Then, these cards can be resold for an inflated price, allowing the player to make quite a lot of profit from a single quick trade. One thing that newer players should remember when it comes to customer trading is that customers will only wait for 60 in-game minutes before leaving the store. However, if the player speaks to the customer and selects the “let me think” option, then the customer will wait in the store until the end of the day. Doing this can be helpful if the player doesn’t have enough cash for a trade. Unfortunately, this will prevent other customers from approaching the register for another trade. So, only do this when absolutely necessary.


Run Specific Events To Boost Card Prices

Select The Right Tournament

Customers Playing Cards
  • Influence The Prices Via Tournaments

Once the player has purchased some card tables, they will be able to run tournaments, which directly impact the value of certain card types. If the player interacts with a card table, they will be able to see what tournament they are running, along with all the effects on card prices.

This can be very handy for those players who have an abundance of a particular card type. While these tournaments won’t have a huge effect on prices, they can help make players a few dollars richer each day.


Keep An Eye On What Sells

Invest In The Right Items

TCG Card Single Sales
  • Buy Plenty Of Top-Selling Products

As the player levels up, they’ll unlock more licenses that they can purchase. While having a variety of products to sell is crucial, not everything will sell. When unlocking new items, it’s worth buying only a couple of boxes the first time around. That way, if a product doesn’t sell very well, the player won’t be sitting on dozens of boxes in their storage area.

Be sure to read through the stats at the end of each day to get an idea of what is selling and what is not doing so well. For the most part, card packs and individual cards are the best-selling items. Things like figurines and other non-card items tend not to sell as fast. Sometimes, it’s best to accept a loss and move on to other products.

Players should also consider investing in some of the larger shelving options. The larger shelves hold more stock. This means that customers are more likely to purchase more items than normal. Also, players are less likely to run out of stock if there are more items on each shelf.


Listen To The Customers

Customers Will Talk As They Shop

An Unhappy Customer In TCG Card Shop Simulator
  • Customers Will Voice Their Thoughts. It’s Important To Listen To Them

As customers walk around the store, they might make some comments. The comments will vary from compliments about prices to complaints about bad-smelling customers. It’s important to pay attention to these little comments, as they are hints, telling the player that they need to make some changes.

For example, if a customer says that a product is too costly, consider reducing it. If a customer talks about what a bargain something is, maybe increase the price a little bit. It can be hard to find a good middle ground, but by listening to the customers, players can optimize their stores.

Thanks to a recent update, customers can now leave reviews that players can read via an app on their phones. This app is a great tool for pricing items. If the customer feels that the prices are far too high, then they’ll leave a negative review alongside a comment about the item that they believe is too expensive. Players should take a few minutes each day just to check out the reviews to ensure that customers are pleased with the prices.


The 10% Rule

Ideal For The Late Game

Pricing A Bottle of Cleanser
  • Mark Prices At 10% Above The Market Value For Good Profit And Quick Sales

The 10% rule is pretty simple. Once the player has someone fast working the register, it’s a good idea to price things 10% above the market value. Not only is this good for sales, but it will also naturally change alongside any price changes. By selecting the +10% value feature, prices will stay in line with the market, preventing the player from selling things too cheaply or for too much.

This doesn’t work with all items, so it’s important to be vigilant. Try to experiment with the 10% rule to see what items sell the best. Also, if the player hires a slow person at the till, selling things at odd prices can slow things down. If a customer has to wait in line for a long time, then they aren’t going to be happy.


Early Access Release

September 15, 2024


OPNeon Games

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