How To Disable Anti Air Zone In Palworld

How To Disable Anti Air Zone In Palworld

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In Palworld, every island comes with its own dangers. These threats can range from the resident Pals to hostile human NPCs belonging to various organizations. Additionally, some islands have extreme climates, whether freezing or scorching, which prevent you from exploring unprepared.


Palworld: How To Get To Feybreak Island

Here’s how to find and get to Feybreak Island in Palworld.

As a result, even if you have a Pal capable of flying, you can’t freely enter any island at will. One of the islands you should avoid if you’re low-level and unprepared is Feybreak Island. The anti-aircraft countermeasures on this island can make things even more difficult, especially if you’re flying over it. In this guide, we’ll cover how to disable these threats.

How To Disable Anti-Air Zone

The player gets a warning when he enters the anti aircraft misille's range in Palworld.

Feybreak Island in Palworld is a dangerous place filled with powerful Pals, but the presence of these dangerous creatures makes it even more enticing. Despite the allure, the island is home to Pal’s over level 50, along with threats like Feybreak Warriors, which create significant risks.

The greatest threat on Feybreak Island is the anti-aircraft missiles. Flying is the fastest way to travel between islands, but if you plan to fly over Feybreak Island, you’ll receive a ‘Entering Anti-Air Zone’ warning.

The player is approaching the Feybreak Island from the sea while mounting an Azurobe in Palworld.

If you continue flying after receiving this warning, your Pal will be shot down within seconds, incapacitated, and you will share the same fate. When you die, everything you’re carrying will fall where you died, which can become a difficult situation if you’re carrying important items.

The first thing you should know about Feybreak Island is that you should definitely come with a swimming Pal instead of a flying one. This way, the anti-aircraft missiles won’t shoot at you. Once on the island, you can mount a fast-moving Pal to get around quickly.

The player is looking at the anti misille launcher while he rides on a Gildane in Palworld.

However, you’ll still want to locate the anti-aircraft missiles. Randomly wandering to find them is difficult. To spot one, briefly mount a flying Pal. Just make sure not to stay on too long, as it could lead to death.

When you mount your flying Pal, you’ll see red arrow indicators pointing to the location of the anti-aircraft missiles. Heading toward these arrows will lead you to a massive anti-aircraft missile.

The player is hacking the anti aircraft missile in Palworld.

The area around these missiles will be surrounded by members of the Feybreak Warriors organization, who are hostile. Some of them, like the Feybreak Berserker, are particularly dangerous with rocket launchers. If your gear is not strong enough, they can easily defeat you. It’s best to approach quietly and send your powerful Pals ahead to deal with them.

After taking care of the Feybreak Warriors, all that’s left is to interact with the device at the base of the anti-aircraft missile and hack it. This will render the missile permanently inactive.

Additionally, like with enemy camp locations, there will be a captured Pal in the area of the anti-aircraft missile. By rescuing it, you can capture a Pal without using a sphere.

All Anti-Aircraft Missile Locations

The custom markers are showing the locations of the anti aircraft misilles in Palworld.

Remember, since there are numerous anti-aircraft missiles on Feybreak Island, it will be beneficial to disable all of them in order to safely fly around the island. The table below lists the locations of all the anti-aircraft missiles:


Map Image


-862, -914

An orange circle shows the location of an anti aircraft misille no 1 in Palworld

Southwest of the Scorched Ashland fast travel point.

-974, -1060

An orange circle shows the location of an anti aircraft misille no 2 in Palworld

South of the Shield Dragon Tunnel fast travel point.

-771, -1140

An orange circle shows the location of an anti aircraft misille no 3 in Palworld

Northwest of the Emberstone Plateau fast travel point.

-848, -1306

An orange circle shows the location of an anti aircraft misille no 4 in Palworld

Far northeast of the Loess Plains fast travel point.

-948, -1252

An orange circle shows the location of an anti aircraft misille no 5 in Palworld

East of the Hidden Passage to the Oculus Gate fast travel point.

-979, -1454

An orange circle shows the location of an anti aircraft misille no 6 in Palworld

West of the Loess Plains fast travel point.

-1085, -1435

An orange circle shows the location of an anti aircraft misille no 7 in Palworld

Northeast of the Oculus Gate, Tower in the Sight fast travel point.

-1210, -1317

An orange circle shows the location of an anti aircraft misille no 8 in Palworld

South of the Scorched Hill fast travel point.

-1134, -1219

An orange circle shows the location of an anti aircraft misille no 9 in Palworld

Northeast of the Scorched Hill fast travel point.

-1138, -1391

An orange circle shows the location of an anti aircraft misille no 10 in Palworld

Very close to the west of the Oculus Gate, Tower in the Sighfast travel point, located at the base of the large circular structure.

-1123, -1523

An orange circle shows the location of an anti aircraft misille no 11 in Palworld

Far south of the Oculus Gate, Tower in the Sight fast travel point.

-1110, -1643

An orange circle shows the location of an anti aircraft misille no 12 in Palworld

East of the Feybreak Tower Entrance fast travel point.

-1224, -1622

An orange circle shows the location of an anti aircraft misille no 13 in Palworld

Northeast of the Feybreak Tower Entrance fast travel point.

-1361, -1631

An orange circle shows the location of an anti aircraft misille no 14 in Palworld

Northwest of the Feybreak Tower Entrance fast travel point.

-1368, -1468

An orange circle shows the location of an anti aircraft misille no 15 in Palworld

Slightly east of the Feybreak Tower Entrance fast travel point.

-1266, -1444

An orange circle shows the location of an anti aircraft misille no 16 in Palworld

Slightly east of the Feybreak Tower Entrance fast travel point, in an open field surrounded by purple-colored terrain.

-1336, -1107

An orange circle shows the location of an anti aircraft misille no 17 in Palworld

Southeast of the Deserted Ash Plateau fast travel point.

-1145, -1004

An orange circle shows the location of an anti aircraft misille no 18 in Palworld

Far west of the Shield Dragon Tunnel fast travel point.

-1239, -811

An orange circle shows the location of an anti aircraft misille no 19 in Palworld

Far northwest of the Shield Dragon Tunnel fast travel point.

-995, -853

An orange circle shows the location of an anti aircraft misille no 20 in Palworld

North of the Shield Dragon Tunnel fast travel point.

-609, -1144

An orange circle shows the location of an anti aircraft misille no 21 in Palworld

Northeast of the Emberstone Plateau fast travel point.

-710, -931

An orange circle shows the location of an anti aircraft misille no 22 in Palworld

Southeast of the Scorched Island fast travel point.


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