How To Beat The Tusk Thumper Doma Boss In Warframe

How To Beat The Tusk Thumper Doma Boss In Warframe
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In the Plains of Eidolon in Warframe, bosses called Tusk Thumpers can spawn. These bosses are valuable for their drops and are tough, heavily armoured machines roaming the grasslands. Out of these, variations can sometimes appear, Tusk Thumper Doma being the toughest one of them all.


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Here, we will outline where you can expect to find them, which strategies make grinding them easier, and how to fight them efficiently. Be wary that this will take some preparations first, and quite a lot of time since even with a strategy ready, these bosses can take a while to beat.

Where To Find A Tusk Thumper Doma

A Tusk Thumper Doma in the Plains of Eidolon, in Warframe

Tusk Thumper Domas are the toughest, but also the rarest variations of the regular Tusk Thumper; they spawn on the Plains of Eidolon only during the daytime, and have a total health pool of 100,000 HP. Tusk Thumpers have set spawn locations across the map, most of which are around Seaside Ruin and Hek’s Stiletto, though they can rarely be seen around Hillside Ruin and other parts of the Plains.

When spawning, Tusk Thumpers can be replaced by the Doma variation if the area is at a higher level of difficulty (which depends on whether we’re free-roaming or doing a bounty). This means we can increase our chances of spawning them.

Tusk Thumper Doma Spawning Strategy

Before entering the Plains, first, take up a Bounty of the highest available level; this can be done by talking to Konzu, and selecting Bounties; the very last one is the highest level one.

After taking up the Bounty, we’re going to ignore its objectives; the Bounty will improve every enemy in the area to a higher level, which means that we have now the best chances to spot a Tusk Thumper Doma.

Following this, patrolling the area between Seaside Ruin and Hek’s Stilleto can yield us the fastest results – when a Tusk Thumper spawns, it will have a good chance to be a Doma. You can tell which variation it is by the name above the health bar.

How To Beat A Tusk Thumper Doma

Hitting the Tusk Thumper on its knee is the only way to damage it in Warframe.

First off, we recommend taking a weapon that has unlimited ammo, such as a Fulmin. This boss is a bullet sponge, so it will take a very long time to take out.

Like every Tusk Thumper, this boss is invulnerable on most of its body; you can damage the cannons, but this will only briefly disable themand it doesn’t reduce its health bar at all. The only point where you can damage it is on its legs. It has armor on its knees which can be blown off, exposing the only area where it can be damaged consistently.

It has four legs, each with a piece of armor on it, and the health bar represents the cumulative HP of each of its legs, so each one has about 25,000 HP. Taking out one of the legs means it can’t take any more damage there, so you’ll need to move on to the next leg.

These hitboxes can be reached with a melee weapon, if barely. If you don’t have ammo left, or if your primary and secondary weapons aren’t very strong, this is an option, though you will struggle a fair bit as it isn’t designed to be taken on with such a weapon; meaning its hard to reach properly

The Tusk Thumper Doma, performing its signature shockwave attack, in Warframe.

It has a few attacks, along with the cannon which is shooting constantly. It can jump and slam down on the ground, charge forward in a straight line, and its signature move is a shockwave it sends out underneath it, stunning players. All of these moves are just there to disorient, their damage is mostly negligible.

When it’s at half health, it will call in Tusk Seeker Drones and reinforcements to help it in the fight, so you’ll need to take care of them whilst fighting as well. The strategy here is to remove any distractions and focus on pouring all your damage into the knees until it’s over.

Once it’s dead, it will explode into loot which you can then pick up and extract, leaving behind the Bounty altogether. You can then restart the Bounty if you didn’t get the loot you’d like, and reenter the Plains to look for another one.

Tusk Thumper Doma Loot

A defeated Tusk Thumper Doma, and the list of loot which you can expect from it in Warframe.

The Tusk Thumper Doma has a chance to drop any Plains of Eidolon exclusive loot; this includes fish, animal parts, ore, and gems.

The only exclusive loot to Tusk Thumper Doma, and Bull, is the blueprint for the Korrudo – a pair of Sparring gloves that deal massive damage at the cost of attack speed, and the Doma has the highest chance of dropping these at five percent.


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