How To Beat Nihil In Warframe

How To Beat Nihil In Warframe

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Orokin are the highest lifeforms in Warframe, and as they ruled the universe and built the Warframes, a couple of outliers have made their names known within the universe and the story at large. Nihil carries such a name as the executioner of the Orokin, carrying out glassing operations on beings they deem as criminals.


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Nihil is also one you’ll be able to meet and fight in his specialized boss fight. The steps you’ll need to take aren’t outlined, so we’ve taken it upon ourselves to guide you to him and give you tips along the way. First, let’s explain how you can find him.

How To Find Nihil

The Nihil's Oubliette in the Cred Offerings from the Nightwave battlepass of Warframe.

From the Nightwave Cred Offerings, there are two items you’ll need to start this fight, both of which cost 60 Creds; The first is Nihil’s Oubliette, and the second is a key called Enter Nihil’s Oubliette.

Creds can be obtained by doing daily and weekly Acts, missions for the Nightwave battlepass, and in turn, advancing through the battlepass. Generally, every five levels or so, you will be awarded a small sum of 50 Creds, apart from the first level where you get 150 Creds. The Nightwave Cred Offerings rotate weekly, so you’ll need to keep an eye out.

If you’d rather not grind the battle pass, you can also dip your hands into trading – both items are tradeable, so if you’ve got Platinum to spare, you can trade with other players for them.

The Nihil's Oubliette, viewed in the Orbiter, ready for the Nihil boss fight to commence in Warframe.

Nihil’s Oubliette is a decorative item, so upon purchasing it, you must place it in your Orbiter. Then, you can Tap it to go through his dialogue, where he speaks of his return.

Enter Nihil’s Oubliette is the key item here, though, as you need it for the boss fight to become available to you. Upon interacting with the Oubliette now, it will ask you if you’d like to enter the fight – so, when you’re ready, Tap the Oubliette. The key will be consumed, but you can only have one in your inventory, and you’ll have to consume the one you have now to get another one.

The Fight With Nihil

The fight with Nihil, the Glassmaker, in Warframe.

Once you’re in, you’ll be facing Nihil in an exclusive arena. All of your weapons and abilities won’t be available, so you won’t need to prepare any gear. The arena consists of floating platforms surround Nihil himself, and floating crystals that circle around the edge.

Nihil’s Attacks

Nihil, preparing to do a large sweeping attack in Warframe.

First off, there are three attacks Nihil can do. One is a projectile attack, where he shoots it out of his forehead directly at you. This attack slows you down to a stop, making it easier for his other moves to hit you, so be careful.

The other two are attacks where he swings his sword, Vitrica, at you. There is a sweep attack, which you can jump over, and an overhead slam, which destroys the platforms it hits. Both of these attacks are one-shot kills, no matter how strong you are, and so you’ll need to be wary of which platforms are left, to know which you can escape to.

If you’ve dodged the projectile attack in such a way that it lands on the platform you’re standing on, it will get lodged into it. Now’s your chance to counterattack.

How To Beat Him

Throwing a projectile at Nihil to damage him when he's vulnerable in Warframe.

Using the projectiles lodged into the ground, you can shoot down the crystals floating around the arena. There is one correct crystal to look out for – it’s completely clear, while the rest are tinted red. Shooting the red crystals means the attack fails.

The projectiles you shoot will be a lot slower than the ones he does, so try to shoot “ahead” of where the crystals are to hit them.

Once you’ve got the right crystal down, he becomes vulnerable to direct attacks; so the next few projectiles that get lodged are your ticket to beating him, shoot them right at him.

It takes three hits for him to become invulnerable again, and fewer platforms will be around for you to jump to, making the fight harder as it goes on. When he does become invulnerable again, you’re going to be looking for that clear crystal again to make him vulnerable. This will happen three times during the fight in total.

In the last phase, he will look tired, but don’t let this confuse you – he is now capable of teleporting around the arena, and attacks just as hard as before. Once you’ve got the last hit on him, he perishes, and the fight ends.

Rewards From The Nihil Fight

Nihil suffering defeat, ending his fight in Warframe.

Once you’ve beaten him for the first time, you’ll receive a blueprint for his weapon in your inbox, the Vitrica. It requires Mastery Rank 13 to wield and is quite a hefty craft requiring 15 Orokin Cells among other materials.

You will also receive a random Riven Mod, from the following table:



Melee Riven Mod

35 percent

Pistol Riven Mod

25 percent

Rifle Riven Mod

25 percent

Shotgun Riven Mod

8 percent

Kitgun Riven Mod

3.5 percent

Zaw Riven Mod

3.5 percent


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