Black Ops 6 Players Want Major Change to This Game Mode

Black Ops 6 Players Want Major Change to This Game Mode


  • Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 players want Treyarch to reduce the size of dog tags in Kill Confirmed.
  • Kill Confirmed requires players to collect dog tags from eliminated enemies, but some believe the size of the dog tags is “intrusive.”
  • A new post on Reddit compares dog tags in Black Ops 2 and Black Ops 6, with the former being drastically smaller and lower to the ground.

Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 players call for developer Treyarch Studios to make dog tags in Kill Confirmed drastically smaller as they are “too large” and “intrusive,” according to various community members. Kill Confirmed has been a popular game mode ever since its introduction in 2011’s Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 and remains much-loved in the most recent entry, Call of Duty: Black Ops 6​​​​​, but players still believe it needs this one major change.

While Kill Confirmed is a popular game mode in the Call of Duty community, it isn’t the only one receiving some flack from players. Since the launch of the latest Call of Duty title, Black Ops 6‘s Free-for-All mode has been broken, sparking outrage in the community. Usually, the objective of Free-for-All is simple: the first player to reach a score of 30 is crowned the winner. Unfortunately, due to Black Ops 6 classifying assists as eliminations, players are reaching a score of 30 and not even placing in the top three.


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Call of Duty players are now calling for a major Black Ops 6 update to address one of the most frustrating issues in Kill Confirmed: intrusive dog tags. In a new post on Reddit, user Willfan8 said Kill Confirmed dog tags are “too big,” before showing a side-by-side comparison of the same mode in Black Ops 2 and Black Ops 6, both of which are developed by Treyarch Studios. The comparison shows a night and day difference between the size of dog tags, with Black Ops 2‘s being significantly smaller and lower to the ground, whereas Black Ops 6‘s are large enough to keep an enemy completely hidden from the player.

Other Black Ops 6 players also aren’t happy with the size of dog tags in Kill Confirmed. Reddit user Ifitfitsitshipz said they “don’t like that they float up,” before stating that dog tags should be on the ground so that they don’t block the player’s view. Others, such as Ponchorello7, said that they have been killed “one too many times” because they were running to collect a dog tag, only to be eliminated by an enemy that was hiding behind the unnecessarily large dog tag.

Although there are clearly plenty of players who want to see Treyarch make the dog tags smaller, similar to the days of Black Ops 2, others were joking that they aren’t actually big enough because their teammates still don’t collect them. While it’s not a particularly new issue, Black Ops 6 players haven’t been happy with teammates not playing the objective ever since the game launch in October 2024. Kill Confirmed is just one of the many objective-based modes that sees most players completely ignore the objective and opt to grind kills instead, so reducing the size of the dog tags could end up creating an even more frustrating experience for those who actually play the objective.

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