- Enhanced graphics and optimization make Palworld look better, and run smoother.
- The expanded Pal roster offers more creatures, team options, and breeding combinations.
- Improved multiplayer features like co-op and raids enhance player experience.
Palworld has been a controversial game ever since it was announced a few years earlier. And though many players are not satisfied with some of the recent changes to the game, there are several aspects in which the game has greatly improved since its launch.

This list highlights seven of the main changes the game has suffered since its launch up to the date of writing this article. This selection takes into consideration all the improvements that have enhanced the players’ experience, and why these have positively affected the gameplay.
Enhanced Graphics And Optimization
The Game Looks Better Than Ever
- Before: The game looked great, but still needed polishing.
- After: Better graphics, better effects.Expanded biomes that invite players to explore it all.
With its first big expansion Sakurajima, Pocket Pair did a visual overhaul of the game, greatly improving scenario design, climate effects, particles, and lighting. But ever since its release, the game has seen considerable visual updates, with each of the biomes showcasing vibrant colors and detailed assets that have been polished to the point of exhaustion.
The game now feels more immersive, despite its cartoonish anime style. The improvements in creature animations, rigging, and meshes make Pals move (and feel) more natural, as truly part of the environment. The optimization that came with the visual upgrades also makes the game run way better than when it was released.
Expanded Pal Roster
The Base Game Had Lots Of Creatures, Now There Are Even More
- Before: The Paldex was sufficient, but still needed an extra boost.
- After: More pals equals more fun.Better team composition and breeding options.
Ever since its launch, Palworld has expanded its already big roster of fantastical creatures, adding new fan favorites like Tarantriss, Knocklem, and Nyafia. But there are more of them, and even a greater number coming since Pocket Pair plans to constantly update the amount of new creatures introduced to the game’s ever-expanding world.
The positive aspect of this constant Paldex renewal is that players have gained access to even more Team Composition options, more Pals to work in their bases, and even more combinations to its already huge breeding system.
Improved Multiplayer Features
Co-op Used To Be A Mess, Now It Works Seamlessly
- Before: Crashes, bugs, data loss.
- After: The multiplayer sessions are way more stable and no more data loss.
Pocket Pair did a great job at refining Palworld‘s multiplayer features, with better and more engaging group activities to enjoy with friends, like Raids and Co-Op Dungeons, and also fixing a lot of the technical difficulties that were making connections between players’ unstable and persistent world save data vanish. The improvement of the Guild systems also seems to be a big plus for players who enjoy having fun with friends.

Palworld: 6 Pals You Should Not Sell
There are some Pals found in Palworld who may be worth a lot of gold, but are even more valuable when they’re put to work in the correct way.
Now, cooperative action feels seamless and even building a dreamy base together is possible, as long as the players don’t mod the game too hard, since putting too many structures over the building limit cap can still cause some connectivity issues between players.
Rebalanced Combat System
Pal Battles Are More Strategic, Especially During Raids
- Before: The combat was fun, but felt a little too spammy.
- After: Combat is more dynamic and fun.
One of the best changes introduced to the game ever since its release is a rebalancing of its combat system that has greatly improved the way players interact with their pals during battle, as well as the animation speed of mounting/dismounting, making the combat feel more vibrant, fluid, and action-packed.
AI has been significantly overhauled, making strategic thinking during battles a must-have to overcome the end-game challenges such as Raids, the last Bosses (especially Saya and Seline, Sakurajima’s tower boss), and high-level dungeons. Combat is now more rewarding for the players and much more fun.
More And Better Crafting
The Pal Sphere Production Factory Is Now Operating Full Speed
- Before: Unlocking certain recipes was harder than necessary.
- After: Players get access to better tech earlier, making leveling and crafting more rewarding.
Another big plus among all the improvements introduced to Palworld is an overhaul to its crafting system. Some of the unlockables from the Paltech tree have been made available earlier during the adventure (like the Breeding Farm and the Incubator) which has consistently improved the players’ experience and encouraged them to build more and better bases suited for breeding and/or production of certain items.
So, the promise of having a production line functioning at full speed while players work as overseers of these poor creatures is also a reality, since Pocket Pair has introduced various methods to “motivate,” Pals to work harder and faster. The building has been consistently overhauled for the same purpose, as players now can get really creative with their base building, providing greater freedom to adapt construction to their needs.
Expanded Story And World-Building
Palpagos Islands Look More Alive Than Ever
- Before: The main story ended abruptly and without closure.
- After: The game’s ever-expanding lore invites players to fill the gaps by exploring and facing more challenging enemies.
The greatest advantage of Palworld’s map has always been its potential for expansion, since it is an archipelago, that means Pocket Pair can always add more islands without affecting too much the overall structure of the base world. This means a constantly evolving storyline and deeper world-building than what was made obvious at first glance.

Palworld’s Terraria Crossover Weapon is Perfectly Ridiculous
Palworld’s newly added Terraria weapon, the Meowmere Sword, is the perfect companion for its overall absurdity and bizarre tone.
With its second expansion, Feybreak, the game feels even more alive, offering players a sense of purpose, and even more reasons to engage in Palworld’s thrilling main storyline.
Quality-Of-Life Updates
Constant Fixing Is The Way To Go
- Before: The game suffered from the typical Early-Access issues (bugs, crashes, etc).
- After: Nearly fully optimized, and runs smoother than ever.
There’s an old saying: little by little, you can go far and wide; Palworld’s devs seem to take this to heart and have been tirelessly working on constant QoL improvements that have been dropped in the game, sometimes through little patches here and there, and the bigger ones through the Sakurajima and Feybreak DLCs.
These updates are an excellent way to make Palworld more accessible, optimized, and consequently enjoyable for the players. The game has fairly reduced the rejection factor caused by crashes and bugs, and became a paradise for those who enjoy slow exploration, even though the dynamics of the game are quite fast-paced.
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