- A glitched item was acquired by a Pokemon Gold and Silver player in Goldenrod City by talking with an NPC.
- The item is a Mystery Gift glitch in Pokemon Gold and Silver that is harmless but fascinating.
- The item can be safely discarded in a couple of different ways.
One Pokemon Gold player recently acquired a “strange” item after talking to an NPC in Goldenrod City, something normally not found in-game, but they received thanks to some glitches. Pokemon Gold and its sister game Silver are the sequels to the original Pokemon Red and Blue games on the Game Boy, taking fans out of the Kanto region to the brand-new world of Johto. Gold and Silver are considered a step up from the original games, thanks to a wider selection of Pokemon and the new region’s features.
The second generation specifically had a number of new items for players to use. Pokemon Gold and Silver introduced Held Items, which has been a staple mechanic of the franchise ever since. However, not everything in Gold and Silver is spotless or glitch-free. Like Red and Blue before it, Gold and Silver have a number of oddities and programming quirks, which apply not only to the original Game Boy Color cartridges but also Nintendo 3DS Virtual Console releases. One fan recently encountered one of these glitches, specifically with a strange item they acquired in Goldenrod City

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User NecessaryMastodon229 recently posted on the r/pokemon subreddit about how they were playing Pokemon Gold to get a full living dex for Pokemon Home. They went to the second floor of the Goldenrod Pokemon Center, trading between Pokemon Gold and Silver with their spouse when they saw an NPC behind the counter. Having never seen this NPC before, they talked to him, and received a generic message about how they were supposed to give them an item. After that, they ended up with a ? item in their bag, which had a quantity of one and couldn’t be used, but it could be registered to the select button.
The ? Item in Pokemon Gold and Silver Explained
More knowledgeable fans pointed out that this was a glitched Mystery Gift item in Pokemon Gold and Silver. Normally, that specific NPC is responsible for giving them to the player when they are eligible. Since the Mystery Gift’s data is saved in the save file, there are rare occasions when the game crashes, corrupting the Mystery Gift data so that it believes the player can pick up this item, assigning it to the item with ID 00. Item ID 00 is a glitched item that has no use in-game.
As such, this is a fairly harmless Pokemon Gold and Silver glitch. Players can can safely get rid of it by tossing it away or by giving it to a Pokemon as a held item, which makes it disappear. While glitches in Pokemon are still prevalent, this is one of many that can occur in Gold and Silver that is fascinating to see in action.
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