Players Mock Sony About Concord After Announcement it Will Continue to Focus on Live-Service Titles

Players Mock Sony About Concord After Announcement it Will Continue to Focus on Live-Service Titles
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CrimsonWing6920d ago (Edited 20d ago )

Is it not in the same genre!? If a game does it better, why in the hell wouldn’t you compare it to say, “this is how it’s done!”

Look, it’s simple, really. Cut with the ugly character designs, quit treating people like kids with censorship, tone it down on the preaching, and see how well your game sells.

It’s so weird, with all this talk about inclusiveness and tolerance, it ironically feels like they’re really saying they want sh*t to be exclusive to them, anything that “they” don’t want isn’t tolerated in the game. Where really true inclusivity should “include” what audiences want from both camps.

I swear, if they did that instead of trying to scrub everything away, we wouldn’t be in nearly half the bullsh*t we’re wading through now. It’s as simple as that.

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