Next Year, I Promise I Will Play A Different Character In Dragon Age: Origins

Next Year, I Promise I Will Play A Different Character In Dragon Age: Origins
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Armaggedon55d ago (Edited 55d ago )

What I liked about dragon age has always been the lore. Origins introduced concepts, but they didn’t really start toying with it until dragon age 2. Veilguard still has the lore and sense of mystery for me, but it also has the combat. I am more of martial arts kind of player. Games like Devil may cry, wo long fallen dyansty sekiro, or fighting games are what Im usually playing if I am not playing an rpg. I usually like role playing a super strong warrior, which this game lets you do, and it lets me concentrate on my specific character. One of the things keeping me from playing Baldurs Gate 3 offline is the fact that I have no choice but to control all of my team members. For me, that takes me out of the role playing experience when I am a gallant knight that has to always use a mage or rogue in combat. It was alot better playing with friends though.

For a game to be “good” for a player, it has to have a hook, and veilguard has several things that hook me in from combat, loot, to lore, and even the characters. Some games just dont have a popular hook that rakes in alot of people, so I always understand if someone doesnt like a specific experience. But when people start saying things are trash, thats when I say it gets borderline disrespectful.

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