The campaign and Operations for Space Marine 2 have a few unique weapons that Titus and the Ultramarines can use. While there isn’t anything wildly different, there are a few upgraded versions of the basic weapons such as the Multi-Melta
and the Bolter with a Grenade Launcher attachment.
Most of these missions will have players facing large hordes of enemies, making a grenade launcher a great tool on top of your already existing grenades. This Bolter does act a little differently than others but is well worth picking up because of the Grenade Launcher; here’s how to use it.
Updated On December 30th By Joshua Leeds: Weapons with Grenade Launchers are very powerful options, but only some weapons can get the attachment. This article has been updated to include a list of which weapons offer a Grenade Launcher when playing in Operations, along with updated information on where to get more grenades in a mission that was changed with a recent update.

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How To Use The Grenade Launcher In Space Marine 2
The Grenade Launcher is an attachment only found on the Bolt Rifle With Grenade Launcher. To use the Grenade Launcher, aim down the sites then press the right joystick on console and the mouse wheel on PC. If you have changed your controls, this is the same button that allows you to zoom in while aiming. Pressing the button will have Titus angle the gun and the reticle will change, switching to the Grenade Launcher.
While in the Grenade Launcher mode, you can only fire the grenades and will need to press the same button again to go back to regular Bolter shots. These grenades are slightly weaker than a Frag Grenade, though they will make short work of any Gaunts nearby. The Grenade Launcher fires at a slight arc that will need to be adjusted for at a distance, and fires grenades that are separate from your usual supply of grenades.
Even though some variants of the Bolt Rifle have a scope, you can’t zoom in with it and instead have the grenade launcher. The Grenade Launcher starts out with five grenades, and luckily getting more is very easy. When playing in Operations, you’ll get the maximum amount of Grenades that variant of the gun can carry when you start the mission.

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How To Get More Grenade Launcher Grenades In Space Marine 2
Since the Grenade Launcher fires different grenades than those you usually pick up, all you need to do to get more is refill your ammo at:
While originally ammo caches also gave Grenade Launcher Grenades, a later update to the game limited them to only being received from Ammo Boxes to limit the number found in the game.
When getting more ammo from ammo boxes, you’ll see that you now also get, “Aux. Grenades”, which are the ones fired from the Grenade Launcher. Even just an ammo box will give you back 3 Aux. Grenades, make it very easy to use the Grenade Launcher often and overall a great weapon when dealing with large swarms in the campaign, especially gargoyles attacking an Antenna.
Which Weapons Have Grenade Launchers In Space Marine 2
At the time of writing, only the Tactical Class has access to the basic Bolt Rifle, which is the only weapon that can be equipped with a Grenade Launcher. These can be found randomly throughout the campaign, but when playing operations it is limited to only the Tactical Class. You’ll need to upgrade the Bolt Rifle with Armory Data and aim for the following types of Bolt Rifle:
Each of these versions of the Bolt Rifle has slightly lower stats, but it’s important to acknowledge the Grenade Launcher when deciding which variant to use, even though the Grenade Launcher’s stats don’t appear in the stats menu along the left side of the screen when selecting your weapon type. There is a variant of the Bolt Rifle with a Grenade Launcher in each rarity, so if you choose you can have a Grenade Launcher all the way up to max level when playing as Tactical.
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