How To Find Intercom Tower Safe Code

How To Find Intercom Tower Safe Code

Players who explore The Zone in Stalker 2: Heart of Chornobyl will come across some locked safes in open-world locations that require a combination to open. In some scenarios, the combination is usually lying around on a PDA or a note, but finding the code for the Intercom Tower safe is a little tough. This is because the safe code isn’t nearby, located a little farther from the location. Let’s check out how you can the code for the Intercom Tower safe.



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The code for the Intercom Tower safe can be found towards the west of the Cement Factory base in Stalker 2. Players will need to head towards the location marked on the map to arrive at a canal. Keep heading left to reach a small patch of broken cement with a body of Pvt. Kryvoshapko lying in the corner.

You’ll need to loot the body of the soldier to get a PDA with the code-safe puzzle solution inside it. Examining the Safe Code Puzzle note on the PDA from the Pvt’s comrade, players will get to know the first five numbers of the safe code with the last digit being missing from the combination.

The author of the notes mentions that they’re heading out to visit the four corners of the world, and if the reader can’t figure out the last digit, it’s on them. This is the hint to the last digit of the combination, and the complete Intercom Tower safe code becomes 030794.

Opening the safe will reward players with some consumable items, including a GP-25 grenade launcher attachment for the AKM assault rifle.

Players can find the Intercom Tower safe in the Cement Factory region of Stalker 2. The Intercom Tower location isn’t explicitly marked on your map unless you’re close to it.

Once you reach the location, you’ll spot a brick building to the left of the entrance gate. You’ll need to make your way inside the building and go towards the other end of it to find the Intercom Tower safe. Now, follow the instructions in the previous section to find the combination for it and enjoy the rewards it holds.

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