Find Lefty And Blizzard’s Group In Black Sheep Side Mission

Find Lefty And Blizzard's Group In Black Sheep Side Mission
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After reaching the STC Malachite base in the Malachite region of STALKER 2: Heart of Chornobyl, players will meet Dr. Viktoria, a scientist who’s also a trader for the base. She’ll request Skif to investigate two missing expedition groups that were led by Lefty and Blizzard, who never returned from their mission. Agreeing to her request will start the first instance of the “Black Sheep” side mission. Here is how to complete this mission.



Stalker 2: How To Get The Eye Artifact

Players can get the Eye artifact in Stalker 2: Heart of Chornobyl by simply sharing the directions to the Clear Sky Base, here’s how to get it.

Locating and Rescuing Blizzard from Bloodsucker

After accepting the request from Dr. Viktoria and starting the Black Sheep side quest in STALKER 2, players can first head toward Blizzard’s location in the Chemical Plant region. Once you’re close to Zhenya Blizzard, you’ll hear Skif’s radio fire up with Blizzard asking for assistance.

Upon reaching Blizzard’s location, you’ll see him getting attacked by a Bloodsucker. Although eliminating a Bloodsucker isn’t that hard, make sure to get its attention first by shooting once on the body. Once the Bloodsucker diverts its attention to Skif, take it down immediately, making sure Blizzard doesn’t catch any bullets.

Once the mutant is down, Blizzard will thank Skif and also give him some Coupons as a reward.

Finding Lefty’s Group & Recovering Data

Now heading north from Blizzard’s location will take you to an abandoned compound with Lefty’s group inside a building. Heading into the building, you’ll soon discover that there aren’t any survivors and Lefty’s group has been zombified.

After taking out all the zombified enemies, loot Lefty’s body to retrieve a Flash Drive. After that, exit the building and head around it to the pier to download the information from the scientist’s apparatus into the flash drive. Once this is done, head back to STC Malachite to report back to Dr. Viktoria.

Returning to Dr. Viktoria at STC Malachite

Returning to Dr. Viktoria Black Sheep Stalker 2

Reaching the STC Malachite, head to Dr. Viktoria to complete the Black Sheep side mission in STALKER 2. You’ll need to individually report the findings of your investigation, starting with informing her about how you’ve saved Blizzard from getting mauled by a Bloodsucker. She’ll be glad about it and reward Skif with 2,429 Coupons.

Next, tell her about the tragic fate of the Lefty’s group and hand the Flash Drive over to her. She’ll appreciate Skif’s efforts to retrieve the drive and data within it, right before rewarding him with 4,589 Coupons.

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