Every Available Trade In Pokemon FireRed & LeafGreen

Every Available Trade In Pokemon FireRed & LeafGreen
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At this point, Pokemon Red & Blue — the first set in the series — have technically been remade twice, though 2018’s Let’s Go Pikachu & Eevee are a fairly dramatic re-imagining. 2004’s Pokemon FireRed & LeafGreen, the franchise’s first crack at revisiting an earlier era, hem far closer to the source material.


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Pokemon FireRed & LeafGreen have thus enjoyed nearly two decades’ worth of warm reception, as in many ways they remain the definitive way to replay the classic adventure of young Red throughout Kanto. Most NPC in-game trades reflect what was found in the 1995 Game Boy versions.

Abra For Mr. Mime

Pokemon FRLG Mr Mime

Unless you’ve got a real-life friend around who is also replaying either FireRed or LeafGreen, the only way to acquire a rare Mr. Mime is by trading an Abra to a Trainer NPC inside their house on Route 2. Their residence is located right beside Diglett’s Cave, so you’d be hard-pressed to miss the place.

Just note that you can’t get there until you have the Cut HM, as you’ll need to slash a few trees to reach your destination. The Trainer, whose name the trade reveals to be Reyley, will give you his Mr. Mime nicknamed Mimien.

Abra can be an elusive bugger, what with its high tendency to flee by way of the Teleport move. If you fail to find one, there’s also the Rocket Game Corner to purchase one outright.

Nidoran For Nidoran

Pokemon FRLG Nidoran Trade

The Kanto Pokedex, as Pokemon’s first, doesn’t have many oddities to it. One of the few is the fact that Nidoran comes in two evolutionary lines; Nidoran (Male) and Nidoran (Female) each appear in one version of Red & Blue (and thus, FireRed & LeafGreen) but not the other.

This fact could stall plenty of players most unfortunately from being able to complete their Pokedexes, but thankfully, Game Freak was kind enough to provide an in-game separate in-game trades for each.

It’s impossible to miss the building on Route 5 if you use Fly, as you are deposited directly in front of it.

Head in, and you’ll find Saige. Depending on which version you have, he will either hand you a scrappy young Mr. Nido (Male) or an equally scrappy Ms Nido ( Female).

Nidorina For Nidorino

Pokemon FRLG Nidorino

Similar to the above trade, players will be offered a chance to trade for Nidoran’s second evolutionary form. If they are in FireRed, then the trade will be a Nidoran for a Nidorina, and in LeafGreen, they will be asked for a Nidorina for a Nidorino.

To make this trade, head to the top of the building connecting Route 11 to the city and head to the upper room. Youngster Turner will part ways with Nido or Nida. As you can see, Kantoans aren’t the most creative at naming their pals.

Slowbro/Golduck For Lickitung

Pokemon FRLG Lickitung

This is another trade that has been slightly altered from the original games. Depending on the version you’re playing, you will have to evolve a different Water-type Pokemon.

This is the only way to acquire Lickitung in the game, making it a must for the completionist.

If they are playing LeafGreen, then they will need to trade a Slowbro. For FireRed; gamers will need to trade a Golduck.



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For this trade, visit the upper floor of the connecting gate on Route 18. Trainer Haden will send over Marc, which we suppose is as good a name for a Lickitung as anything.

Poliwhirl For Jynx

Pokemon FRLG Trade Poliwhirl

The next trade involves the Ice-type Pokemon Jynx. Catch a Poliwhirl via a Good (or Super) Rod and hike or fly yourself back to Cerulean City, entering the residence to the immediate left of the Pokemon Center.

An elderly man named Dontae willingly parts ways with his Jynx, named Zynx, because why not.

Spearow For Farfetch’d

Pokemon FRLG Dux Trade

A lass named Elyssa has a Farfetch’d named Ch’Ding, and she’s happy to part ways with Dux for life if it means getting her hands on a Spearow. Specifically, your Spearow. There are tons of Spearow across Kanto, so this won’t prove difficult.

Look for Elyssa in her house in Vermilion City.

Ponyta For Seel

Pokemon FRLG Seel Ponyta

There’s honestly not a ton of rationale for completing this trade. Both the Ponyta to pony up and the Seel you’ll earn for doing so can be found on or near Cinnabar Island, which is where you’ll chat with a scientist named Garett at Cinnabar Lab.

But who are we to judge? At least you’ll be making this two-line NPC happy, presumably forever. Garett’s Seel is named Seelor. Naturally.

Raichu For Electrode

Pokemon FLRG Raichu Trade

This trade will require trainers to capture a Pikachu and then buy a Thunderstone to force it to evolve. Once they do, they will be able to trade their Raichu for an Electrode on Cinnabar Island.

Like with Ponyta, you will need to visit the lab to find the trainer.

Keep in mind that you can get Electrode pretty easily in Pokemon FireRed & LeafGreen. Although it’s a cool little surprise to find not one but two trader NPCs in the same building, these folks are also two-for-two on tepid deals.

Clifton will send over Esphere. Probably the coolest name on the list?

Venonat For Tangela

Pokemon FRLG Trade

Oh, did we say two trades in the Cinnabar Lab? Surprise, surprise. There are a whopping three. This time trainers will need to have caught a Venonat. Your prize, Tangela, is hardly rare.

But hey, at least this one holds a Stardust that can be sold for some decent cash.

Tangeny will be sent to you swiftly.


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