Ever since the original novels and the films rose to popularity, everyone has imagined wielding a wand just like Harry Potter. Well, with the movies being mega-blockbusters, video game tie-ins were inevitable. As a result, there have been seemingly endless amounts of Harry Potter games.
Hogwarts Legacy attracted a lot of attention as it seemed to be the Harry Potter game that everyone had been waiting for, and Avalanche’s RPG debuted to largely positive reviews. However, the franchise has produced plenty of games over the years, some of which are far better than others. Let’s take a look at the best Harry Potter games.
Updated December 30, 2024 by Mark Sammut: Multiplayer games are always changing, both in terms of content and viability. Now that Harry Potter: Quidditch Champions has been out for a few months, it has become clearer whether it will remain a fixture of the online scene or not. Consequently, the game’s section has been updated.
Wonderbook: Books Of Spells
An Interesting & Magical Concept With Little Replayvalue
Ah, the Wonderbook, Sony’s somewhat interesting but largely puzzling attempt to bring augmented reality to the PS3. The peripheral spawned exactly four games: Book of Spells, Diggs Nightcrawler, Walking with Dinosaurs, and Book of Potions. The first and last entries are tied to Harry Potter, although they are set in the Wizarding World universe rather than direct adaptations of the movies. They allow players to learn how to cast spells and brew potions, with each one coming with a little stage play that shows its origins.

Harry Potter: 11 Most Underappreciated Characters
These amazing Harry Potter characters don’t get the credit they deserve when it comes to making a difference in the Wizarding World.
Book of Spells is cute. The presentation is charming, and the backstories are well done for the most part. That said, it is not much of a game, nor is it particularly fun. It is the type of experience that die-hard Harry Potter might enjoy for an hour or two, only to never think about again. Still, the technology was kind of cool for the era, even if Sony did not do much with it. Book of Spells represents the Wonderbook at its best; however, there is no reason to pick up this release nowadays.
Harry Potter And The Half-Blood Prince
Immersive Presentation Of Hogwarts
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
- Released
June 30, 2009
- Developer(s)
EA Bright Light
- How Long To Beat
5 Hours
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince was initially released in June 2009 and built upon the Order of the Phoenix‘s free-roaming and dueling features. The game is fondly remembered for including an excellent interpretation of the Marauder’s Map and for letting players cast numerous spells around the school.
The game is one of the most popular Harry Potter releases to revisit, given that it was the last movie tie-in game to let players freely explore Hogwarts. However, Half-Blood Prince‘s Hogwarts is very similar to the version found in Order of the Phoenix, so it is not particularly exciting to explore if someone has played the previous game. While not a bad title, Half-Blood Prince can come across as half-baked, which is a criticism of many of the final few movie adaptations. The quick turnaround for these projects limited their potential to an extent.
Harry Potter And The Goblet of Fire
Streamlined But Enjoyable
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
- Released
November 8, 2005
- Developer(s)
- How Long To Beat
7 Hours
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire made the divisive decision of not letting players freely explore Hogwarts, a beloved feature of the previous games that had been key to their success. Instead, Goblet of Fire offered a series of action-oriented levels.
This decision results in a less spectacular and immersive overall experience, albeit one that has arguably superior minute-to-minute gameplay than most of its predecessors. Goblet of Fire‘s seamless couch co-op is one of its better features, and the visuals were pretty good for its era.
Harry Potter And The Order Of The Phoenix
For Its Era, Contained An Impressive Rendition Of Hogwarts
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
- Released
June 25, 2007
- Developer(s)
EA Bright Light
- How Long To Beat
9 Hours
Although many people grew to enjoy the change of direction in Goblet of Fire, EA decided to return to the gameplay formula from the previous tie-in games where players could freely explore the wizarding castle of Hogwarts. The game expands on the game’s exploration elements by implementing side quests and “discovery points” to reward those who tried to fully explore the school grounds.

Harry Potter: The 5 Worst Things Dumbledore Has Done
There can be no denying that Dumbledore was an amazing man, but some of the things he did in the Harry Potter books and movies were downright devious.
Along with a return to free-roaming, Order of the Phoenix also introduces a new dueling system that adds welcome depth to the series’ combat. While nothing amazing, Order of the Phoenix was a solid return to old-school roots following the divisive Goblet of Fire.
Harry Potter: Quidditch World Cup
Simple Arcade Fun
Harry Potter: Quidditch World Cup
- Released
October 28, 2003
- How Long To Beat
10 Hours
Harry Potter: Quidditch World Cup is not just a great Harry Potter game, but also a very enjoyable sports game in its own right. The game of Quidditch is an exciting one and translates surprisingly well into video game form. Some may prefer the hyperrealism of FIFA or Madden, but those looking for something a bit more magical can definitely find it here.
The game controls well and still looks pretty decent despite being nearly two decades old. It even has commentary for certain matches and a story mode to link everything together in a fairly cohesive fashion. The computer AI doesn’t provide the greatest challenge though, so it’s better when played with a friend. Also, the GBA version is terrible.
Harry Potter: Quidditch Champions
A Proper Magical Sports Game…That Might Be On Borrowed Time
- Released
September 3, 2024
- Developer(s)
Unbroken Studios
Harry Potter: Quidditch Champions is kind of difficult to properly rank, mostly because the multiplayer community has dropped off a cliff since the game’s launch. As of the end of 2024, Quidditch Champions‘ Steam player count is sitting at roughly 120 average users, a hugely disappointing number for a project that debuted only about four months earlier. In November 2024, Quidditch Champions entered season 1, an event that saw the introduction of the highly coveted 6v6 ranked mode. Unfortunately, this update might have come a bit too late as it did not seem to result in much of a boost, at least on Steam.
Due to its unpredictable nature, Quidditch Champions cannot be wholeheartedly recommended for its multiplayer since there is no guarantee that online matches will be easy to come by in a few months. Consequently, let’s focus on the single-player content, just because that is a fixture. Is Quidditch Champions worth buying to play solo? Honestly, not really.

Harry Potter – Quidditch Champions: Best Early Game Skills
The skills that players choose matters in Quidditch Champions, and these are the best ones to get early on.
The game includes a single-player campaign that challenges players to complete three cups, giving them access to a plethora of teams along the way. The story is largely non-existent, and the AI does not begin to provide a challenge until the highest difficulty level. As such, this mode will likely only keep somebody entertained for a few hours at most.
Just to be clear, Quidditch Champions offers a respectable interpretation of the fictional sport, comfortably the best in gaming. Die-hard fans will likely get a kick out of mastering the different roles (four, all of which play pretty differently), and the graphics are pretty good. There just is not too much here beyond the online portion, which is volatile.
The Sorcerer’s Stone (PC Version)
An Admirable First Attempt
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone
- Released
November 15, 2001
- Developer
KnowWonder, Argonaut, Warthog, Griptonite, Eurocom, Westlake Interactive
- How Long To Beat
6 Hours
For any Harry Potter fan wanting to get into the games, it is best to start here. However, only play the PC version; the console version is a sluggish downgrade in every aspect. From learning new spells, collecting every Flavor Beans, and solving puzzles, The Sorcerer’s Stone is an addictive Legend of Zelda-esque game. Just be ready for some awkward voice acting and character models, although even those elements have their charm.
The Sorcerer’s Stone certainly shows its age all these years later, and it is a bit too easy for its own good. Nevertheless, it deserves praise for being a respectable first attempt to adapt Harry Potter into video game form.
Harry Potter: Magic Awakened
A Well-Done Card Game That Fits The Harry Potter Universe
Harry Potter: Magic Awakened
A few years after debuting in China and Taiwan, Harry Potter: Magic Awakened finally made its way to the rest of the world, and the 2023 release is a more-than-decent mobile game that comes packed with neat Easter eggs and references that die-hard fans are likely to appreciate. Set after the events of the books (and movies), players step into the shoes of a new student who finds themselves attending Hogwarts. The still-developing story gradually goes through the protagonist’s years at school, and while not extremely focused or engaging, it successfully moves things along.

Harry Potter: Magic Awakened – Echo Tier List, Best Picks For PvP And PvE Explored
This Echo tier list for Harry Potter: Magic Awakened explores the best picks for the Dueling Club’s PvP or the Forbidden Forest’s PvE.
Magic Awakened blends a few different genres and ideas together. The game prioritizes multiplayer goodness, both in the form of co-op and PvP. The latter comes in the form of duels built upon a card-based combat system that works quite well, and these fights are generally strategic and exciting. Players construct decks featuring all sorts of Harry Potter spells and lore. Outside of battles, players can explore Hogwarts and its surrounding areas while taking on quests, many of which are fairly run-of-the-mill. As a free-to-play gacha game, Magic Awakened is obviously monetized, but non-paying players can still have fun.
Harry Potter And The Prisoner Of Azkaban
Builds Nicely On Its Predecessors’ Foundations
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
- Released
May 25, 2004
- Developer(s)
, Griptonite Games
, Electronic Arts - How Long To Beat
8 Hours
The original trilogy of EA games reached the absolute peak of perfection. It couldn’t possibly get better than Chamber of Secrets, but, surprisingly, The Prisoner of Azkaban came very close to eclipsing its predecessor. Rather than just playing as Harry, the player could control all three main heroes, including Ron and Hermione.
This allowed for more puzzle-solving as some characters had specific spells and abilities. Prisoner of Azkaban also features an impressively live and expansive open map of Hogwarts, at least by the standards of the era (and it holds up well too). Buckbeak is ridable, there’s more to collect, and the main missions are a blast. The entire original trilogy of games deserve remakes.
Harry Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets
The Most “Nostalgic” Entry, But Chamber Of Secrets Is A Blast Even Without that Element
Harry Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets
- Released
November 15, 2002
- Developer(s)
, Eurocom
, Argonaut Games
, KnowWonder
, Griptonite Games - How Long To Beat
8 hours
Chamber of Secrets does what any game sequel should do: it takes everything great about the first, expands upon it, and does everything better. From fighting Aragog the spider to solving puzzles in the castle, Chamber of Secrets is simply better in every way.
The sequel expands on many ideas from its predecessor, including recreating Hogwarts and Diagon Alley. While it cannot be compared to more recent Harry Potter projects, Chamber of Secrets‘ scale is quite impressive, and its rendition of Hogwarts is among the franchise’s best when its release period is taken into account. The campaign also has quite a lot of optional content, allowing for a meatier overall experience.
LEGO Harry Potter Collection
Just An Endlessly Charming Trip Through Harry Potter’s Journey
LEGO Harry Potter Collection
- Released
October 18, 2016
- Developer(s)
Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment
- How Long To Beat
30 Hours
Why settle for one of the LEGO games when there’s an option for both combined? LEGO Harry Potter Collection is like most LEGO games; tons of stud collecting, puzzles, and fun missions. In many ways, they are very similar to the early EA Harry Potter games.
So, for every LEGO games fan or Harry Potter fan, Collection is the perfect addition to the library of games. The Harry Potter-specific mechanics are well done, the LEGO depiction of the Wizarding World is beautiful, and, as usual, the jokes are hilarious. Plus, it goes through all seven years of Harry Potter in one game without feeling rushed.
Hogwarts Legacy
While Not Flawless, This Is The Most Complete Harry Potter Game Out There
- Released
February 10, 2023
- How Long To Beat
26 Hours
Hogwarts Legacy is undoubtedly the top contender for the best Harry Potter game ever, even if the game’s shine has dulled a bit since its debut. Just to be clear, Avalanche’s project offers by far the most breathtaking and enchanting depiction of Hogwarts, and it is arguably the first game to capture the setting’s magic. Set roughly a century before the events of the books, the story does a decent job of fleshing out the universe’s lore, all the while stepping back and allowing fans to role-play as wizards and witches without too much interference. The game’s opening few hours are not only its strongest, but arguably the most memorable in the Harry Potter video game franchise.

Hogwarts Legacy: 15 Best Mods For Immersion
These Hogwarts Legacy mods are perfect for making the open-world Harry Potter game even more immersive.
However, the rest of the experience is not flawless. While flashy and stylish, the combat gets repetitive after a few hours. Except for Hogwarts and a handful of other areas, the open-world leaves something to be desired and lacks personality. Considering it sold extremely well, a sequel is likely only a matter of time, and Avalanche has created a great base to build upon. If the side content, combat, and larger world are diversified, Hogwarts Legacy 2 will easily be the greatest Harry Potter game of all time.

Hogwarts Legacy: Best Outfits, Ranked
Hogwarts Legacy allows players to find the perfect outfit to help them on their journey, and these are some of the best options to pick from.
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