I agree.
But even if T2 had their next trailer ready atm, there’s no way I’d excpect either Xbox nor Playstation be allowed to put GTA6 into a simple trailer montage right now for a 2025 outlook – even with only the use of a snippet from their last trailer.
I’d be even surprised if T2 will show something new at TGA tommorrow, but it would be a bit, just a bit more imaginable.
And yes, I agree.
If Microsoft offered them a marketing deal, I’d imagine the cheque would/should be much higher than Playstation’s pitch.
Microsoft could easily afford a billions of dollar high cheque to get GTA6 into GP, or to get a marketing deal.
Then again:
Microsoft themselves weren’t even ready to put CoD in GP with a discounted subscription fee.
Two weeks before CoD’s release, they had ended the existing discounted deal again.
I don’t think people at Microsoft are THAT happy with the performance of Gamepass. They know and see that there are still many people out there who just don’t want “free” games or a subscription that in reality is a double-payment.
In the end, I personally can’t see GTA6 entering GP. T2 will stick to their decision. If anything, maybe a marketing deal.
But there would be no other benefit for T2 except a huge cheque, since it’s highly likely that by the time GTA6 is being released, PS5’s install base will already be sitting at ~75m-80m units sold, while Series won’t have even crossed that 35m milestone yet.
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