- Batman has acquired god-like abilities across the Multiverse, from using the Anti-Life Equation to Green Lantern powers.
- Evil versions of Batman, like The Devastator and The Batman Who Laughs, are powerful foes to superheroes.
- The God of Knowledge Batman, wielding immense power and intellect, becomes one of the strongest versions of the Dark Knight.
When it comes to being tactical, there’s no better character than Batman. Yet, Batman throughout the DC Multiverse isn’t just limited to his strategies. Besides being the best detective on the planet, some versions of Bruce Wayne have acquired God-like abilities. From wielding the anti-life equation to manipulating the powers of the Green Lantern ring, the billionaire has done it all.

DC: Most Powerful Evil Versions Of Batman
Batman may be a beloved superhero in the main universe of DC Comics, but the Multiverse often holds sinister antics for the Caped Crusader.
So, when it comes to combining sheer strength and intellect, Bruce Wayne does it effortlessly. On top of that, being one of the darker DC vigilantes, Batman has gone rogue many times. And, all these evil variants are powerful enough to take on the mightiest Superheroes. That said, be it evil or good, here are the strongest versions of Batman to exist throughout the multiverse.
Updated on December 29, 2024, by C.M Edwards: Batman remains one of the most famous superheros to ever exist, with dozens of iterations that spread across comic books, animation, and even anime as of recently. Batman has stood the test of time and changed writers multiple times, which has added to his mythos for over seventy years. The Caped Crusader could be considered the backbone of comics, showing just how far a man in a suit can go. The many versions of Batman continue to grow as DC Comics grows more creative, as the most recent version of Batman has received high praise in the Absolute universe. The alternate universe, parallel worlds, and Elseworld sagas all change the Dark Knight. Here are more of the strongest versions of Batman.
The Broken
Cold, Unfeeling, Technology
- First Appearance: Tales Of The Dark Multiverse – Batman: Knightfall #1
In the main DC Comics continuity, during the Knightfall event, Batman was retired as Gotham’s protector and replaced by Azrael, aka. John Paul Valley. After an encounter with Bane, Batman was left immobile and was forced to hang up the cape and cowl. Chosen as his successor, Azrael took over duties as Batman along with Robin, aka. Tim Drake.
Unfortunately, Azrael grew merciless and cold, forcing Bruce Wayne out of retirement to put an end to John Paul Valley’s reign of terror. However, in an alternate universe, Bruce Wayne lost the fight against Azrael and is killed. Many years later he would return to reclaim his city after melding his body with high-tech nanites and becoming Gotham City itself. This Batman is a terrifying foe to all criminals as he is an invincible mesh of man and technology.
Batman Of Zurr En Arhh
A Backup Plan For The Backup Plan
- First Appearance: Batman #113 (1958)
Zur-En-Arhh Batman was originally an alien form of the Dark Knight from Planet X. Over the years the character has been reshaped and rewritten to fit the modern narrative. Now, this version of the Caped Crusader has become a mental failsafe for Bruce Wayne should his mind come under mental attack. In such a situation, Zurr-En-Arhh Batman will take control and fight in his stead.
Zurr-En-Arhh Batman is a much more violent version of Bruce Wayne. One could say he is lacking a conscience and doing whatever it takes to get the job done. Zurr-En-Arhh Batman isn’t afraid of collateral damage, putting lives at stake, or killing.
Gods And Monsters Batman
A Vampire-Like Superhero
- First Appearance: Gods And Monsters Chronicles Episode 1 “Twisted”
In a dark and twisted alternate world, the Justice League is made up of very different heroes. Wonder Woman is a New God from New Genesis, Superman is the son of Zod, and Batman is Kirk Langstrom.

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Having been infected and transformed into a nocturnal half-man-half-bat hybrid after trying to cure his own cancer, Langstrom became a decrepit creature who needed blood to survive. It wasn’t until Superman found him that he began patrolling the streets as Batman. Gifted with super strength, flight, and regeneration, he is a much more powerful version of Batman.
Dark Claw
What If Batman Was Infused With Adamantium?
- First Appearance: Marvel Vs. DC #3
In the 90s, the DC and Marvel universes merged, creating the amalgam universe. In it, there were a ton of popular characters that merged and transformed into evolved forms. Through this combination, Dark Claw was born. Better known as Logan Wayne, Dark Claw combines Marvel’s beloved Wolverine and DC’s Dark Knight.
This version of Batman went through the same childhood trauma as every other variant. However, later on, his skeleton gets infused with adamantium through the Weapon X program. Combining the power of an unbreakable skeleton, razor-sharp claws, and multiple combat skills, this mutant became a beast. In New Gotham City, Dark Claw serves as the judge, jury, and executioner.
The Devastator
Combining Doomsday With Batman
- First Appearance: Dark Days: The Casting #1 (2017)
The DC Dark Multiverse is home to many wicked characters. Among them, is an abomination that was created due to Superman going rogue. Corrupted by the dark forces, Superman is no longer the savior of Earth in this reality. In fact, in this timeline, Superman goes all-out evil and kills Lois Lane. In a desperate attempt to match the Kryptonian’s strength, Batman injects himself with the Doomsday virus, giving birth to The Devastator.
Combining the strength of Doomsday with the intellectual prowess of Bruce Wayne, this becomes Batman’s only chance of going against Superman. With his newly acquired Kryptonian abilities, he becomes one of the strongest versions of The Dark Knight. However, that comes with the cost of his humanity. As the virus mutates, Bruce slowly turns into a monster rather than a hero.
The Batman Who Laughs
Batman Turned Into His Arch-Nemesis
- First Appearance: Dark Days: The Casting #1
Another part of the Dark Multiverse, the Batman who laughs, originates from Earth -22. In it, Bruce lets go of his infamous killing code and murders The Joker. However, in doing so, he initiates the clown’s twisted plan. Batman is consequently infected by a mutagenic gas that turns him into his arch-nemesis. With his brain infected, an atrocity that holds no morality is created.

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The Joker should never be underestimated, and his predictable nature has led to some truly diabolical and strong variants across the DC Multiverse.
This character has no empathy and is not bound by rules. In fact, combining the twisted brain of the Joker with Batman’s plethora of skills, he turns into one of the most terrifying versions of Batman. After going insane, this version of Batman turned on his bat family and murdered them casually. On top of that, the Batman who laughs has been successful in capturing the monitors, defeating Superman, and reshaping the entire universe.
In Brightest Day, In Blackest Night
- First Appearance: Dark Days: The Casting #1
Without a doubt, Batman is one of the greatest inventors in DC. With his armory of different suits, gadgets, and equipment, he can adapt to any kind of threat. That said, when this intellect is combined with the power of the Green Lantern ring, Bruce Wayne becomes simply unstoppable. Dawnbreaker originates from Earth -32, where Bruce discovers the ring at an early age. However, after the death of his parents, he descends into darkness.
Using the ring to get vengeance, Bruce goes down a path of brutality. This contaminates the ring with corruption and turns Dawnbreaker into a creature of darkness. Using the ring, Dawnbreaker can create horrifying constructs out of thin air. That, combined with his ability to instill fear into his enemies, makes this variant terrifying.
Red Death
Batman Infused With The Speed Force
- First Appearance: Dark Days: The Casting #1
Similar to Batman who laughs, Red Death is another member of the Dark Knights. Hailing from Earth-52, this version of Batman went through a massive loss in the face of his infamous sidekick, Robin. Broken down under the realization that he wasn’t fast enough to stop the crime, Bruce fused himself with the Flash and created Red Death.

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Combining the skill set of Batman with the Speed Force, Red Death became the fastest man and greatest detective on the planet. However, corrupted by his dark desires, he gave into the twisted path. With the Speed Force at his fingertips, this version of Batman possesses superhuman speed. On top of that, he can create constructs from the Speed Force to decapitate his enemies, all while retaining his tactical intellect.
Batman Wielding The Anti-Life Equation
- First Appearance: Batman: Last Knight On Earth #1
In a post-apocalyptic future where humanity chooses to side with evil, Batman turns into Omega. Losing his faith in humanity, Omega becomes a tyrant who believes the only way to save humans is to dominate them. So, he does exactly that. In this world, Batman is a conqueror and anyone who dares to go against him gets disintegrated.

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To fulfill his twisted desires, Omega wields the anti-life equation. On top of that, his powerful bat suit can take down the strongest enemies without Bruce having to break a sweat. While this version of Batman is a dictator, his motivations stem from the desire to protect humanity. And, he will go to any means to achieve that.
A Sick Creation Of The Batman Who Laughs
- First Appearance: Dark Nights: Death Metal #1
It should be obvious by now that the Dark Multiverse is a twisted place, hence the name. However, even with so many fusions existing, Batmanhattan is the strongest of them all. Also known as the Final Bruce Wayne, this character is created when Batman who laughs plays another one of his twisted jokes. Trapping Bruce inside an experiment of recreating God-like energy, this weird energy incarnate is born.

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Acquiring all the powers of the mighty Dr. Manhattan, the Final Bruce Wayne becomes one of the strongest beings in all of DC. Superhuman strength, endurance, and flight are just the basics for this version of Batman. If he wants to, he can alter the very fabric of space and time. With omnipresence and the ability to manipulate reality, Batmanhattan was able to battle Perpetua, a god-like being in the DC Universe.
God Of Knowledge
What If Batman Became A God?
- First Appearance: Justice League #42
Talking about fictional Gods, it’s easier to battle them when the match is equal. So, In the hunt to equalize the power of his enemies, Batman ends up becoming the God of Knowledge. During the Darkseid War, humanity is posed by the threat of the Anti-Monitor, one of the highest beings in all of DC. To counter that, Batman sits down on the Mobius Chair and becomes one with the knowledge of the entire universe.
In combination with being one of the greatest strategists on the planet, he now gains absolute knowledge. On top of that, the chair grants him powers of reality manipulation and multiversal travel. Throughout his time, being the God of knowledge, Batman existed as the strongest version of himself throughout the cosmos. And, if any character could handle the burden of knowledge posed by the chair, it would be The Dark Knight.

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