At first glance, the Nikki games appear to be a colorful hyper-feminine dress up extravaganza. You’d never guess that a blood curse divides the land, your girlfriend is hiding clothes around the world for you to find, or that you have to travel back in time to stop yourself from failing to save the world from a demon-possessed teenage fashionista.
While Infinity Nikki doesn’t have a blood curse like the previous games (at least not yet), it does carry the same underlying themes in its narrative structure. Much of the lore is hidden in documents around the open world for you to find, but looking to the past can hint towards where the future will take us.

Infinity Nikki’s Latest Banner Has Me All In On Gacha
Dreamy Glimmer has become Infinity Nikki’s first must-have outfit.
Nikki Is Sapphic By Nature
Nikki likes girls, that much is clear. She’s got every reason to. In a world ruled by fashion and styling contests, it’s only natural that there would be a heightened appreciation for the female form. That’s not to say there aren’t attractive men in Miraland, but they aren’t as good-looking or given as elaborate designs as the women are.
Except Giovanni. We love Giovanni.
Nikki’s most significant relationship in Love Nikki is with Kimi. While nothing is explicitly stated between Nikki and her would-be girlfriend, it’s hard to deny the chemistry between them. Especially when the pair goes on dates and feature in couple-themed events throughout Love Nikki’s run. Momo even comments on Nikki’s feelings towards Kimi in the main campaign, and Kimi prefers Nikki to any of their male companions. Who wouldn’t?
Everyone is in love with Nikki at some point. Whether it’s because of her styling skills, her beauty, her kind heart, or any number of factors, everyone falls head over ten-inch heels for Nikki in Miraland. These relationships between women are wholesome, uplifting, and empower one another to pursue their dreams and ambitions.
In any other game, there’d be complaints of Nikki being too perfect–but she’s not. Historically, she’s not the brightest. Metaphors go over her head, she’s a bit too happy-go-lucky at times, and she sees the good in people to a fault. If not naive, then Nikki is certainly a hopeless romantic.
Momo, surprisingly, is the voice of reason.
With a world mostly dominated by women, the Nikki universe mirrors the Barbie movie’s vibes and amplifies them. Men aren’t put down by society, but there is an emphasis on women and the power they have to shape the world around them. Even dragons, a historically powerful symbol, are romanticized into creative beings known as the Cadenceborn. Rather than breathe fire, they create poetry.
Colorful Clothing Hides Dark Secrets
Vibrant pantsuits and jaw-dropping ballgowns only scratch the surface of Nikki’s world. Every piece of clothing has a story, and only unlocking the full set will reveal the details. Most of these secret narratives feature regional folklore about pining after lost loves or finding hope in a desolate place–which is on brand for Nikki.
Throughout the series, Miraland has rarely been a peaceful place. To keep the world from ending, a god unleashes a blood curse to prevent negative energy from devouring Miraland. With this, anyone who commits an act of violence will suffer great physical trauma. This keeps most people in check, though some still choose to wage war despite the risks.
The most egregious perpetrator is Nidhogg, who murders central characters in pursuit of his ambitions.
One of Nikki’s best friends betrays her and becomes possessed by a vengeful spirit hell-bent on transforming the world into his personal carnival of chaos. Only through the power of friendship does Nikki manage to free her.
Yet it’s all for nought, and Nikki must travel back in time to the beginning of Miraland to start over and prevent the end. It’s all very convoluted and twisted. Even dedicated fans and those familiar with overly-complicated games like Kingdom Hearts have trouble keeping all the details straight.
Since previous games are mobile-exclusive and structured in episodic installments, it’s easy to miss key moments. Thankfully, Infinity Nikki branches out to reach a wider audience while capturing the magic of the originals for long-time fans.
Even Gods Cannot Avoid Death In The Nikkiverse
I wrongly assumed a cursed goddess would be a late-game feature in Infinity Nikki, not part of the opening tutorial. Breaking free from the chains that crucify her in a forgotten temple, she sets the tone early on.
No matter how many flowers you pick or fluffy critters you befriend, the image of the goddess ripping the Heart of Infinity from her chest is seared in the back of your mind. The memory of her being swallowed by the Dark while bestowing a holy mission on Nikki will follow you on every step of your journey.
The Miracle Outfits you seek are more than just pretty dresses; they are remnants of a dead god’s blessings after an age of unimaginable despair. Only they can reveal the truth of what awaits Miraland–a truth not even the fallen gods could uncover.
You’ll spend the first arc of Infinity Nikki exploring this topic and dealing with the aftermath of the religious schism between those who believe god died as a man and those who argue that god turned into a bird and then died. Are the little blue sprites to blame or are the floating scraps of sentient clothing the culprits?
Infinity Takes The Series In A New, Yet Familiar Direction
Infinity Nikki is Nikki’s greatest adventure yet. Though previous games were connected, the newest entry turns over a new leaf. Embracing an open world, Nikki has more freedom than ever. Having defined this installment as an alternate universe, there’s no telling what it has in store.
Though the first act opens strong with a cursed goddess crucified in a temple and unexplained coma incidents sweeping Wishfield, it’s nothing compared to a blood curse or demonic possession. This is only the beginning, however, and the future is as open as my wallet for the new outfits that continue to be added to the ever-growing roster of clothing items.
Many cozy games embrace an ancient civilization, but not in the way that Nikki has so thoroughly entangled itself in the lore. It may seem like a cute and femme fashion adventure, but beneath the surface it’s a critical narrative about the dangers of organized religion and how important female relationships are to the betterment of society. Infinity Nikki’s glamorous aesthetic eases you into the messy reality of a world abandoned by god.

I’m Doing My Next Baldur’s Gate 3 Run As Santa Claus
To get in the holiday spirit, I made jolly ol’ Saint Nick. It was a lot harder than I thought it would be…
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