- Dragoons, often known as lancers or dragon knights, embody aspects of dragons in appearance and combat proficiency.
- Different dragoons in Final Fantasy showcase variations in abilities, weaponry, and character development.
- Dragoons like Kain Highwind and Estinien Varlineau have complex backstories featuring internal conflict and epic battles.
Ever since the dragoon’s introduction in Final Fantasy 4, the lance-wielding, high-jumping dragon knight has been an integral part of Final Fantasy‘s iconography. Despite their impossibly cool looks and moves, there haven’t been too many in the series, which only adds to their mystique.

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This job is also known as the “lancer” or “dragon knight,” and those who take it typically take on aspects of dragons in their dress or weaponry, such as their helm or the fiery shape of their lance’s blade, even occasionally taking a dragon as a mount or pet. These dragoons are ranked in terms of their proficiency as sky fighters and how well they fit the draconic archetype.
Kimahri Ronso – Final Fantasy 10
The Blue-Shaded Copycat Lancer
Given his skillset in Final Fantasy 10, Kimahri arguably falls into the monster-skill-using blue mage job rather than the dragoon. However, his main battle move, lancet, is reminiscent of spear attacks used by dragon knights. A couple of his weapons, including “Highwind” and “Kain’s Lance,” allude to this fact.
In keeping with the shapeshifting blue mage archetype, Kimahri does not have a predetermined path of his own on the sphere grid and acts as a kind of “copy” character. As a dragoon, Kimahri can pull off the jumps, but his lack of specialization in the job drags him down in the pecking order.
Cid Highwind – Final Fantasy 7
The Gritty, Skyborn Mechanic
- Released
January 31, 1997
- OpenCritic Rating
Although there are still a few mythical monsters hanging around in the world of Final Fantasy 7, there are no knights or draconic heroes of old wearing the mantle like in the old days to take them on. The closest thing to a dragoon in this world is Cid, a lance-wielding mechanic with a love for rockets, smokes, and cussing to the seven heavens.

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Cid bears the traditional name of a dragoon (Highwind) and can take to the air with his jump and spear limit break abilities, but besides being able to blow smoke, he does not embody any of the other dragon knight hallmarks. Instead, he typically opts for a profane attitude to life over a mythical one, but that isn’t to say that Cid’s fate does not involve heroism by the end of Final Fantasy 7 and beyond.
Aranea Highwind – Final Fantasy 15
The High-Flying Lancer Of Freedom
- Released
November 9, 2016
- OpenCritic Rating
Final Fantasy 15‘s Aranea Highwind’s edge doesn’t just end at her spear’s tip. However, despite her high rank in the Third Army Corps, she displays a disdainful attitude toward those in power, especially when it goes against her principles and belief that all people should be free to live as they please.
As a dragoon and a leader, Aranea effortlessly commands respect from those around her. As a member of the Army Corps, she is a feared combatant, as shown when she battles the party and briefly joins as a guest member. Although she may not be the most fearsome dragoon in the Final Fantasy series, her attitude about freedom and justice embodies what it means to be a high-flying warrior with the spirit of a dragon.
Freya Crescent – Final Fantasy 9
The Compassionate Dragon Knight With A Tragic Tale
- Released
July 7, 2000
- OpenCritic Rating
Hailing from the city-state of Burmecia, Freya Crescent is Final Fantasy 9‘s resident dragoon. Skilled in combat and wise in life, Freya also shows herself to be kind and merciful. She is driven on a quest to find her lost love, Sir Fratley, in one of Final Fantasy‘s most tragic stories.

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Like other dragon knights, Freya has the ability to jump in the air, avoiding enemy attacks and landing for devastating damage. In her trance form, she just about gains the ability to fly, leveraging several ariel attacks down on her foes. She is also a specialist dragon hunter and is the best party member to call on when facing such fire-breathing monsters.
Kain Highwind – Final Fantasy 4
The Dark Tip Of The Dragoon Spear
- Released
July 19, 1991
- Developer(s)
- OpenCritic Rating
As a lance-wielding warrior clad in dragon-themed armor, Kain Highwind is the quintessential dragoon, establishing the archetype for the series in Final Fantasy 4 (at least for audiences outside of Japan), where he appeared as a side-hopping frienemy of the party. Kain’s abilities allow him to leap high into the air with his jump action, avoiding damage while delivering crushing blows to enemies.
Although the dragoon class first appeared in Final Fantasy 2, Kain’s strong characterization left a strong impression on Final Fantasy fans. Torn between loyalty to his friends and manipulation by Golbez, Kain’s betrayal of Cecil and Rosa stems from internal conflict and unrequited love. This makes his eventual turn around back to the side of light that much more dramatic and impactful.
Dion Lesage – Final Fantasy 16
The Soul Of The Dragon Incarnate
Like many of the characters in Final Fantasy 16, Dion Lesage has a troubled backstory. As the Dominant of Bahamut and the heir of the Holy Empire of Sanbreque (born via murky circumstances), Dion quickly became a renowned soldier among the Imperial Army Dragoons, later leading his own Holy Order of the Knight Dragoons.

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Epic boss fights are one of the highlights of the Final Fantasy franchise, and these remain the most cinematic ones to date.
His command of the Holy Order of Knight Dragoons puts his inheritance into question, but what cannot be put into question is Dion’s prowess on the battlefield or in the sky, in or out of his eikon form. However, his transformation into Bahamut proves to be one of the most destructive acts in the game and once enraged, Bahamut is not easily calmed, not even by one of the most powerful protagonists in Final Fantasy history.
Estinien Varlineau – Final Fantasy 14
The Ultimate Dragoon Lancer
Introduced as something of a side character in Final Fantasy 14, Estinien Varlineau became something of a fan-favorite by the time of the “Heavansward” expansion. Taking aesthetic cues from one of the most iconic dragoons, Cain Highwind, with his gilded scale armor, he brings a personality all of his own (brisk and impossibly cool), befitting a dragon knight.
Initially driven by an ever-burning quest for revenge against a dragon that slew his family, the Azure Dragoon built himself up to become powerful enough to take down the monster near-single-handedly. However, up until and during the Dragonsong War, he would go on to have a complicated relationship with dragons, Nidhogg, and the artifacts his hated enemy left behind following his demise. Despite his aloof and stoic personality, Estinien always rode his spear down against the forces of evil.

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