How To Run An Aerodactyl ex And Marowak ex Deck In Pokemon TCG Pocket

How To Run An Aerodactyl ex And Marowak ex Deck In Pokemon TCG Pocket

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The Mythical Island booster pack adds new Pokemon in Pokemon Trading Card Game Pocket, including the mighty Aerodactyl ex card. Marowak ex and Aerodactyl ex work well together in a Ground deck. While Aerodactyl ex keeps your opponent’s active Pokemon from evolving, you can finish them off with your Marowak ex.


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You also need various support cards to make this deck work in battles.0 The Sabrina card will let you bring the opponent’s Pokemon to the active spot to prevent evolution. You can also mess with the cards they have in hand by using the Hand Scope and Red card. This deck works well against meta decks, especially if their attacking Pokemon requires evolution for damage.

Aerodactyl ex And Marowak ex Decklist

Aerodactyle ex Mythical Island Pokemon TCG Pocket Full Card Art.

The Aerodactyl ex card is a part of the Mythical Island booster pack, and you can get the Cubone and Marowak ex cards from Mewtwo Genetic Apex booster pack. You need two of each card to make your deck more consistent.

Aerodactyl ex and Marowak ex Deck

The Aerodactyl ex card in Pokemon TCG Pocket.

Pokemon Trading Card Game Pocket Marowak ex four diamond card.
Pokemon Trading Card Game Pocket Cubone one diamond card.
Pokemon Trading Card Game Pocket Old Amber one diamond card.

Aerodactyl ex x2

Marowak ex x2

Cubone x2

Old Amber x2

Pokemon Trading Card Game Pocket Sabrina two star card.
Professor's Research, from Pokemon TCG Pocket.
The Potion from Genetic Apex in Pokemon Trading Card Game Pocket.
The X Speed from Genetic Apex in the Pokemon Trading Card Game Pocket.

Sabrina x2

Professor’s Research x2

Potion x2

X Speed x2

Pokemon Trading Card Game Pocket Giovanni two star card.
The Hand Scope Item in Pokemon Pocket.
Red Card from Genetic Apex in Pokemon Trading Card Game Pocket.

Giovanni x2

Hand Scope x1

Red Card x1

You also need to add some support cards to give yourself more room for strategy. For this deck, the most important one is the Sabrina card, as you will often change the opponent’s active Pokemon. You can get it from the Charizard Genetic Apex pack. The Giovanni cards are obtainable from Genetic Apex Mewtwo pack. The rest of the items and support cards can be bought using Shop Tickets.

If you don’t have Marowak ex, you can try running Aerodactyl as a support Pokemon card in other decks that depend on luck for damage. We recommend using it with Exeggutor ex and Celebi ex decks.

Aerodactyl ex And Marowak ex Deck Strategy

Marowak ex Pokemon TCG Pocket Card Art.

The main strategy to focus on while you are using this deck is to stop the opponent’s strongest Pokemon from evolving. While the opponent’s Pokemon are unevolved, you will be able to take them down with Marowak easily even when your coin flips aren’t as consistent. If need be, you can even switch with your Aerodactyl ex to finish the battle.

You can use Professor’s Research to get an Aerodactyl ex card as soon as you can. If you get the card later, things will be much harder to control, and you may end up relying on Marowak ex alone to take down your opponent.

The Marowak ex card is powerful but only if you are getting heads continuously by using its Bonemerang move. You might not be that lucky all the time, so it’s essential to leave your opponent vulnerable by not letting them evolve. The Aerodactyl ex card will prevent your opponent from evolving their active Pokemon. This is a limited skill and doesn’t affect the opponent’s benched Pokemon.

Sabrina Pokemon TCG Pocket Card Art.

You need support cards to cause a setback to your opponent’s strategy. Use your Sabrina card to force the opponent to switch out their active Pokemon. However, if an opponent’s active Pokemon is a strong card, you should prioritize taking it out with your Marowak ex. You don’t want them to prepare the card for attack as both Marowak ew and Aerodactyl ex do not have much HP.

Some of the crucial cards in this deck are the Red Card and the Hand Scope. They are rarely used in most decks, but they are vital for your strategy here. Ideally, it’s best to use a Hand Scope to make sure that the opponent doesn’t have any evolution cards in their hand. If they have some, use the Red Card to shuffle their hand. They may just draw some unuseful cards from their deck.

If you do not have the Hand Scope, you can use the Red Card anyway, especially if you see your opponent evolving their basic Pokemon to their second evolution.

Both Marowak ex and Aerodactyl ex do not cost much energy, so you can prepare both of these cards for attack easily during the battle. If your opponent’s HP is low, you can switch out your Marowak ex for Aerodactyl ex to finish off the match. Aerodactyl can deal consistent damage, so it’s better to use it than wagering it all on Marowak ex at that point.

Aerodactyl ex And Marowak ex Deck Matchups

Celebi ex Mythical Island Pokemon TCG Pocket Card Art.

Celebi ex, Mew ex, and Mewtwo ex Decks are harder to beat with this deck since the main attacking Pokemon doesn’t require evolution. You should prioritize defeating the ex cards as soon as you can with either Marowak ex or Aerodactyl ex, as they will give you more trouble if their energy resources are prepared. You can also focus on taking down their energy-supplying Pokemon like Serperior and Gardevoir.

For the meta decks, like Charizard ex, Starmie ex, Blastoise ex, Venusaur ex, and Gyardos ex, you should not let them evolve their main Pokemon. While it may take you a while to draw Aerodactyl. You should use your support cards along with Marowak ex to quickly defeat the basic Pokemon cards.


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