How To Find The Cave Moth 

How To Find The Cave Moth 

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In the third episode of Brighter Shores, Mine of Mantuban, you’ll continue the main storyline and work on quests to put an end to the dark magic. To move forward in the first main story quest, On The Trail of Corruption, you’ll need to locate the Cave Moth.

The Mine of Mantuban map is a bit more confusing than Hopeport and Hopeforest, with rivers cutting off access to different areas. This can make reaching the insect tricky. This guide will show you how to find the Cave Moth in Brighter Shores.


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How To Find The Cave Moth In Brighter Shores

After speaking with the odd creature Skallek at the Waterfall and asking for help with the stairway, he agrees to assist you — but only if you bring him a Shiny Amethyst. This gem was discovered by a miner named Sammy Clod in the mine, so you’ll need to look for him to get one of these crystals. Sammy Clod can be found in the Northwest Mining Cavern, located on the northwest side of the Mine of Mantuban. Once you spot him, ask for a Shiny Amethyst. Instead of giving you one, Sammy tells you to grab it yourself. In addition to that, he hints that a Cave Moth can guide you to the gem’s location.

Cave Moth Location In Brighter Shores

cave moth brighter shores

To find the Cave Moth in Brighter Shores, head to the Mine Cart Cave. Luckily, this place is close to the Northwest Mining Cavern, where you meet Sammy Clod. To get there, turn west from the Northwest Mining Cavern, and you’ll spot the moth. Like in real life, this tiny insect is brown-colored and has beautiful patterns on its wings.

Once you enter the Mine Cart Cave, you’ll see the moth flutter back to the east. It will guide you through the Jagged Junction (east), the Rat Infested Tunnel (south), the Rat Infested Junction (south), and finally to Ratty Terminus (south). If at any point the moth stops moving forward, you can click on it and hit the ‘Approach’ button to make it fly to the destination. Thankfully, the areas the moth leads you to have passive enemies that won’t attack unless provoked, including Ugly Beastman (Level 20) and Bristle Giant Rat (Level 27), so you don’t need to worry about them.

At Ratty Terminus, you’ll see the Cave Moth hovering next to a Shiny Amethyst. This gem is embedded in the cave, and you’ll need to rank up your Episode Three-exclusive Miner profession to level 10 to get it. After you get near the shiny rock, the Cave Moth will fly away.

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Brighter Shores


Fen Research Limited

Early Access Release

November 6, 2024

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