Fortnite Player Foiled by New Movement System

Fortnite Player Foiled by New Movement System


  • Recent Fortnite movement changes have led to unintended comical deaths due to fall damage mechanics.
  • Some players believe the new movement system is not ideal, specifically in Reload mode.
  • The clip highlights the dangers of the new movement mechanics, leading to calls for adjustments or removal.

A Fortnite player has shared a hilarious clip highlighting one way the game’s new movement system has killed them. Since its release in 2017, Epic Games has been improving the movement in Fortnite, but some recent changes may not be ideal.

Fortnite has gone through many updates since its release in 2017, with each Season and Chapter making its own changes. Some key things that have been added over the years are turbo building, fast editing, visual sound effects, sprinting, mantling, and more. These fundamental gameplay adjustments have been accompanied by countless new Fortnite cosmetics, changes to the Battle Royale island, and a storyline that ties each Chapter together. Although the movement changes that have been made are widely regarded as positive additions, some players are highlighting their faults.


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Reddit user IIsThatGurl442 recently shared a Fortnite Reload clip highlighting their experience being foiled by the new movement system. The video begins with the player swapping a blue Charge Shotgun for a green Ranger Assault Rifle. Trying to spot a gliding player indicated by the visualized sound effects, the player looks around the woods surrounding the Lone Lodge Fortnite Reload POI from the only tower in the area. The gamer then turns to face gunfire behind them, jumps, wall runs into a mantle on the roof of the tower, and then kicks to the left and falls to their death. The video concludes with the Reload player respawning, but it stops short of showing if they were able to recover their loot.

This Fortnite Player Highlighted a Huge Problem With Movement

As Fortnite fall damage disregards a player’s shields, and health is capped at 100, the fall from the Lone Lodge tower reaches or exceeds 100 damage. While the fresh movement mechanics may be ideal for the massive Fortnite Chapter 6 Season 1 map, this clip shows how deadly it can be in Reload. This player’s death may have been avoidable in build mode, but the lack of resources in their UI hints that they’re playing Zero Build. Their death may also have been avoided if they mantled in the middle of the tower as they were positioned incredibly close to where the roof slopes downward. One Reddit user detailed the primary issue in the clip being the wall kick that pushed the player away from the structure and suggested that this move is worse than the other movement changes.

While movement is shared across multiple Fortnite game modes, some players wish Epic would remove some moves from OG and Reload. As Epic Games continues to update Fortnite, the new movement changes may be adjusted or removed in the future.

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