Charlotte Linlin was previously one of the Four Emperors, a pirate captain distinguished by the World Government as one of the world’s most notorious and powerful pirates. In line with her wish for a large family, Linlin took 43 husbands, and bore 46 sons and 39 daughters, who currently range in age from 8-51.

One Piece: Nine Red Scabbards, Ranked
This list will look at Oden’s nine most trusted retainers, and view how they stack up to one another.
These 85 children make up the majority of the notable members of her crew, the Big Mom Pirates. But not all of them got in on nepotism alone. Indeed, many of these children are frightening, having inherited a portion of the strength and cruelty of their mother, and presumably certain qualities she chose to select their fathers. These children, who have long since become grown adults, are Big Mom’s strongest spawns.
Charlotte Mont-d’Or
Minister of Cheese
- Debut: Chapter 829 (manga), Episode 789 (anime)
- Linlin’s 19th son, 30th child overall
- Full-Blooded Siblings: None
- Devil Fruit: Buku Buku no Mi
Charlotte Mont-d’Or is a strategic officer of the Big Mom Pirates. Although he is shown to be skilled in the use of a rifle, his primary skill is the book manipulation powers he gained from his Devil Fruit. He uses these primarily to trap and archive foes, who can interact with the real world as long as the page they are on is open. The world within the book is said to be limited purely by his imagination, meaning Mont-d’Or can theoretically trap an endless number of people, and leave whatever happens to them to his imagination.
He can also control books in a telekinetic manner, using them as footholds while he flies through the air to attack. He is notably one of the Charlotte siblings to have the distinction of a bounty. However, it is the lowest one among said siblings, and the second lowest known bounty in the crew overall.
Charlotte Amande
Minister of Nuts
- Debut: Chapter 827 (manga), Episode 786 (Anime)
- Linlin’s 3rd daughter, 7th child overall
- Full-Blooded Siblings: Mondée (elder quadruplet sister), Hachée, and Effilée (younger quadruplet sisters)
- Devil Fruit: Unknown, Possibly None
Known by the moniker of “Demon Lady”, Charlotte Amande is a swordswoman, who is noted for her cold, ruthless demeanor. She is absolutely loyal to Big Mom, and was singled out by the Vinsmoke siblings as one of the crew’s heavyweights.
She is, like a handful of her siblings, a descendant of the Snakeneck Tribe, through her father.
She wields a meito of unclear grade, known as Shirauo, She has been seen using it to cut through Perospero’s candy wall, which is shown to be capable of restraining the Vinsmoke siblings, despite their augmentation. Amande notably slaughtered several armored knights at a rapid speed to collect the eggs needed for the cake for Sanji and Pudding’s wedding. Her skill is only matched by her sadism, as she has perfected a technique called Slow Ballad, which she used to vertically bisect Kingbaum, a gigantic tree homie, from top to bottom, in an attempt to give him the most agonizing death possible.
Charlotte Daifuku
Minister of Beans
- Debut: Chapter 861 (anime), Episode 826 (manga)
- Linlin’s 3rd son, 4th child overall
- Full-Blooded Siblings: Katakuri (elder triplet brother) and Oven (younger triplet brother)
- Devil Fruit: Hoya Hoya no Mi
Charlotte Daifuku is a charismatic officer in the Big Mom Pirates, known for his rousing speeches and ability to improve morale. He is shown to have a fairly high bounty, and considered by pirates and the government alike to be a worthy opponent.
He is distinguished by his Devil Fruit, which allows him to summon a genie when he rubs his belly. This genie carries a halberd, and is shown to be capable of physically overpowering the likes of Sanji. The genie is capable of destroying a number of ships with a single slash, and can even grow in size. Although Daifuku himself is quite physically strong, his genie makes him near unbeatable.
Charlotte Oven
Minister of Browned Food
- Debut: Chapter 861 (manga), Episode 827 (anime)
- Linlin’s 4th son, 5th child overall
- Full-Blooded Siblings: Katakuri and Daifuku (elder triplet brothers)
- Devil Fruit: Netsu Netsu no Mi
Charlotte Oven is a mighty officer in the Big Mom Pirates, said in Vivre Card – One Piece Visual Dictionary to have the sturdiest body of Linlin’s boys. He is shown to effortlessly endure kicks from Sanji, attacks from Ichiji, and even being run over by Bege’s Pirate ship, the Nostra Castello, with little more than a few scratches. But he can dish out pain just as easily as he can take it.
His Devil Fruit allows him to emit heat from his body, which he does not even need to make physical contact to execute. He has been shown remotely setting weapons and people ablaze, by simply staring at them. He is also capable of boiling water to unsurvivable levels, a tactic especially useful for countering fish-men in their natural terrain.

One Piece: 5 Manga Characters Who Look Different In The Anime
For various reasons, these characters’ anime appearances are, at times, vastly different from their canon manga appearances.
Like most of his stronger siblings, Oven is willing to assault anyone he deems a threat, even his own relatives. Oven is not unbeatable, and was notably pierced by the likes of Ichiji, but his fearsome powers and lack of hesitancy at using them are a scary combination.
Charlotte Snack
Minister of Fries
- Debut: Chapter 894 (manga), Episode 798 (anime)
- Linlin’s 25th son, 44th child overall
- Full-Blooded Siblings: Bavarois (younger twin brother)
- Devil Fruit: Unknown, Possibly None
Charlotte Snack was a noteworthy officer in the Big Mom Pirates. He was previously the fourth sweet commander, but ended up losing the rank after being defeated by Urouge of the Worst Generation. Despite this drop in standing, he remained with the crew. His ability is far more informed than shown, but he is seen using a katana, and in the anime, being able to clash with the likes of Vinsmoke Judge. His bounty is the sixth highest in the Charlotte Family overall, above both Oven and Daifuku, at least implying the World Government has good reason to fear him. His accolades are especially notable when one takes into consideration that he does not seem to have a Devil Fruit.
Charlotte Perospero
Minister of Candy
- Debut: Chapter 834 (manga), Episode 795 (anime)
- Linlin’s 1st son, 1st child overall
- Full-Blooded Siblings: None
- Devil Fruit: Pero Pero no Mi
Charlotte Perospero is the eldest officer in the Big Mom Pirates, born when his mother was only 18 years old. He is shown holding off a number of powerful characters, most notably fighting against and defeating a number of minks. Nekomamushi, one of if not the strongest minks, required his sulong form to defeat Perospero.
Perospero is both a fast and strong fighter, able to keep up with the likes of the Vinsmoke siblings. His Devil Fruit ability is somewhat similar to Galdino’s, allowing him to create virtually anything out of candy, rather than wax, by manipulating its consistency. Perospero used his candy to create weapons, capture people, and even float out to sea. His combination of strength and craftiness proves he put his years as the eldest Charlotte sibling to good use. That being said, he is definitely not the strongest of his siblings.
Charlotte Cracker
Minister of Biscuits
- Debut: Chapter 835 (manga), Episode 796 (anime)
- Linlin’s 10th son, 15th child overall
- Full-Blooded Siblings: Custard and Angel (younger triplet sisters)
- Devil Fruit: Bisu Bisu no Mi
Charlotte Cracker is a daunting officer of the Big Mom Pirates. He is one of the Three Sweet Commanders, distinguishing them as both especially powerful and authoritative presences within the crew. He has a double-edged meito known as Pretzel, which he deems as one of a kind.
His Devil Fruit ability allows him to generate a seemingly endless number of super-durable biscuits by clapping. To this end, he can create and fully outfit an army of biscuit puppets, which he can command to attack his opponents. He is capable of further enhancing the puppets by imbuing them with arament haki. Cracker tends to hide inside one of many of his indistinct puppets, often enough to the point where the World Government assumed it was his actual face.

One Piece: Every Great Grade Blade We Know
A look into the various Great Grade Blades that have currently been identified in One Piece.
Cracker’s biscuits, unfortunately, have a glaring weakness, shared by many a Devil Fruit user; water. His biscuits are not as strong when they’re soggy, a fact taken advantage of by Luffy and Nami. Nami used her clima-tact’s powers to create rain, whilst Luffy continually ate the now soggy biscuits. After a fight which lasted 11 hours, Luffy was finally able to wear down and knock out Cracker, by continuing to fight, eat, and subsequently run away. The fact that it took this amount of effort and luck to defeat Cracker proves he is an especially strong foe.
Charlotte Smoothie
Minister of Juice
- Debut: Chapter 846 (manga), Episode 812 (anime)
- Linlin’s 14th daughter, 35th child overall
- Full-Blooded Siblings: Citron and Cinammon (younger triplet sisters)
- Devil Fruit: Shibo Shibo no Mi
Charlotte Smoothie is a distinguished officer of the Big Mom Pirates. She is a descendant of the Longleg Tribe, known for their especially large and strong legs. However, this appears to factor little into what has been shown of her fighting ability. Instead, she primarily fights with an unknown sword, which is presumably a meito. Her power is augmented by her Devil Fruit’s ability to drain liquid out of almost anything. These extractions can be consumed like juice, and are shown to dehydrate the people or objects subjected to them. Smoothie can do this with her bare hands but has also been shown doing it with her sword.
In addition to being refreshments, Smoothie can add the extracted liquids to her body, to enhance its size, or her sword to enhance its strength, and potentially blast it out like a projectile. She is also shown to possess both arament and observation haki. Aside from her mother, who is the strongest in the entire crew, Smoothie is likely the strongest woman in the Big Mom Pirates.
Charlotte Katakuri
Minister of Flour
- Debut: Chapter 860 (manga), Episode 825 (anime)
- Linlin’s 2nd son, 3rd child overall
- Full-Blooded Siblings: Daifuku and Oven (younger triplet brothers)
- Devil Fruit: Mochi Mochi no Mi
Charlotte Katakuri is the strongest officer of the Big Mom Pirates, who is known for his serious persona. As a child Katakuri’s eating habits resulted in his mouth transforming into one resembling a pelican eel, which led him to be insulted by bullies. Although Katakuri was powerful enough to deal with them himself, they cut his half-sister, Brûlée, in revenge. This motivated him to become far stronger, and only show his mouth when he eats. He wields a meito, known as Mogura, but this is only his secondary method of attack.
Primarily, Katakuri makes use of a Devil Fruit, which controls mochi in a manner somewhat akin to a Logia, despite being confirmed as a “Special Paramecia.” His powers are not too different from Luffy, making use of outstretched arms and rapid strikes. He has also awakened this power, allowing him to transform his surroundings into mochi as well. Although Katakuri was narrowly surpassed by Luffy in a fair fight, he is still shown to command great respect, and is a frightening figure to most who would oppose him directly.
Katakuri also has the ability to use all three types of haki, as opposed to his stronger siblings who tend to use two but merely withstand the third, conqueror’s haki. This proves he is an especially dominant member of the team, with some of his siblings favoring him, over his elder brother, to control the crew, after his mother’s absence. His use of observation haki is so good, he can see the future, and his arament haki allows him to turn mochi into a truly devastating weapon. Overall, Katakuri is likely the strongest of Linlin’s children.
- Release Date
October 20, 1999
- Cast
Mayumi Tanaka
, Kazuya Nakai
, Akemi Okamura
, Kappei Yamaguchi
, Hiroaki Hirata
, Ikue Ôtani
, Yuriko Yamaguchi
, Kazuki Yao
, Chō - Creator
Eiichiro Oda
- Number of Episodes
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