Pokemon TCG Pocket contains some Electrifying card additions in the Mythical Island set. Fan-favorite Pokemon get fresh releases while other iconic creatures make their first appearance in the mobile game. So, if you love Electric Pokemon, there are plenty of standouts within the set.

Pokemon Pocket: 10 Best Cards From Mythical Island
You’ll want to get your hands on plenty of these cards, the best to come out of Pokemon Pocket’s Mystical Island expansion.
There are Pokemon in this set that allow strategies implemented by other types to be usable with Electric-focused decks. Some Pokemon also manage to power creep others that were present during Genetic Apex. Luckily, there are no duds in the Electric lineup, which begs the question as to which Electric Pokemon is the king of Mythical Island.
Move Aside Pinchurchin
Out of all the Electric Pokemon added in Mythical Island, Dedenne has the fewest uses yet still provides incredible value. Dedenne is a secretly powerful Pokemon that puts Pinchurchin to shame. Dedenne has 60 HP and a Retreat Cost of one, making it an easy Pokemon to swap out if it takes too much damage. However, what makes it such a terrific replacement for Pinchurchin is that it only requires one Electric Energy to start flipping coins for the Paralysis Status Effect.
This makes it an incredibly fast option for stun decks that want to keep your opponent unable to switch out their Pokemon or use them for attacks. This Pokemon works best in decks that have multiple ways to stun, such as Sleep Effects, since it increases the chances of your opponent missing out on their next turn. It’s a fun card to use in anti-meta and rogue decks.
A Replacement For Zebstrika?
The Electabuzz found in Mythical Island no longer relies on coin flips to perform its Move. Instead, Electabuzz can deal a flat 40 damage for two Energy. At 70 HP, it retains its durability from its previous incarnation. The main benefit of using this Electabuzz is that it gives you a way to hit the Bench without having to Evolve one of your Pokemon first.

Pokemon Pocket: All ex Cards From Mythical Island, Ranked
Ex Pokemon are some of the strongest in Pokemon Pocket, and these cards from Mythical Island are all quite good.
Thunder Spear does 40 damage to one of your opponent’s Pokemon. This specific wording allows it to attack Pokemon that are right in front of it or on the Bench. So this gives Electric decks new options. Do you want the option to hit the Bench without dedicating four slots to the Zebstrika line, or would you prefer your Electabuzz to have the chance to hit twice as hard? Electabuzz is the perfect card for deck diversity.
Pokemon’s Favorite Rat
Mythical Island contains a fresh take on Pikachu that might just be better than the Basic Pikachu that came before it. This card has a different art style and is potentially more powerful, with Circle Circuit doing ten damage for each of your Benched Pokemon. This is the same rule that Pikachu ex follows while being way less powerful. However, you don’t want this card as a replacement for Pikachu ex, but as a supplement for Raichu decks.
Mythical Island Pikachu, however, can potentially do ten more damage than the Basic Pikachu for the same cost of one Energy. With Electric decks revolving around having multiple Pokemon on the Bench, this Pikachi fits in naturally with some of the best Electric strategies. This Move can also take advantage of Weaknesses to deal just enough damage to take down Water Pokemon such as Staryu with ease.
Sending Shockwaves Across The Field
Raichu may not be able to knock out your opponent’s most powerful Pokemon in one hit, but it has a fantastic multi-damage Move that not only takes a bite off the Active Pokemon, but spreads damage all over the Bench. If you thought Articuno’s ten damage across the Bench was powerful, then you’ll be excited to know that Raichu can hit the entire Bench for 20 damage.

Pokemon Pocket: 8 Best Electric-Type Cards
Here are the best Electric-Type Cards in Pokemon TCG Pocket!
Gigashock is also a 60 damage Move, which can knock out most Basic Pokemon in one hit. Being a Raichu card means that it is compatible with the Lt. Surge Supporter. This means it can get Energy transferred to it from other Electric Pokemon on the Bench. This makes accessing Gigashock fairly simple and makes your opponent’s Pokemon weak enough to get knocked out by the rest of the Electric entourage.
A Basic Pokemon Killer
Joltik trades in HP for power. It only has 40 HP but can do 30 damage for one Energy using Bug Bite. This makes Joltick a pretty strong Pokemon to start with if you’re going against Water decks or ones that want to utilize Pidgeotto’s massive damage output. In fact, Joltik can shut down Pidgey in one hit once you apply Weakness. It can even put Staryu in a world of pain, which is something many Basic Electric Pokemon struggle to do without the help of Giovanni.
Joltik may be a little Pokemon, but the stats don’t lie; it is a mighty shock. Joltik also Evolves into one of the more unique Electric Pokemon in the Pokemon Pocket lineup. Just make sure that the Fighting Pokemon doesn’t corner Joltik before you can Evolve it into its more powerful form.
Catch Your Opponent In Your Web
Mythical Island knocked it out of the park with the Electric Pokemon choices. Once you Evolve Joltik you’ll be able to use Galvantula for some seriously sinister strategies. Galvantula’s Electroweb costs two Energy to use but hits for 70. It also locks your opponent’s Pokemon in place for the next turn. If this sounds familiar, it’s because it does the same thing as Arbok from Genetic Apex.
Galvantula is a neat option for the Pidgeot strategy from Genetic Apex if you want to go with Electric instead of Darkness as a typing. Electroweb also helps out even more, since players have more options to Retreat their Pokemon easily with Leaf, in addition to X Speed. So, if your Galvantula sticks its teeth into a hefty Pokemon with no Energy and an expensive Retreat, you can score some easy points by keeping the board locked down.
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