Best Arcana, Spells, and Gameplay Tips

Honor of Kings Xuance, HoK Xuance
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Xuance, is a new assassin-role hero in Honor of Kings. He is a highly versatile assassin due to his high mobility, burst damage, and ability to dominate the jungle with his skills. Xuance excels at isolating and eliminating priority targets using his Nightmare hooks, achieving this demands strategic gameplay and precise execution. Thus, he is capable of dominating the battlefield easily when played correctly. To this end, our Honor of Kings Xuance Guide will explore the best Arcana setup, ideal spells, and essential gameplay tips to help you unleash the full power of Xuance on the Gorge.

Skill Analysis of Xuance

Passive Skill: Crazed Prelude

Xuance attacks enemies with his Chained sickle, dealing extra physical damage to distant enemies with a slow effect, while increasing his Movement Speed.

First Skill: Flailing Sickles

Xuance dashes in the target direction, enhancing his next Basic Attack to deal extra damage to enemy targets marked by his sickle during the dash, the dash pulls the enemy closer to him.

Xuance Skills in HOK, Xuance Skills in Honor of KingsXuance Skills in HOK, Xuance Skills in Honor of Kings
Xuance Skills in HOK (Image via Level Infinite)

Second Skill: Nightmare Hooks

  • Xuance swings his sickle, charging up for increased Movement Speed and Range. After charging, he throws the sickle, dealing damage to enemies in its path while briefly immobilizing them.
  • Upon reaching the maximum range, the sickle marks the first target as Hunted. Xuance then deals increased damage to this marked damage, while reducing the enemy target’s damage to Xuance.
  • When using this skill on a marked target, Xuance can fling behind him for extra damage. Canceling the charge reduces the cooldown of this skill by 50%. If the marked target dies or Xuance uses his ultimate ability on them, part of this skill’s cooldown is immediately returned.

Third Skill: Crimson Blur

  • Xuance dashes behind the target hit by Nightmare hooks, dealing Physical damage along the way. If no target was hit, he dashes to the enemy’s front and attaches Nightmare hooks to them, dealing physical damage.
  • During the dash, he takes reduced damage. When Xuance gets a kill or assist, he gains extra Movement Speed and Attack Speed that can stack up to 3 times, slowly diminishing over time.
  • Crimson Blur can be used every once in a while with this skill being able to store up to 3 charges.

Skill Level-Up Method for Xuance

  • Skill 1: Flailing Sickles – Maximize first as it is Daji’s main mobility and damage ability with a lower Cooldown.
  • Skill 2: Nightmare Hooks – Upgrade next as it provides Crowd-control and buff against enemies marked by the hook.
  • Skill 3: Crimson Blur – Prioritize upgrade whenever available for its burst damage potential.

Best Arcana and Spells for Xuance

Arcana Build

  • Hunt (x10): Greatly boosts Xuance Movement and Attack speed granting him the edge early on the battlefield.
  • Eagle Eye (x10): Boosts physical attack and penetration, allowing Xuance abilities to hit harder and counter tanky opponents.
  • Mutation (x6): Grants extra physical attack and penetration to Xuance.
  • Red Moon (x4): Increases Xuance Critical Rate and attack speed thus, increasing his overall burst damage output.
Xuance Arcana Build in HOKXuance Arcana Build in HOK
Xuance Arcana Build in HOK (Image via Level Infinite)

Battle Spells

  • Smite: This Battle spell allows Xuance to farm and take down objectives easily in the Jungle lane.

Best Builds for Xuance in Honor of Kings

Xuance benefits from a build that grants extra Physical attack, penetration, sustain and critical chance necessary to burst down squishy heroes. Here is an optimal build to make the most of his abilities:

  • Rapacious Bite: Start with this item to enhance Xuance’s Jungling speed and accumulate stacks for increased Physical Attack and Cooldown Reduction.
  • Boots of Dexterity: Grants extra Attack Speed and Movement Speed, necessary for quick engagements and repositioning. It also increases Xuance’s sustain by recovering Health on each basic attack.
  • Axe of Torment: Grants extra Physical Attack, Cooldown Reduction, and Physical Pierce, greatly enhancing Xuance’s burst potential.
Xuance Build in HOK, Xuance Build in Honor of KingsXuance Build in HOK, Xuance Build in Honor of Kings
Xuance Build in HOK (Image via Level Infinite)
  • Master Sword: Enhances Critical Rate and boosts the damage of enhanced Basic Attacks, which is essential for bursting down squishy enemy targets.
  • Bloodweeper: Grants significant Physical Attack and Lifesteal, improving sustain during extended fights.
  • Shadow Ripper: Greatly increases Xuance’s Attack speed, Critical rate, and Movement speed, greatly boosting Xuance’s overall damage output in the late game.

Honor of Kings Xuance Guide Gameplay Tips

Early Game

Focus on farming and clearing your Jungle wave to level up easily, this is achieved by rotating across monsters in your Red and Blue Buff. Start with the blue buff for better skill usage, then move to the red buff for enhanced ganking potential. Your primary focus in the early game is farming to level up gank the enemy’s marksman and delay their farming. In short, focus on squishy or overextended enemies to secure early kills advantage for your team.

When ganking enemy Farm Lane, use Flailing Sickles to dash close to enemies and use Nightmare Hooks to immobilize and then fling them over to your team’s side. Use basic attacks to poke distant enemies, utilizing your passive’s slow effect to reduce their overall movement. Avoid overcommitting to fights, and prioritize farming to stay ahead in gold and experience while providing pressure across the map.

Mid Game

During the mid-game, Xuance thrives by picking off key targets and controlling main Jungle objectives like the Tyrant or Overlord. Use Nightmare Hooks to mark squishy enemy-carry heroes and isolate them from their team for swift elimination. Use Flailing Sickles and Crimson Blur ability combo to dive into squishy backline heroes and burst them down.

Coordinate with your team to secure kills, ensuring you gain stacks from Crimson Blur for enhanced Attack and Movement Speed. Focus on split-pushing when possible, taking advantage of your speed to rotate quickly between objectives. Maintain map awareness and deny the enemy jungler farm resources, thus giving your team the edge and advantage towards the late game. When invading or ganking lanes, do ensure to coordinate appropriately with your teammates especially the Roamer and Mage for extra support.

Late Game

In the late game, Xuance’s role shifts to a high-risk, high-reward assassin capable of turning team fights. Prioritize eliminating enemy main carry like Mage, Marksman, and Jungle using the Crimson Blur combo for quick access to backline heroes. Time your fights carefully and prioritize waiting for engagement from your allied roamer or fighter to takedown enemy carry.

Xuance Gameplay in HOK, Xuance Gameplay in Honor of KingsXuance Gameplay in HOK, Xuance Gameplay in Honor of Kings
Xuance Gameplay in HOK (Image via Level Infinite)

Use Nightmare Hooks strategically to hook and isolate key threats, and cancel the charge if needed for reduced cooldown. Do also stay cautious in the late game, as over-extending can result in unwarranted deaths. Focus on securing major objectives like turrets and the enhanced Jungle monsters, to gain the advantage and secure the win.

Skill 2 (Hook enemy)→ Skill 2 (Use again)→ Skill 1 → Skill 3

Heroes Xuance CountersHeroes that Counter Xuance
Huo YiLam
Luban No. 7Prince of Lanling
Cai YanPrincess Frost

Final Thoughts

Xuance’s high skill ceiling and dynamic playstyle make him a rewarding hero for players who enjoy fast-paced, high-risk gameplay. As long as you hook priority enemy targets, you’d be able to give your team the team fight advantage easily. By also utilizing the right builds, Arcana, and spells, along with understanding his strengths and counters, you can unlock his full potential as a jungle assassin. With this guide, you’re well on your way to dominating your matches and securing victory for your team.

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