- Glinda celebrates the Wicked Witch of the West’s demise, questioning if she was truly evil.
- Elphaba embraces being seen as a troublemaker due to societal prejudices.
- The Wizard manipulates public perception to maintain power, revealing his true character.
A musical that has taken the world by storm, just as it did during the original Broadway run decades ago, Wicked has become a roaring success. The new take on the classic story of the Wicked Witch of the West has garnered critical and commercial acclaim, containing many moments of individual greatness in the wider story.
While this is only the beginning, and Wicked: For Good is due out late in 2025, this first part of the story contains many great songs, characters, and moments of amazing dialogue. Wicked is the sort of film destined to become infinitely more quotable with each rewatch, and these are some of the many moments fans will be reiterating for years.

10 Best Stage-To-Screen Musical Adaptations, Ranked
From Broadway to Hollywood, these musicals made the jump from live theatre to movie theatres and were hugely successful in doing so.
“Are People Born Wicked? Or Do They Have Wickedness Thrust Upon Them?”
An Apt Question From The Opening Scene
- Said By Glinda
- Said To The Munchkin Population
The opening scene, where Glinda celebrates the demise of the Wicked Witch of the West alongside the Munchkin population, is a fascinating one in the wake of all that follows. This line in particular sums up the central theme of the story: that the Wicked Witch is not actually evil; rather that she was simply named wicked by the Wizard and the people of Oz.
While this quote is in the middle of a huge celebration about the Wicked Witch’s death, it is also a huge part of Glinda’s regrets over the turn their relationship took, and her role in vilifying Elphaba. It’s an important query in reshaping the audience’s view of this character before telling the true story behind her life.
“I Don’t Cause Commotions, I Am One.”
Sums Up Elphaba’s Problem & Attitude Towards It
- Said By Elphaba
- Said To Fiyero
There are many moments throughout Wicked that showcase Elphaba’s strength of character, and her acceptance of society’s rejection of her. This, in particular, sums up her attitude towards everything that goes on around her. When asked by Fiyero why she always seems to be causing commotion, she tells him that she simply is one.
Although humorous, this moment underlines how everyone blames Elphaba off the bat for strange things, just because she is different. Even Fiyero, who likes her and doesn’t care that she is different, still struggles with the expectation that she is a troublemaker based on her skin color and abilities with magic. Elphaba’s attitude is mature, but a little sad. She’s gotten so used to people blaming her for things beyond her control that she truly believes she is simply destined to be a commotion forever, giving her the sort of iconic status The Wizard of Oz has in pop culture.
“It’s Not About Aptitude, It’s The Way You’re Viewed.”
Shows The Vital Difference Between Elphaba & Glinda
- Said By Glinda
- Said To Elphaba
The song “Popular” is one of the most famous from Wicked. The simple explanation of Glinda’s character as shallow is expanded upon here greatly. Glinda explains in this single line that people can get ahead simply by making themselves popular. The idea that perception is everything is a big part of the story in Wicked, and this song sums up that point entirely.

10 Best Songs From Wicked, Ranked
With the success of the Wicked film adaptation, fans of the musical and newcomers alike will be singing the film’s best songs for days after seeing it
Despite Elphaba being more powerful than the Wizard and Glinda combined, she is hunted because it is easy for others to paint her as a villain. Popularity, the love of the public, turns the tide. Throughout Wicked, Elphaba is demonized while Glinda is beloved, simply because she starts out as popular and traditionally attractive.
“Of Course She Does, She Just Pretends Not To.”
Shows That Glinda Really Does Understand Elphaba
- Said By Glinda
- Said To Fiyero
There are many moments that showcase the contrasts, as well as the similarities, between Glinda and Elphaba. Of these, few moments demonstrate the level of understanding they achieve as well as this one. When Fiyero mentions that Elphaba doesn’t “give a twig” what anybody thinks, Glinda corrects him by telling him she cares, she just hides her feelings.
Glinda seeing this, perhaps comparing it with how openly she admits to caring about what people think of her, is hugely significant. Glinda is popular, and Elphaba is not. The way they deal with these positions, how they change and open up to each other, is one of the more significant themes of the movie. This is not just an important quote. It is also the moment it dawns on Glinda that Elphaba is good, deserves love, and is not as wicked as everyone makes her out to be.
“You Have No Real Power!”
The Moment The Wizard’s True Nature Dawns On Elphaba
- Said By Elphaba
- Said To The Wizard
Originally, Elphaba is a huge proponent of The Wizard of Oz. She believes him to be a paragon of good and strength, filled with enough power to grant a wish like hers to become normal. Her excitement builds around this point throughout Wicked, but she realizes that her selfish desire to be normal is outweighed by her desire to see the animals of Oz freed.
When she makes her wish and the Wizard fails to grant it, she realizes that he doesn’t actually have any magical ability. In this outburst, all of her illusions about the man behind the curtain are shattered. Elphaba is left heartbroken by this revelation, which is the very thing that leads to Madame Morrible and the Wizard setting her up as a villain.
“The Best Way To Bring Folks Together Is To Give Them A Real Good Enemy.”
The Wizard’s Most Diabolical Moment
- Said By The Wizard
- Said To Elphaba
When Elphaba begs the Wizard to stop vilifying the animals of Oz, he gives an explanation that teases his thinking in turning the people against Elphaba herself. One of the themes that has kept Wicked feeling so relevant today is summed up beautifully at this moment. The Wizard says that to retain his power over the people of Oz, he has to give them something to fear, to root against.

9 Incredible Movie Musicals You Didn’t Know Existed
Movie musical fans may not be aware of just how many fantastic, underrated and lesser-known musicals are out there.
The Wizard’s entire persona in Wicked comes down to a scheming, conniving man. He has no power. His strength lies in his ability to deceive and use propaganda and popularity to turn people against the animals — and against Elphaba. He controls the people without the need for magic in manipulative ways.
“My Future Is Unlimited.”
The Moment Elphaba Realizes Her Potential
- Said By Elphaba
- Said To Herself
The climax of Wicked comes after the Wizard and Madame Morrible turn against Elphaba. When she attempts to make something good for the monkey guards, she accidentally tortures them with the sudden growth of wings. In a contemplative moment, Elphaba begins her own story and takes control of her destiny, something she’s been longing to do but afraid of.
Standing strong, finally throwing off the shackles of societal expectations, Elphaba comes to realize that she is the one with the real power, not the Wizard, Glinda, or Madame Morrible. She gets to choose what her own future will be, and she comes to realize that it is completely unlimited, her potential is such that she could achieve anything.
“I’m The One You Want! It’s ME!”
A True Showing Of Lifelong Friendship
- Said By Elphaba
- Said To The Guardsmen
The final moments of Wicked see Elphaba and Glinda somewhat fighting as they both feel agitated by the other, but they still wish each other well as Elphaba departs, having asked Glinda to come with her and being heartbreakingly told no. Despite this, Elphaba refuses to let the guards take Glinda into custody.
When the guards come towards them both, Elphaba doesn’t force Glinda to come with her to escape them, and she doesn’t sell Glinda out. She tells them to leave her alone, and separates herself from Glinda to guarantee the safety of her friend. She shows that she does care, does love Glinda despite her choices, and will continue to be a good person despite their vilifying of her.

10 Anime & Manga You Didn’t Know Have Musicals
It’s not unusual for popular anime and manga to be adapted for the Japanese stage, complete with musical performances. These are some of the best!
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