The Sunken Temple Of Qarn (Hard) Dungeon Guide And Walkthrough For Final Fantasy XIV.

The Sunken Temple Of Qarn (Hard) Dungeon Guide And Walkthrough For Final Fantasy XIV.

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The Sunken Temple of Qarn (Hard) is a level 50 Dungeon in Final Fantasy 14, and a revised version of the normal level 35 Dungeon. You are tasked with venturing back into the Sunken Temple of Qarn to rescue miners of the Amajina & Sons Mineral Concern.


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With raiders tripping the various deadly traps found around every corner of the temple, and ancient beings stirring once again, rescuing the miners is no simple matter. Below, we’ll take a look at everything you need to know about this Dungeon, including how to unlock it and how to beat all of its bosses.

How To Unlock The Sunken Temple Of Qarn (Hard)

The intro cutscene to the Sunken Temple of Qarn (Hard) dungeon.

To unlock this Dungeon, you will first need to complete the level 50 Main Scenario Quest ‘The Ultimate Weapon’. Then, you can accept the quest ‘The Wrath of Qarn’ from Hugubert in Mor Dhona (X:22.0, Y:8.7). This Dungeon has an iLvl requirement of 80.

As you explore this Dungeon, keep your eyes out for the Sun Sphere, Moon Sphere, and Star Sphere. You’ll need to use each of these at certain points to continue further.

Damaged Adjudicator

The Damaged Adjudicator lying on the floor.

The first boss of the Sunken Temple of Qarn (Hard) is the Damaged Adjudicator, reprising its role as the final boss from the normal version of this dungeon, but with a few twists.

The Damaged Adjudicator is separated into four parts, the Head, Arm, Tail, and main body. The body itself takes very little damage, so you’ll need to focus on attacking the Head, Arm or Tail instead.

The body part you should attack is indicated by the glowing red orb that appears on it when the boss first forms. Attack this part to cause the Adjudicator to crumble, at which point several Ruins Crawler adds will appear. Repeat this process until the boss reforms without any of its body parts, then attack its main body to defeat it for good.

Throughout the fight, the Damaged Adjudicator will use the following attacks.

Attack Name




Untelegraphed Conal AoE

Deals damage to the front of the boss. The Tank should face the Adjudicator away from the rest of the party to avoid hitting them with this attack.

Desert Storm

Line AoE

Deals damage in a line to the front of the boss. Move out of the AoE indicator to avoid taking damage.

Dust to Dust

AoE Marker/Summon

The boss will target one player with an AoE Marker that will summon a sand orb on their location. This orb will repeatedly use Subduction, dealing damage in an area around itself. Stay away from these orbs as you fight the boss.

Sabotender Emperatriz

The Sabotender Emperatriz and its bodyguards in the Sunken Temple of Qarn (Hard).

The second boss of this dungeon is Sabotender Emperatriz, who will be joined by two Sabotender Soldado. Here are each of this boss’s attacks and mechanics.

Attack Name



3,000 Needles


Deals damage in the indicated area. Move away to avoid taking damage.

100,000 Needles

Long Casted Roomwide AoE

Begins long-casting an attack that deals 100,000 damage to the whole party. This attack will be canceled if you deal enough damage to the boss before it finishes casting.

Sabotender Soldado


These enemies are summoned periodically throughout the fight. They don’t have any notable attacks, but should be dealt with quickly.

Sabotender Guardia


This enemy will tether itself to the boss, protecting it from all damage. The boss will then begin casting 100,000 Needles again. Quickly defeat the Guardia, then damage the boss to stop it from casting 100,000 Needles.

Sabotender Emperatriz will repeat these mechanics until it is defeated. 100,000 Needles is an instant one-shot, but it has a very long cast time, giving you more than enough time to cancel it. Other than that, this fight is fairly straightforward.

Vicegerent to the Warden

The Vicegerent to the Warden ready for battle in the Sunken Temple of Qarn (Hard).

The final boss the Sunken Temple of Qarn (Hard) is the Vicegerent to the Warden.

Throughout the fight, groups of sarcophagi will appear around the edges of the arena, which will then summon Mummies that rush forward. If you are touched by one of these Mummies, you will be inflicted with one stack of the Curse of the Mummy.

If you manage to get four stacks of this debuff, you will be thrown into a sarcophagus yourself, and then turned into a Mummy, forcing you to run in a straight line while preventing you from taking action for a while.

Keep an eye on the edges of the arena as you fight the boss so that you aren’t turned into a Mummy.

Attack Name



Flurry of Rage

Untelegraphed Conal AoE

The boss will repeatedly use this attack, dealing damage in the area to its front. The Tank should face the boss away from the rest of the party.

Light of Anathema

Untelegraphed Line AoE

When the boss’s health gets low enough, its swords will start glowing and it will begin using this attack, dealing damage to its front in an untelegraphed line AoE. Move away from the front of the boss when it begins casting Light of Anathema.

Mummification Tether


One player will be marked, pulled to the boss, then tethered. This tether will repeatedly inflict the Curse of the Mummy debuff. The tether can be broken by stunning the boss, but be sure to do this as quickly as possible to save the target from being turned into a Mummy.

The Vicegerent to the Warden will repeat these mechanics until it is defeated. The main thing to watch out for during this fight isn’t necessarily the boss itself, but the rows of sarcophagi that are summoned. If you can avoid all of these, this fight will be a breeze.


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