How To Unlock The Moss Blanket In Slime Rancher

How To Unlock The Moss Blanket In Slime Rancher
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In Slime Rancher, the Dry Reef is a decent-sized starting area, but unfortunately, it doesn’t offer much variety. If you’re tired of seeing Pink Slimes, Rock Slimes, and Tabby Slimes, it might be time to set sail for new horizons. Plus, since the Dry Reef appears dry and barren—just as its name suggests—you might want to visit somewhere vibrant and teeming with nature.


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In that case, the Moss Blanket is perfect for you! There, you’ll find lush greenery and new slime species. You can bring these slimes back to your ranch to harvest unique plorts, earning even more Newbucks in the process. So, it’s time for an adventure!

How To Reach The Moss Blanket

The player enters the Moss Blanket area in Slime Rancher.

The Moss Blanket is a lush and expansive area located in the northwest region of your map, and it is locked initially. If you’re looking to collect Honey Slimes or Hunter Slimes, you’ll want to access this area. There are two methods to reach it.

How To Reach The Moss Blanket With A Slime Key

The first method is to pop one of the Gordos that hold a Slime Key. Gordos are large, stationary slimes. If you feed them enough of their favorite food, they will pop. However, not all Gordos drop Slime Keys, so you need to focus on the ones that do.

Once you obtain a Slime Key, leave the Ranch and head directly north. When you reach the area with Pink Slimes, turn northwest and pass under the rock archway. In the area with Pink Slimes and Rock Slimes, head west and go through the rock tunnel.

The player is heading towards to the Moss Blanket's Slime Gate in Slime Rancher.

Cross the petrified crystal area and proceed to the seaside area where Tabby Slimes and Pink Slimes are found. From there, head north to find a dock. Follow the dock and continue north to reach the gate. Use your Slime Key to unlock it and access the Moss Blanket.

How To Reach The Moss Blanket Without A Slime Key

If you don’t have a Slime Key, you can still enter the Moss Blanket, but you’ll need a jetpack. To do this, stand in front of the locked gate of the Moss Blanket. Turn your back to the gate and use your jetpack to jump onto the wooden planks to the left of the torch.

From the planks, fly onto the rock ledges on either the left or right side above the gate. Trying to fly directly to the rock on top of the gate will likely fail. Once you’ve crossed the rocks, you’ll find yourself behind the gate, granting you access to the Moss Blanket.

How To Find The Map Data Node Of The Moss Blanket

Once you enter the Moss Blanket, you can’t view the map completely. To unlock the map, you’ll need to find the Map Data Node. After entering the Moss Blanket, go up the stairs and jump down through the opening. Once you’re down, head to the northwest area.

Take the stairs on the left, and after reaching the massive moss-covered tree, look northwest. You’ll spot another tall and large mossy tree on top of some rocks. You need to climb to the topmost rock where the tree stands.

If you have a jetpack, you can easily reach the top. If not, keep the tree on your left and navigate around it, jumping over its roots until you reach the rock where the Map Data Node is located.


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It’s time to slime and shine—grab all those achievements!

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