Stalker 2: Heart of Chornobyl Arch anomalies are some of the best spectacles players can witness while roaming through the zone. The Fire Whirl Arch anomaly can be found in the Cooling Towers region north of the map inside an abandoned reactor.
You may have witnessed the gravitational Bulba, tornado, and toxic dancing lights, but nothing will prepare you for this fiery inferno that you need to brave to get one of the legendary artifacts in Stalker 2, the Weird Nut.

Stalker 2: How To Get The Weird Pot Artifact
Weird Pot is a legendary artifact in Stalker 2: Heart of Chornobyl, that players can get by escaping the mist anomaly in Burnt Forest region.
How to Get the Weird Nut Artifact in Stalker 2
Players looking to pick up the Weird Nut artifact will need to head to the Fire Whirl anomaly located in the Cooling Towers region. The region is northeast of the Slag Heap base in Garbage, and you’ll pass through the Cement Factory base on your way there. The Fire Whirl can be found in the northeast corner of the region inside an abandoned reactor that’s glowing red on the map.
After reaching the Fire Whirl Anomalous Area, you’ll need to head inside the reactor and climb to the top of the platforms to grab the Weird Nut. However, it’s not going to be an easy climb as the Fire Whirl will release heat after a few moments, burning everything in a specified radius. You can determine the radius of the burn effect by noticing the smoldering red metal of the platform.
Here’s how you’ll be making the climb to get the Weird Nut artifact from the Fire Whirl Anomaly in Stalker 2.
Reaching the Top of Metal Platforms
Falling from metal platforms or getting caught in the Fire Whirl heat release will quickly take you out. So, make frequent quick saves to reload in case that happens.
You have to reach the top of the metal platforms around the Fire Whirl anomaly to get the Weird Bolt artifact. Here’s the step-by-step breakdown of doing this.
- Head inside the reactor from the right side and allow the heat from the Fire Whirl to dissipate once before making the climb. Once the heat has retreated from the metal platforms, climb up the set of ladders on the right to start the climb.
- Jump on the metal pipe and run across it. At the end of it, you’ll need to jump and grab the ladder on the right to climb higher.
- At the top of the ladder, you should head towards the platform on the left and wait for another heat release to dissipate from the Fire Whirl. After it completes, run across the metal walkway to reach the other side.
- Jump over the gap at the end of the metal walkway to reach the final stretch of this traversal puzzle.
Retrieving Weird Nut & Escaping Fire Whirl Anomaly
Once you reach the end of the final walkway, drop onto the smoldering hot platform and quickly grab the Weird Nut artifact on top of it. Now, this isn’t the end of this puzzle as you still need to safely get down from the metal platforms and escape the Fire Whirl before another heat release.
Don’t drop on the obvious metal platforms right behind you as the fall will take you out immediately. Instead, after picking the Weird Nut, look towards the left, and you’ll see a metal grill with a hole in the middle. Drop onto it and then drop from the hole to safely land on the ground.
After that, quickly escape the reactor to avoid getting hit by the next heat release. You can later equip the Weird Nut Artifact to significantly mitigate the effects of bleeding. However, once you use a medkit while the artifact is equipped, the health recovery will be slowed down. Although the trade-off isn’t that bad, making Weird Nut a good artifact to have on your character.
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