How To Get Every Meal Recipe In Stardew Valley

How To Get Every Meal Recipe In Stardew Valley

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Stardew Valley is a game that has a relatively expansive cooking mechanic, with a whopping 80 dishes able to be made in the game. From classic American-style comfort food to curry from the Fern Islands, you can become a chef aficionado and keep yourself healthy and energized throughout your journey as the valley’s greatest farmer.


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There are several ways of learning recipes in the game, such as trusted friends, celebrity icons, and the natural skills you learn along the way on your journey. We’ve detailed how to obtain every single recipe in the game and what ingredient(s) you’ll need to make them. Happy cooking!

Updated December 26, 2024 by Jacqueline Zalace: Still looking to collect all of the Stardew Valley recipes? We’ve updated this guide with some hover-over links for each dish, as well as information about the Queen of Sauce Cookbook, which is a great late-game way to learn recipes.

The Queen Of Sauce Recipes

player watches the queen of sauce

The main way you’ll learn recipes is by tuning into the valley’s favorite cooking show, The Queen of Sauce. You can learn a new recipe every week from her, so it’s crucial to check the TV (or simply use this guide) to determine when a new recipe or a repeat that you missed is airing.

New recipes air every Sunday for the first two years in-game, and a random rerun will play on Wednesdays.

Here are all of The Queen of Sauce’s recipes in chronological order as they appear on air.

Friendship Recipes

clint's recipe letter for algae soup

A large portion of the recipes are learned by forging friendships with the characters in the game. When you get closer to them, they will reveal their favorite dishes via mail, as well as how to make them for yourself. Start talking to your neighbors whenever you can!


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Level Up Recipes

stardew valley fishing level up screen

Some dishes are discovered upon leveling up your skills, which include Farming, Foraging, Fishing, Mining, and Combat.

These recipes usually increase stats that are crucial to said skill’s activities, so it’s great to bring them along with you.

Other Recipes

stardrop saloon gus menu

Lastly, let’s look at the last recipes you can obtain. Recipes that don’t fall under the above categories can be found here.

What is The Queen Of Sauce Cookbook?

Stardew Valley Animal Farmer watching the queen of sauce

The Queen of Sauce is the channel where you learn a big chunk of recipes from. With the help of the bookseller, you’ll be able to buy the Queen Of Sauce Cookbook
, which will teach you every unlearned Queen fo Sauce recipe in the game. This means that if you aren’t big on watching TV, you can eventually buy this and learn them all.

Acquiring the cookbook is no simple task; overall, you’ll need to gather 100 Golden Walnuts and purchase the book for 50,000g at the bookseller when they are in town.



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