- Final Fantasy 15 has one of the most interesting development histories out of any game in the series.
- In fact, discoveries are still being made nearly a decade later, including the original vision for the finale’s timeskip.
- A dataminer discovered that Noctis was originally going to be trapped in a cell absorbing the moon’s power for ten years.
A Final Fantasy 15 dataminer has uncovered a sequence that was cut from the game featuring Noctis stuck in a jail cell that would have acted as the big ten-year timeskip.
As you’d expect from one of the biggest and most recognisable franchises in gaming history, nearly all of the Final Fantasy games have a long and storied development history. While that’s worked out for the best in most cases, there’s one game in particular that went through a series of particularly brutal changes during its creation – Final Fantasy 15.

Like It Or Not, Final Fantasy 13 Was Ahead Of Its Time
Fifteen years later and this divisive JRPG still hits different.
After starting life as Final Fantasy Versus 13 and later being changed to Final Fantasy 15 when it was re-revealed at E3 2013, the story of Noctis Lucis Caelum is a very long and troubled one. Over the years it’s been revealed just how much was cut or changed from the final release, with discoveries still being made to this very day.
Noctis Originally Didn’t Accept His Fate So Easily In Final Fantasy 15
If you want proof of that, look no further than YouTuber Luthus Nox Fleuret’s channel. Earlier this week, Luthus shared a video that highlights a scene that was removed from the game that was seemingly the original vision for the big timeskip. In the final version of Final Fantasy 15, Noctis is randomly pulled into the Crystal and left to take in its power for ten years, which comes out of nowhere and leads to a lot of confusion.
That wasn’t the plan originally, though. As shown in Luthus Nox Fleuret’s video, Final Fantasy 15’s timeskip was originally going to show Noctis being stuck in a jail cell by Bahamut as he slowly absorbs the moon’s power for a decade, something that he’s seemingly awake and trapped for. In the cut sequence, Noctis is shown battling with his fate and having a hell of a lot more emotion about the whole thing.
For example, instead of just sleeping soundly in the crystal for ten years and being unbothered about dying, the scene shows Noctis pleading to be let out of the jail, forcing players to accept his fate instead of being blindsided by the revelation and jumping forward in time. It’s a much stronger scene overall, and one that the final game is sorely missing.
The original timeskip sequence also explains why Noctis wakes up in Angelgard, something that the final release just doesn’t bother explaining.
Considering the fact that the whole sequence is seemingly still in the final game’s files, it’s very surprising that it was changed so much. The saddest part of the whole thing is that most fans seem to vastly prefer the cut timeskip over the one we got, with the comments section of Luthus’ video praising something we were never supposed to see.

Hopefully Secret Level Season 2 Is A Little Bit Less Shameless
Secret Level’s first season is less a celebration of games and more of an extended commercial break.
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