Stardew Valley Player Forgets to Harvest Pigs, Ends Up With a Ton of Truffles

Stardew Valley Player Forgets to Harvest Pigs, Ends Up With a Ton of Truffles


  • Stardew Valley players can make money through farm animals; pigs help find truffles that can be sold.
  • Truffles vary in price, worth between 625g and 1,250g, but artisan profession upgrades can increase its value to 1,491g.
  • A Reddit user in Stardew Valley woke up to over 70 unharvested truffles on their property, valuing between 625g and 1,491g.

A Stardew Valley player woke up to dozens of truffles scattered on their property after forgetting to harvest them the previous day. Although the main character in Stardew Valley leaves behind the city life for a calming experience in a more secluded location, they still need to make a living. As players progress through the game, they’ll increase their available funds and be able to add buildings to their farm and unlock more tools and resources to properly explore the mines.

There are various ways to make money in Stardew Valley, and one of them is through raising farm animals and collecting their produce. Once players build their first coop or barn in Stardew Valley, they’ll be able to purchase and take home animals. They can put small animals, such as chickens, ducks, and rabbits, in the coop, and larger animals, such as cows, sheep, goats, pigs, and ostriches, in a barn depending on its size. First, gamers can get the coop or barn, then it upgrades to the Big Coop or Big Barn, and lastly, they can be upgraded into a Deluxe Coop or Deluxe Barn.


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Pets are much more than cosmetic additions to the farm in Stardew Valley, they also bring gifts sometimes, which can be exploited for profit.

Reddit user Familiar_Rub_3812 had more than 20 pigs in Stardew Valley and let them wander freely within a gated area. Since pigs tend to dig and find truffles in Stardew Valley, this fan allowed the pigs to freely roam the farm so they could do just that. Everything was fine until the player spent a day out farming the mines and came back to a messy property riddled with truffles – at least 70 truffles could be seen in the picture.

How Much is a Truffle Worth in Stardew Valley?

The Redditor who published the post had already shared a picture of their truffle farm in Stardew Valley a few days before and mentioned that he makes about 170,000-20,000g a day. The number has a large margin because there are a lot of factors that need to be taken into account when pricing artisan goods in Stardew Valley.

The price of a truffle in-game varies between 625g and 1,250g depending on its quality. On top of this, while the standard price for Truffle Oil is 1,065g, players who pick the artisan profession in Stardew Valley can sell it for 1,491g instead.

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