Exoskeletons are some of the most powerful suits of armor that players can wear in Stalker 2: Heart of Chornobyl. However, among all the exoskeletons available in the game, the Diamond Exoskeleton suit reigns supreme as one of the best suits to wear, as it provides great defense, boosts movement speeds, and also increases max weight capacity. The best part about it is that it’s completely free, and you can get it while exploring the open world.

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How to Get the Diamond Exoskeleton Suit in Stalker 2
Players can get the Diamond Exoskeleton suit in the Pripyat region of Stalker 2, inside the building complex behind Strumok Milk Shop. You can simply exit the Palace of Culture base, head down in the southern direction, and reach the aforementioned shop. From here, you’ll make your way inside the building complex and into the building with the suit. Here’s what you have to do.
Enter the Building Next to Sunny Kindergarten
Follow the small pathway towards the right of Strumok Milk Shop that leads to the apartment complex. Keep going forward until you pass the Sunny Kindergarten building on your right.
You’ll spot a set of stairs leading up to an apartment building. Use them to enter the apartment and get ready for a fight.
Defeat Monolith Soldiers & Get the Exoskeleton
Once you enter the apartment, you’ll encounter a bunch of Monolithian soldiers guarding an emitter in the middle of the room. It’s best that you take down the soldiers first before searching for the Diamond Exoskeleton.
Once all the soldiers are taken care of, you should return to the room with the glowing emitter. Check behind the emitter to spot the Diamond Exoskeleton suit lying against a wall with some other lootable goodies right next to it. Once you have the suit, return to the Palace of Culture base to get it modified.
The suit is quite heavy, which may restrict your movement speed depending on how much more weight you can carry. It’s also not recommended that you wear the suit now as you won’t be able to sprint without upgrading it.
Upgrading the Diamond Exoskeleton
Once you’re back to the Palace of Culture base, speak to Bolero the technician to upgrade the Diamond Exoskeleton. You have a bunch of expensive upgrades you have to make to the suit. However, make sure to first upgrade the Sewn-On Pockets, followed by the Hydraulic Amplifiers for Servos to enable the sprint functionality in the suit.
Now you can either further upgrade the suit or simply wear it and take it for a spin. You’ll notice that your sprinting speed is significantly increased, alongside the maximum weight you can carry. You can also add five artifacts to the Diamond Exoskeleton suit in Stalker 2 to further enhance its capabilities.
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