How to Get the Bottomless Pot in Dragon Quest 3 Remake

How to Get the Bottomless Pot in Dragon Quest 3 Remake

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After players get the Ship in Dragon Quest 3 Remake, the next major step will be acquiring the Ultimate Key. This magic item is capable of unlocking every door in the game world, and will allow you to start your quest for the six orbs in earnest. However, to get the key, you first need to acquire the Bottomless Pot. There are clues to the pot’s whereabouts spread throughout the game world, but actually locating it can prove to be tricky. In this guide, we’ll show you how to find and solve the Edina Castle rock puzzle, which is the final step to getting the Bottomless Pot in Dragon Quest 3 Remake.


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How to Find and Enter Edina Castle in Dragon Quest 3 Remake

Once you have acquired the ship by collecting Black Pepper for the King of Portoga, you will be free to sail the high seas. While you have multiple options for what to do next, it is best to acquire the Ultimate Key. However, there is essentially no way to know what you’ll find at each location, regardless of whether you have quest markers turned on.

To find Edina Castle, the best place to start is Skyfell Tower, where you fought Robbin ‘Ood early in the game. When you have the ship, it will almost always be found close to any fast-travel destination. In this case, it is found in the water just west of the tower. Head to the ship and start sailing northwest. If you have quest markers turned on, there will likely be a marker on the nearby island.

Edina is found on the small island to the northwest of the Skyfell Tower starting point. When you first arrive, you’ll notice the guards won’t let you in. To enter, you’ll need to either unlock the Fade spell through Mages, or you’ll need to get your hands on some Fading Jenny. If you’ve unlocked Fade, you can cast it and head past the guard.

If you don’t have the Fade spell, you must use the Fading Jenny item to become invisible. The easiest way to get Fading Jenny is to sail southwest from the starting island. You’ll eventually reach the small island that houses the town of Lanson. During the day, there is a small Item Shop tent that sells Fading Jenny for 300 gold pieces. Purchase it and return to Edina.

How to Solve the Edina Rock Puzzle in Dragon Quest 3 Remake

Once you enter the main castle, you want to head down the first stairs on the left. There is a nun standing at the corner marking the correct location. At the bottom of the stairs, you’ll find the Edina Castle rock puzzle.

If you get stuck, you can exit the room to reset the puzzle. If a rock is dropped into the water, you’ll be asked if you’d like to reset the puzzle.

The puzzle is not incredibly difficult, but it does require several steps. The best way to see the solution is to watch the above video. We’ll list the steps below as well:

  • Step 1: Push the left rock up/north one square, and the middle rock one square to the right/east.
  • Step 2: Go around the bottom of the left water square, then push the left rock two squares to the right/east, so it’s lined up with the path to the goal. Be careful! It’s easy to accidentally push the rock too far.
  • Step 3: Push the left rock to the goal.
  • Step 4: Go all the way around the bottom, and push the right rock one square down/south.
  • Step 5: Push the middle rock three squares to the left/west, lined up with the water square. It will now be in the same position as the left rock’s starting position.
  • Step 6: Just as you did with the left rock, push it one square to the north, then go around the bottom of the left water square and push the rock two squares to the east. Finally, push it north to the goal.
  • Step 7: Go back around the bottom of the center blocks, and push the final rock north one square. Then go to the right of the square and push it four squares west, so it is also in the same position as the left rock’s starting position.
  • Final Step: Push the final rock one square to the north, then go around the bottom of the left water square and push the rock two squares to the east. Finally, push the rock north into the final goal spot.

How to Get the Bottomless Pot in Dragon Quest 3 Remake


The Bottomless Pot is given as the reward for completing the Edina Castle rock puzzle. Once the puzzle is complete, a secret room will open at the back of the puzzle chamber. Head into the room and open the chest to receive the Bottomless Pot. Continue to the Shallows Shrine to finish the quest for the Ultimate Key.

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