How To Get A Cowplant In The Sims 4

How To Get A Cowplant In The Sims 4
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Even though it’s a life simulator, there are quite a few particular quirks that gamers will only find in The Sims 4 and they would never be able to see in the real world. Cowplants are the perfect example, as they are one of the most iconic features in The Sims 4, but they can be quite hard to get if you’re not sure how to grow them.


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With the help of this guide, you’ll be able to learn all about Cowplants in The Sims 4, including how you can get their seeds and how to grow them and care for them properly to prevent them from perishing.

Updated December 25, 2024 by Jacqueline Zalace: Getting your first Cowplant can be challenging if you’ve never done it before in The Sims 4. As such, we’ve updated this guide with a bit more information to help you get and grow this plant.

What Is A Cowplant?

A picture of the rare Cowplant in The Sims 4, a Gardener Botanist path career reward.

Before learning how to get one, let’s discuss what exactly a Cowplant is. As the name implies, this is a plant that looks like a cow. If you want to get technical, the scientific name for this hybrid plant is the “Laganaphyllis simnovorii”.

Cowplants have a long history in The Sims franchise, with its first appearance in The Sims 2. In The Sims 4 though, this bovine plant now has growing stages, as well as an undead ghostly version (introduced in Life & Death).

You’ll be able to milk fully grown Cowplants! If a Sim is eaten, they can milk the plant to receive a beverage that provides a moodlet for the mood that they were previously in before being eaten. This can be used to return to normal, or create drinks for others.

How To Get A Cowplant Berry

In order to get a Cowplant in The Sims 4, you will first need to get your hands on a Cowplant Berry. Afterward, you will need to take care of it and nurture it until it has fully grown into a mature Cowplant.

Fishing A Cowplant Berry

The easiest way to acquire a Cowplant Berry is to head to Desert Bloom Park in Oasis Springs and fish in the small pond, north of the park area. Here, even if your sim has a relatively low Fishing skill, it should be easy enough to get it within a few hours of in-game fishing.

Become A Professional Botanist

In the Botanist branch of the Gardener career, you can also get a Cowplant Berry as a reward for reaching level five. This will only happen if you choose the Botanist branch; Floral Designers will not receive the berry.

Grafting Dragons

Alternatively, you can graft Snapdragon with Dragon Fruits to obtain Cowplant Berries using the Gardening skill.

Grafting in the Gardening skill only unlocks once you reach level five. This isn’t too big of a feat, and if you are serious about growing a Cowplant, then you are probably already leveling up this skill.

Cowplant Berries In Space

If you own the Get To Work expansion pack, you can use the Rocket Ship to explore space, which has a chance of your Sim finding a Cowplant Berry.

Digging For Berries

Digging for treasure in dirt piles also has a low chance of granting you a Cowplant Berry.

Regardless of all these methods, fishing for the berry at the pond near Desert Bloom Park is the most reliable method.

How To Take Care Of A Cowplant

A planted cowplant bery and mature plant in The Sims 4.

As soon as you have the Cowplant Berry in your inventory, drag it onto your home lot and select the “plant” option. Cowplants work just like any other plant when it comes to the process of it maturing into a fully grown plant; you have to water it and be sure that it has everything it needs.

Once a Cowplant Berry has grown into a fully grown Cowplant, your Sim will have to feed it every twelve hours.

Can You Be Killed By A Cowplant?

Sim grabbing a cowplant cake in The Sims 4.

If a Cowplant becomes hungry, it will display its cake-shaped tongue, which serves as bait for naive Sims. Sims can eat the cake inside the Cowplant’s mouth but they will be eaten by the plant.

The first time, it’ll spit them out, causing them to earn a negative moodlet. If this happens once again while the moodlet is still active, the Sim will, unfortunately, be killed by their own Cowplant.

If you keep control of your ghostly Sims, you’ll get some unique actions. When a ghost Sim (that has been killed by a Cowplant) is happy, plants around them will grow. If, on the other hand, the Sim is in a bad mood (such as sad or angry), nearby plants will begin to die.


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