How To Make Gold Fast In Dragon Age: Inquisition

How To Make Gold Fast In Dragon Age: Inquisition
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In Dragon Age: Inquisition, you play as the only person capable of saving the world from ruin, so you’re dedicated to doing just that. However, being the world’s savior doesn’t pay very well, and you meet many merchants throughout the game who are selling things you may need to improve your chances of success.


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So, you may need to think of ways to build up your funds. Thankfully, there are a few ways to make money in the game. None of them will make you the wealthiest person in Thedas straight away, but they will certainly get you there quicker than just playing the game like normal. Here are those ways.

Loot And Sell Everything

Dragon Age Inquisition screenshot of weapons listing at merchant.

The most simple way to build up your funds in Dragon Age Inquisition is to simply loot pretty much everything you come across and sell it. You don’t need excess weapons or equipment, as nothing ever breaks.

You may want to keep certain things that do a specific type of damage, such as ice damage, in case you come up against a high dragon or another foe that is weak to it. Generally, though, you want to sell most items that aren’t good enough to be equipped.

The Sterling Reputation Inquisition perk can help with selling, as it makes merchants pay ten percent more for your goods.

Farm Snoufleur Skins

In the Emprise du Lion region, you can find a small area covered in ice near the Sahrnia Camp. Walking on the ice are a bunch of Snoufleurs. These are docile creatures that aren’t a threat to you in any way. If you kill them, you can loot their carcasses to pick up Snoufleur skin. You can sell those skins for at least 15 gold each.

That may not sound like much, but you can farm plenty of Snoufleur skins quickly. After all, they’re easy to kill and keep spawning around that icy area. Plus, they don’t just drop a single skin each. Some drop up to ten skins. So, if you spend some time just walking around that naturally-made icerink, killing and looting every Snoufleur you see, you can build up plenty of skins to sell.

Farm Giants In The Emerald Graves

In the central area of The Emerald Graves, you can find giants stomping about. These creatures are tough to take down, but they drop some excellent loot, such as armor and weapons. These items can then be sold for a good amount of money. You have to be ready to face the giants, though, because they deal plenty of damage and have a lot of health.

So, you shouldn’t go for this money-making method when you’re still at a low level. You certainly shouldn’t try to take on multiple giants at once. But if you can pick a few off and loot their bodies, you will amass a decent collection of valuable things to sell.

Make Use Of The Gather Coin Operation

Dragon Age Inquisition screenshot of Gather Coin operation on the War Table.

An operation called Gather Coin becomes available at the War Table fairly early into the game. All you have to do is choose one of your advisors to start their operation, and when it’s completed, you get some gold. You can then repeat the process.

You don’t get a huge amount of gold each time, but all it costs is some time away for one of your advisors. Plus, you can do it an unlimited number of times, so it can be a constant source of income.

All That Glitters, To Serve Any Master, and A Golden Opportunity are other operations you can do that boost how much you get for the Gather Coin one.

Sell Herbs From Your Garden

Dragon Age Inquisition screenshot of the Inquisitor harvesting a herb.

When Skyhold becomes your main base of operations, you get access to a garden. In this garden, you can plant seeds that you find in the wild. The beauty of these seeds is that they aren’t consumables. Therefore, you can keep growing the same plant after you pick up one seed for it. Then, you can harvest these plants to sell.

It is certainly not a get-rich-quick scheme, as growing and harvesting herbs isn’t a fast process. Yet, it doesn’t cost you anything. So, if you get into the habit of planting things and then harvesting them when they’re ready, you can earn some money in the long term.


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