Your Warrior of Light is your avatar in the world of Final Fantasy 14, and so understandably, you’ll want them to look their best. As well as curating their appearance from their physical look, stylish locks, and perfect outfits, you can also equip them with various Fashion Accessories.

Final Fantasy 14: Guide To All Minions Found On Retainer Ventures
For all the avid minion enthusiasts of Final Fantasy XIV, here’s a guide to all minions that can be obtained from Retainer Ventures.
Fashion Accessories are extra items that don’t require a proper equipment slot and don’t factor into the glamour system either — they’re their own set thing that’s purely aesthetic, and includes umbrellas, glasses, wings, and more. We’ve got everything you need to know about fashion accessories right here.
Updated on December 25, 2024: We’ve updated this article to include the lastest fashion accessories added to the game.
How To Unlock Fashion Accessories
Unlike many systems and mechanics in Final Fantasy 14 that require you to complete a sidequest before unlocking them, all you need to do is obtain your first Fashion Accessory to unlock the menu for it.
How To Use Fashion Accessories
Fashion Accessories are much like minions and mounts in that you have to use them like a consumable from your inventory, before you can properly use them.
Once you’ve used your first Fashion Accessory, you can go to the ‘Character’ menu and then choose ‘Fashion Accessories’ to bring up your collection of accessories to choose from. Simply right-click on/select an accessory and choose ‘Use’ to equip the accessory, and do the same again to remove it.
How To Auto-Use Your Umbrella When It Rains
When it comes to parasols, you have an additional option when you select these accessories, you can choose to ‘Enable Auto-umbrella’. You can do this for one parasol item, and enabling it means that whenever it rains in game, your character will automatically get their umbrella out.
To disable this, simply select the item again in the menu and choose ‘Disable Auto-umbrella’.
Every Fashion Accessory And How To Get It
Item |
How To Obtain |
Parasol |
Purchase from Enie in The Firmament at (X:12.0, Y:14.0) for 1,800 Skybuilders’ Scrips. |
Available on the Market Board. |
Sky Blue Parasol |
Purchase from Enie in The Firmament at (X:12.0, Y:14.0) for 900 Skybuilders’ Scrips. |
Available on the Market Board. |
Vermilion Paper Parasol |
Purchase from Tokohana in Kugane at (X:12.9, Y:12.2) for 100,000 gil. |
Available on the Market Board. |
Plum Paper Parasol |
Possible reward from the following Subaquatic Voyages: Rogo-Tumu-Here’s Repose (Sea of Jade), Bladefall Chasm (Sea of Jade), and Thrall’s Unrest (Sirensong Sea). |
Available on the Market Board. |
Gold Paper Parasol |
Purchase from the Gold Saucer Attendant in The Gold Saucer at (X:5.1, Y:6.6) for 200,000 MGP. |
Calming Checkered Parasol |
Purchase from Enie in The Firmament at (X:12.0, Y:14.0) for 900 Skybuilders’ Scrips. |
Available on the Market Board. |
Cheerful Checkered Parasol |
Purchase from Enie in The Firmament at (X:12.0, Y:14.0) for 1,800 Skybuilders’ Scrips. |
Available on the Market Board. |
Classy Checkered Parasol |
Possible reward from a Southern Front Lockbox. |
Gold Parasaucer |
Reward from earning the achievement ‘Open To Victory III’, obtained by winning 150 Open tournament matches. |
Prim Dot Parasol |
Purchase from Pixie Hoarder in Il Mheg at (X:14.8, Y:32.2) for 100,000 gil. |
Purchase from Ys Gyuf in Il Mheg at (X:19.7, Y:4.1) for 100,000 gil. |
Available on the Market Board. |
Pastoral Dot Parasol |
Purchase from Resistance Quartermaster in Bozjan Southern Front at (X:14.2, Y:29.6) for 25 Bozjan Clusters. |
Available on the Market Board. |
Fat Cat Parasol |
It was available via a past Moogle Treasure Trove event, but is currently no longer available. It may return in future events. |
Great Paraserpent |
Given as a reward from community events only. |
Red Moon Parasol |
It was available as a reward from The Rising 2021 event. |
Purchasable on the Online Store. |
White Lace Parasol |
Possible reward from The Excitatron 6000. |
Possible reward from The Shifting Gymnasion Agonon. |
Available on the Market Board. |
Blue Blossom Parasol |
Possible reward from the following Subaquatic Voyages: Thrall’s Unrest (Sirensong Sea), Drifter’s Decay (Sirensong Sea), and The Forsaken Isle (The Lilac Sea). |
Available on the Market Board. |
Sabotender Parasol |
Possible reward from The Sil’dihn Subterrane. |
Available on the Market Board. |
Felicitous Furball Umbrella |
Purchase from Horrendous Hoarder on your Island Sanctuary at (X:12.6, Y:28.3) for 6,000 Seafarer’s Cowries. |
Raindrop Defense System |
Possible reward from an Eureka Orthos Bronze-tinged Sack. |
Available on the Market Board. |
Tactful Taskmaster Umbrella |
Purchase from Horrendous Hoarder on your Island Sanctuary at (X:12.6, Y:28.3) for 6,000 Seafarer’s Cowries. |
Tsukumogami Parasol |
Possible reward from Mount Rokkon. |
Available on the Market Board. |
Colorful Carrotsol |
Purchase from Horrendous Hoarder on your Island Sanctuary at (X:12.6, Y:28.3) for 6,000 Seafarer’s Cowries. |
Giant Leaf Parasol |
Possible reward from Aloalo Island. |
Available on the Market Board. |
Neon Parasol |
Purchased from Beryl at (X:8.4, Y:14.0) in Solution Nine for 500 Bicolor Gemstones. |
Bomb Parasol |
A reward from PvP Series 6. |
Ribboned Parasol |
A possible reward from the Cenote Ja Ja Gural Treasure Dungeon. |
Mandragora Parasol |
It’s unclear how this item is obtained at present. We’ll update this guide as we have more information. |
Archon Egg Parasol |
Based on datamining, it appears this will be the event reward for Hatching-tide 2025. |
Item |
How To Obtain |
Angel Wings |
Purchase from the Gold Saucer Attendant in The Gold Saucer at (X:5.1, Y:6.6) for 500,000 MGP. |
Fallen Angel Wings |
Purchase from Edelina in Mor Dhona at (X:22.1, Y:4.8) for 500 Bicolor Gemstone Vouchers. |
Available on the Market Board. |
Diabolos Wings |
Purchase from J’lakshai in Old Sharlayan at (X:11.9, Y:13.2) for 800 Sack of Nuts. |
Purchase from Wilmetta in Radz-at-Han at (X:10.5, Y:7.4) for 800 Sack of Nuts. |
Pixie Wings |
Possible reward from Timeworn Kumbhiraskin Map. |
Possible reward from Timeworn Ophiotauroskin Map. |
Available on the Market Board. |
Archangel Wings |
Possible reward from The Excitatron 6000. |
Possible reward from The Shifting Gymnasion Agonon. |
Available on the Market Board. |
Bluepowder Pixie Wings |
Purchase from Horrendous Hoarder on your Island Sanctuary at (X:12.6, Y:28.3) for 6,000 Seafarer’s Cowries. |
Statice’s Wings |
Purchase from Trisassant in Old Sharlayan at (X:12.0, Y:13.3) for 3x Aloalo Potsherds. |
Available on the Market Board. |
Misc. Accessories
If you’re looking for Spectacles, these changed with the launch of Dawntrail and have been converted into Facewear. You can check out our full guide on how to unlock and use Facewear here.

Final Fantasy 14: What To Spend Tomestones Of Poetics On
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