When it comes to organizing a Dungeons & Dragons
adventuring party, the Cleric is often placed in the role of a healer. However, modern incarnations of what is usually a support class have changed dramatically. These days, Clerics have evolved into a combination class that can fill any role and works well as a multiclass.
The Cleric used to be an obscure class, but the improved skill set and customization options have made it more compelling to D&D players, both in tabletop and video game form (such as in Baldur’s Gate 3). Clerics still make great healers, but they are equally great as defenders, support characters, and dealers in both physical and magical damage.

Dungeons & Dragons 5e: Best Cleric Builds
For those planning to start up a Cleric in Dungeons & Dragons 5e, here’s what to consider to get the best builds out of the class.
Clerics use Wisdom as their spellcasting modifier, so this is typically their highest stat. With that in mind, players who are thinking about multiclassing should look at classes that also use Wisdom. Examples include Druids, Monks, and Rangers.
The Tempest Cleric
Masters Of The Storm
- Ability Scores: A Cleric with an elemental build needs a high Wisdom and a few extra points in Dexterity
This build can work for a defender as well as a striker, but in that case, Constitution should be higher than Dexterity. These Clerics are primarily magic damage dealers, but they can also have extra weapon proficiencies or a higher AC depending on the subclass.
- Tiefling, Bloodline of Levistus. Found in Mordenkainen’s Tome of Foes, this Tiefling subrace gets a +1 to their Constitution and learns the cantrips Ray of Frost, Darkness, and Armor of Agathys.
- Air Genasi. Add +2 and +1 to any two scores or +1 to three. Learn the Shocking Grasp cantrip.
- Dragonborn. Choose a bloodline based on Lightning, Cold, or Poison. Lightning is for Dexterity saves and Cold depends on Constitution, so it depends on the build the player is going for.
Subclass: Tempest Domain
Keep with the “storm” theme of the build by making this Cleric an expert in controlling elements like thunder, wind, water, and lightning. Tempest Clerics also have more proficiencies for AC and weapons, so they have more power in melee range even without casting abilities.
- Shipwright. A ship needs a Cleric, and the proficiencies in History and Perception fit well with the class. They can also repair water-going vehicles.
- Giant Foundling. This background opens up an important feature, Strike of the Giants. Skill proficiencies are Intimidation and Survival.
- Soldier. This Cleric learned Intimidation and Athletics during their army time, and they have a military rank.
- Charger. After using Dash, this Cleric can use a Bonus Action to Shove an enemy. Run 10ft in a straight line to gain a +5 to attack damage.
- Elemental Adept. Choose acid, cold, lightning, or thunder. Spells cast by the Cleric of this damage type ignore elemental resistance.
- Guile Of The Cloud Giant. Increase Constitution by +1. Gets the Cloudy escape ability, which allows the Cleric to use a Reaction to give themselves resistance to the attack’s damage. The character needs to be at level 4 and have Strike of the Giants to use this feat.
Recommended Gear
- Sentinel Shield. Gives the Cleric Advantage on Perception checks and Initiative rolls. This shield is of uncommon quality, so it’s a decent accessory that’s not too expensive.
- Dragon Scale Mail. +1 bonus to AC, resistance to one type of dragon element, Advantage on saving throws against Frightful Presence.
- Wand Of Magic Missiles. Give this Cleric some extra spell power with the Wand of Magic Missiles, which has seven charges that restore every sunrise.

Dungeons & Dragons: The 32 Best Weapons For Clerics (& Where They’re Usually Found)
Dungeons & Dragons has evolved enough so that even a Cleric can wield a damage-dealing weapon, and here are the best for this healing class.
The Necromancer
Dance With The Dead
Comparable to dark Sorcerers or evil Wizards, this build is best suited to a Cleric who oversees a place like a crypt or cemetery, or one that follows a god of the dead.
The Necromancer doesn’t exist as a class in D&D, but that doesn’t mean players can’t build another class into one that dabbles in death magic, the occult, or controlling the undead. These Clerics can be pure damage dealers, or use their powers equally to control minions, melt their enemies, and heal their allies.
Each of the following races gives the player the option of adding +2 and +1 to any two scores, or +1 to three of them.
- Dhampir. Roll 1d6 and 1d8 to determine this character’s specific hunger and origins.
- Duergar. Cast various handy non-combat spells like Enlarge/Reduce and Invisibility. This race also has the abilities of Psionic Fortitude and Darkvision.
- Pallid Elf. +1 to Wisdom, Advantage on Insight and Investigation checks, the Light cantrip, and the spells Invisibility and Sleep.
Subclass: Death or Grave
The nature of the Cleric class means that several of the subclasses focus on death and the afterlife. The Death Domain has the most choices when it comes to Cold or Necromancy spells, and it also grants the Cleric a few extra slots.
The Grave Domain is also a possibility. This choice is more about the manipulation of life and death and gives the Cleric extra powers to counter the undead.
- Ruined. A series of unfortunate events have robbed this Cleric of their good fortune and taught them Stealth and Survival.
- Outlander. Athletics and Survival for a Cleric who was raised and trained in the wilderness.
- Haunted One. Choose two skills from these four: Arcana, Investigation, Religion, or Survival. Roll a 1d10 to determine the Harrowing Event that haunts this character.
Each of the following Feats gives the player the option of increasing their Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma score by 1. Clerics should always choose Wisdom.
- Shadow Touched. Cast Invisibility, and one other spell from the Necromancy or Divination school.
- Telekinetic. Learn the Mage Hand cantrip, and gain the ability to Shove any visible creature within a 30-foot radius.
- Fey Touched. Get the Misty Step spell along with another spell from the Divination or Enchantment School.
Recommended Gear
- Ring Of Spell Storing. Store up to five levels of spells in addition to the usual memorized incantations. The exact spells are chosen at random by the Dungeon Master.
- Mace Of Terror. Three times a day, this mace can be used to unleash a wave of terror. The Cleric can choose which targets must succeed in a Wisdom saving throw or become Frightened.
- Scarab of Protection. Provides Advantage on saving throws against spells, but only has 12 charges, and turns to dust when the last is finally used.

Every Dungeons and Dragons 2024 Cleric Change Explained
DnD’s 2024 Player’s Handbook comes with some quality of life updates for the Cleric that adds versatility and a range of gameplay options.
The Power Of The Light
Lay Waste As A Holy Healer
A support class that uses Light and Fire damage, this build is as good at destroying enemies as they are with healing allies. This Cleric build can be compared to a Paladin. They use their powers to smite as much as to heal, dispel, and buff, but don’t mistake this for a support class or a healer that stands on the sidelines. These are powerful spellcasters that can compete with Sorcerers and Wizards when it comes to damage.
- Astral Elf. Add +2 and +1 to any two scores, or +1 to three. Has Darkvision, can’t be Charmed, and can choose one cantrip from three options; Dancing Lights, Light, or Sacred Flame.
- Aasamir. Add +2 and +1 to any two scores, or +1 to three. Resistance to Necrotic and Radiant damage, the Healing Hands ability, and the Light cantrip.
- Variant Human. Two ability scores of the player’s choice increase by +1. They gain proficiency in an extra skill and can learn one additional Feat.
Subclass: Light or War
The Light Domain subclass gives some boost to support skills like Guardian of Faith, while adding powerful damage-dealing spells like Scorching Ray and Daylight. Players who are interested in building a defender that is more like a Paladin can try the War Domain, which gives the Cleric extra AC and weapon proficiencies.
- Acolyte. Insight, Religion, and the goodwill of local temples who recognize the Cleric’s holy nature.
- Knight of the Order. These noble fighters often choose a deity to serve, so a Cleric fits right in with skills like Persuasion and Religion.
- Folk Hero. Animal Handing and Survival. A heroic deed made this Cleric a local legend, and they now enjoy a level of fame that can get them, and their friends, free food, lodging, or other kinds of help.
- Alert. This Cleric can never be Surprised and gains +5 to their Initiative rolls.
- Healer. Use a Healer’s Kit to restore 1d6 + 4 hit points to the target. Requires an action, but doesn’t use a spell slot.
- Gift of the Metallic Dragon. This Cleric knows Cure Wounds and their Protective Wings ability can shield the whole party.
Recommended Gear
- Mace Of Disruption. A weapon that does extra damage to fiends and undead, it’s fitting for a wielder of the holy light.
- Sun Staff. +1 attack bonus, extra fire damage for every target, the abilities of Solar Focus and Sunny Glow.
- Elven Chain. +1 bonus, the Cleric is automatically proficient in Medium Armor when it’s equipped.

Dungeons and Dragons: The Difference Between a Paladin and a Cleric
While Paladins and Clerics might have some similarities, they’re both very different classes. Here’s what makes them both unique.
Dark Defender
A High Constitution And Close-Range Casting Power
This is a fairly new Cleric build with a high AC that fights in melee range, and any spells they know are often for self-healing, support, or melee combat. Breaking away from the traditional roles of damage and healing, this character fights on the front lines and takes on a role usually held by Paladins or Fighters. This Cleric wears heavy armor, prioritizes melee combat and defense, and requires Constitution and Strength in addition to Wisdom.
- Half-Orc. +2 to Strength and +1 to Consitution, Darkvision, proficiency in Intimidation. Relentless Endurance lets this Cleric keep 1 hit point when they drop to zero.
- Hill Dwarf. Wisdom and hit point maximum increase by +1, and the hit points continue to tick up by one at every level.
- Githzerai. Add +2 and +1 to any two scores, or +1 to three. Learn the Mage Hand, Detect Thoughts and Shield cantrips.
Subclass: War Domain
The War Domain gives the Cleric proficiency with Heavy Armor and martial weapons along with specific casting abilities to dispel, de-curse, and rally their companions.
- City Watch. Similar to the Soldier background, this Background is more urban and relies on Athletics and Insight.
- Inquisitor. Investigation and Religion make sense for a Cleric, and this one can also arrest criminals on behalf of the church.
- Far Traveler. This Cleric has gained the skills of Insight and Perception in their wanderings.
- Sentinel. Hit an enemy with an opportunity attack and slow them down. Enemies can’t Disengage from Opportunity Attacks, and use a Reaction to attack an enemy targeting an ally.
- Gift of the Chromatic Dragon. Use the ability of Chromatic Infusion to charge a weapon with the choice of elemental damage. Reactive Resistance can be used against acid, cold, fire, lightning, or poison damage.
- Resilient. Increase any ability score by +1 and gain proficiency in saving throws in the same ability.
Recommended Gear
- Adamantine Chain Mail. Any critical hits against a Cleric wearing this armor are downgraded to normal.
- Boots Of Elvenkind. This Cleric is usually wearing Heavy Armor, which makes it harder to use Stealth abilities. These books mitigate that problem.
- Gauntlets of Ogre Power. Boost the Cleric’s Strength to 19.

Dungeons & Dragons
- Created by
E. Gary Gygax
, Dave Arneson - Creation Year
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