There are plenty of students out there in the anime world. Whether they live in a normal world or a supernatural one, most anime shows revolve around middle school to high school-aged characters as the leads. Thankfully, most of these characters have a great teacher there to help them get stronger and make sure they stay on a morally good path.

Anime Teachers Who Are Just Awful At Their Jobs
Teachers often appear in anime as mentors to the protagonist, guiding them on their journeys. These teachers, however, do more harm than good.
These teachers might have some unusual ways to train their pupils, but it works for them and their pupils get stronger and smarter. Whether it’s physical strength or preparing them for the real world, these anime teachers are some of the best out there.
Updated December 25, 2024 by Mark Sammut: Considering most anime seem to take place in schools, teachers obviously have their place in these stories. That said, they tend to take a backseat to the students. This article’s specifications for each show have been updated, along with a new entry featuring a teacher who works at a demon school.
Akane Minagawa
Memorable For Being Horrible
This music teacher seems like a nice woman to all of her students, but there’s more to her than meets the eye. Akane starts as a kind and clumsy teacher that all of her students adore. One of them, Mugi Awaya, falls in love with her. However, Akane is crueler than anyone could imagine. She’s aware of Mugi’s crush and toys with his emotions for the fun of it and to manipulate him.
She even starts dating another teacher, Narumi Kanai, because she knows her student, Harubi Yasuraoka, has a crush on him. Akane might be a good teacher to most of her students, but her true personality doesn’t make her a great person.
Naberius Kalego
A Tough As Nails Teacher Who Inadvertently Becomes Too Familiar With A Student
Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun does not focus too much on Babyls Demon School’s teachers, but a couple of them get to spend some time in the spotlight. Kalego is arguably the anime’s most iconic teacher, and he is at the heart of some of the show’s biggest laughs. Right from his very first scene, Kalego instantly has no time for Iruma, and he is generally quite dismissive and harsh on most of his students.
All of the above is simply a setup for a laugh-out-load gag that sees Iruma accidentally summon Kalego as his familiar, which causes the teacher to transform into a small creature that could not hurt a fly. While this joke is hilarious, Kalego is otherwise not a terrible teacher, and he is generally fair.
Sawako Yamanaka
A Former Drummer Teaches Her Students To Rock
The music teacher at Sakuragaoka High School, Sawako is the advisor of the Light Music Club at the school. During her youth, she was in a metal rock band and was the main vocalist for it. This was a bit surprising to her students since she’s known for being soft-spoken and gentle. She is also the one who named Ho-kago Tea Time since the members of the band couldn’t decide on a name.
She eventually becomes the homeroom teacher of most of the band and sticks with them until they graduate. After Azusa is the only one left, Sawako helps form the new band, Wakaba Girls.
Nozomu Itoshiki (Sayonara, Zetsobu-Sensei)
Gloomy, But Cares For His Students
A high school teacher, Nozomu Itoshiki is pessimistic. He often yells “I’m in despair!” whenever he’s upset and will try to off himself in hilarious fashion and unserious intent. Luckily for him, he fails in every attempt. Though he’s usually a negative person, he does care for his students.
Nozomu does get along with his students even though he struggles to understand their quirks and other things. Most of the girls in the class have a crush, but this is because they misunderstood what he said to each of them.
Yukari Tanizaki
Hilarious Even When Horrible To Her Students
The homeroom teacher of Class 3 has a close relationship with her students. Yukari has unorthodox ways of teaching her class and she can either be sweet or tyrant-like to them, depending on her mood. She can easily go from being encouraging and optimistic toward them or will throw or hit her students with blunt objects. But if there’s one thing she enjoys, it’s teasing Chiyo, a child prodigy who skipped five grades and is ten years old.

Best School Anime That Focus On Teachers
These shows feature the transformation of a wide range of students while also giving due attention to the educators who shape their lives.
Her relationship with her students is more casual and her students are comfortable calling her casual names like Yukari-sensei or Yukari-chan. Even some of her students have had the misfortune of being in a car with her while she drives and some of them come out scarred for life.
Junichirou Kagami (Ultimate Otaku Teacher)
Uses His Interests To Make Lessons Entertaining
Ultimate Otaku Teacher
- Japanese Title
Denpa Kyoushi
- Release Date
November 2, 2011
- Studio
A-1 Pictures
- Based On
- Creator
Takeshi Azuma
A teacher that cares little for teaching, and is more focused on his blog and other interests. Even though he’s supposed to be teaching physics, Junichirou always manages to bring his interests into the topic of discussion. Though this sounds like a headache, it works as it makes his lessons more bearable and entertaining, and he’s able to keep focus while his students are still learning.
Despite his unorthodox ways of teaching, he inspires his students and helps them however he can. Junichirou could get just about any job he wants in the science field, but he enjoys being a teacher to his students and helping reform them.
Kumiko Yamaguchi
Being From The Yakuza Makes Teaching Delinquents A Breeze
Coming from a Yakuza family, Kumiko might not seem like the ideal choice to be a teacher. However, putting her in charge of a class that’s full of delinquents, is a perfect choice. Despite her delicate appearance, Kumiko is strict and serious when it comes to teaching her class. Though most have given up on her class, she is optimistic and determined to make sure all of them graduate high school.
Though she and her students have a rocky start, they come to respect her and hold her in high regard. Kumiko had a lot stacked against her at first, but she refuses to give up on her dream of being a teacher and on her students.
Mayuko Shiraki
Strict But Fair To Her Students
Mayuko is known for being a no-nonsense teacher, but many students respect her and she is shown to have some fun in her interactions with them. She’s one of the few adults who can get Kyo in line as shown when she slams him with a book when he tries to escape her classroom. She also stopped a fight between him and Haru by pouring water on them.
What makes Mayuko a great teacher is that she’s not afraid to stand up for the students even if it means standing up to their parents. When she saw Yuki’s mother being rude during their conference, she called her out for her attitude.
Irina Jelavic
An Assassin Who’s Not Good At Teaching And Can’t Kill Her Target
Irina has the misfortune of being assigned to kill Koro-sensei. She becomes the English teacher to class 3-E as a way of getting closer to him, but this doesn’t go as planned. Her attempts to kill him end in failure. As a teacher, Irina doesn’t care much for class 3-E at the beginning since she’s focused on her assignment and they give her some pretty harsh nicknames for it.
As time goes on, Irina does come to care for the class and teaches them some of her techniques. She taught Toka Yada the art of infiltration, negotiating, and seducing and they make a good pair when partnered.
Henry Henderson
Determined To Make His Students Elegant
He’s been around for a short time, but Spy x Family fans can’t help but admire this teacher. Unlike his coworker Murdoch Swan, Henderson still accepted Anya after her rough interview that ended with her crying and Loid breaking the table. He upholds the rules of Eden Academy, and isn’t afraid to throw a punch at his coworkers should they get out of line.
When teaching, Henderson is fair but firm and holds his class to the highest standards. He doesn’t care if his students come from the richest families in the world, and doesn’t give them special treatment. He expects only the best and will teach them to become the elegant students that Eden Academy is known for.
Ursula Callistis
Determined To Make A Better Future Through Her Students
Little Witch Academia
- Release Date
June 30, 2017
- Studio
- Number of Episodes
- Creator
Yoh Yoshinari
Ursula is a young woman who is haunted by her past as a stage performer under the stage name Shiny Chariot. After losing Shiny Rod’s approval, she disappeared and became Ursula Callistis, a teacher at Luna Nova Magical Academy. When she sees that Akko is the new owner of Shiny Rod, she becomes her tutor.

Iconic Anime Teachers Who Are Absurdly Powerful
These anime teachers are much more than mere guides to their students; they possess vast & immense powers.
She deeply cares for her students, and her bond with Akko is very strong. After meeting her student, Ursula feels that some of her passion from her past self comes back, and she is determined to make sure Akko is the best witch she can be.
Yoko Littner
A Teacher Who Is A Firearms Expert And Teaches That Violence Is Wrong
Gurren Lagann
- Japanese Title
Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann
- Release Date
April 1, 2007
- Studio
- Number of Episodes
At the beginning of the series, Yoko is a 14-year-old girl who is the sniper of Team Dai-Gurren. Despite her young age, Yoko is a mature and smart girl who knows how to survive the harsh world around her. She’s pretty level-headed and likes to think things through before acting and is very confident in her skills. After the Beastman War, Yoko becomes an advisor for Simon but leaves after Kamina City is up and running.
While viewers don’t get to see her teaching, her students enjoy being around her. After two Beastman attack her class and hold one of her students hostage, Yoko is quick to pull out her rifle and shoot them. While doing so, she lectures her class about how violence is wrong which shows that she does care about her students and wants them to do good in life.
Jigoro Kuwajima
Believed In Zenitsu When Zenitsu Didn’t Believe In Himself
Jigoro is a former Hashira who is a master of the Thunder Breathing style. This style is considered one of the hardest to learn and many have left early in the training because of how intense it is. Even after all the attempts to run away, Jigoro never let Zenitsu give up and showed patience despite his constant whining.
Even though Zenitsu only mastered the first form of Thunder Breathing, Jigoro was immensely proud of this accomplishment. His fatherly love for him is very strong and he considers Zenitsu his pride and joy.
Taught Natsu To Fight, But Learned How To Love
- Release Date
October 12, 2009
- Studio
A-1 Pictures, Satelight, Bridge, CloverWorks
- Based On
- Creator
Hiro Mashima
The foster father of Natsu Dragneel, Igneel taught Natsu the Fire Dragon Slayer Magic. It is thanks to him that Natsu became a very powerful mage and one of Fairy Tail’s strongest fighters. His time with Natsu might’ve been short, but Natsu’s style of fighting shows that Igneel’s lessons worked.
Many of Natsu’s moves are based on Igneel’s signature moves and some are even almost the exact same. Despite their relatively short time together, Natsu and Igneel love each other very much and see each other as family.
Sakonji Urokodaki (Demon Slayer)
Steadfast And Strong Even After Losing Many Students
Urokodaki mostly appeared at the beginning of the series, but it’s thanks to him that Tanjiro learned to fight. He taught the current Water Hashira, Giyu Tomioka, as well. When Nezuko was in a coma, he would talk to her in her sleep and give her subconscious suggestions to defend all humans and not consume them. Thanks to this, Nezuko sees all humans as her family and has only tried to consume two humans the first time she transformed into her Awakened Form.
He’s had plenty of other students in the past, but sadly, almost all of them died during Final Selection. Sabito, one of his deceased students, managed to protect everyone participating in his Final Selection by killing many demons and only died when he encountered the Hand Demon.
Gaku Yashiro
Iconic For Being Cruel And Sadistic
He might be a sadistic psychotic killer outside of his teaching job, but ironically he’s a very popular teacher among his students. Gaku was always willing to help them in any way that he could and would defend them if they were ever wrongly accused of anything. On the surface, he seemed like a great guy who truly cared for his students and their well-being. However, he used his position as a way of picking his victims and even picking the person he would pin all the murders on.
Gaku was very meticulous in his planning, and it’s scary that he succeeded in killing a lot of children before running into Satoru Fujinuma. Their game of cat-and-mouse game was deadly and just when Gaku thought Satoru truly died, he was pleased to find out that his own student outsmarted him and got him caught.
Mizuho Kazami (Please Teacher!)
Tries Her Best To Teach Despite Not Being Fully Human
Please Teacher!
- Japanese Title
Onegai Teacher
- Release Date
January 10, 2002
- Studio
- Number of Episodes
A half-alien and half-human who works for the Galaxy Federation as an observer on Earth. Thanks to her human blood, she has an easier time blending in very well and no one suspects her of being an alien. The only one who knows about her is Kei since he saw her land, but this leads to some events that nearly kill them and create a bond with one another. Mizuho is naive and a little childlike in her interactions which leads to some hilarious and embarrassing moments in the show.

Doing the job of lighting the fire in their students, these anime teachers serve as good examples in many areas.
She tries her best to be the best teacher she can be, but not knowing much about Earth does tend to put her in awkward positions. Though she’s very sweet to everyone around her, some of the things she says are a little out there and it’s hilarious that she’s not aware of it sounds to other people.
Kazuma Sohma (Fruits Basket)
The Mentor And Father Figure That Kyo Needed
The martial arts sensei of Kyo, Yuki, Kagura, and Hatsuharu and Kyo’s adoptive father. Kazuma is a kind and wise man that the younger Zodiac members look up to as he’s supportive of them. He took in Kyo after his mother died and showed him affection for the first time in his life. Kyo is eternally grateful to him for doing this and holds Kazuma in high regard. Kazuma is shown to be fearless even after most of the Sohma family shows disdain toward him for taking in Kyo.
Even though he knew Kyo’s fate was to be locked away, Kazuma made plans to keep that from happening even if meant defying Akito, the head of the Sohma family and greatly feared by a lot of members. Kazuma has helped students outside of the Sohma family such as shown with Kunimitsu Tomoda, a former student who is now his assistant.
Sakata Gintoki
Serious Or Silly, But Always Entertaining
Maybe he’s not a legitimate teacher, but Gintoki has earned his spot as an iconic teacher even when he’s not being serious. Gintoki became a mentor for Shimura Shinpachi, who admires him and wishes to learn how to become a powerful samurai. However, Shinpachi quickly learns that Gintoki isn’t exactly what he pictured.
Gintoki still takes him under his wing and can be serious when teaching. There’s also the time he became Ginpachi-sensei, who is more of a parody teacher figure and is horrible at his job. He answers questions from the class and Gintama fans but doesn’t really give direct answers or change the subject. This bit is more for comedy and entertainment but is one of the memorable moments.
King Kai
Help Several Z-Fighters Get Stronger
King Kai might not look like much, but he’s trained Goku and other Z-Fighters. His training methods are unorthodox and one of the first tests he gives future students is to make him laugh. His training might look silly, like having to catch Bubbles or hitting Gregory with a mallet. Though Goku thought these were just silly games, he realized they improved his speed and strength.
He invented the Kaio-Ken technique, which amplifies the user’s power and speed, but at the cost of damaging their own body. King Kai taught this to Goku and it has since become one of Goku’s regularly-used techniques.
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