All Siren Isle Rare Spawn Locations In WoW: The War Within

All Siren Isle Rare Spawn Locations In WoW: The War Within

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In World of Warcraft, enemies abound. There is no shortage of monsters and enemy combatants for adventurers to face and (hopefully) take down. In The War Within expansion, this is no different, and the game’s mainstay feature of powerful Rare mobs with extra and higher quality loot remains.


World Of Warcraft: How To Get To Siren Isle

Getting to Siren Isle in World of Warcraft can be tricky.

Within one of The War Within’s endgame zones, the Siren Isle, seaswept Rares have been uncovered for adventurers to face. Uniquely, some of these Rares only appear on the isle during certain weeks, while others are permanent residents. These rares are laden with powerful gear, unique transmog appearances, and the isle’s currency: Flame-Blessed Iron.

How Siren Isle Rares Work

The combined expedition camp of Bilgewater Cartel goblins, Algari earthen, and Hallowfall Arathi on Siren Isle.

Seven of Siren Isle’s Rares are always able to spawn on the isle. These are referred to as Normal Rares.

The rest of the zone’s Rares are dependent on what mob type is currently invading the isle, which changes weekly, and are not found when their mob type’s week isn’t occurring.

There are four different mob-type weeks, with them being:

  • Naga Week
  • Pirate Week
  • Storm Week
  • Vrykul Week

Where The Normal Rares Spawn


The map of Siren Isle with the location of Bloodbrine, circled in orange.

Bloodbrine is a Rare hydra that spawns at the western edge of Deadfin Mire, a boggy shore on the southwest of Siren Isle.


The map of Siren Isle with the location of Ghostmaker, circled in orange.

The Rare armored boar Ghostmaker spawns at Tempest’s Crest, a peak marked by a Kul Tiran watchpost that sits atop it.


The map of Siren Isle with the location of Grimgull, circled in orange.

At the entrance of the mouth of the cove next to Jetsam Drift on the north coast of Siren Isle, is where you can find Grimgull, a huge Rare Seagull.

Gunnlod The Sea-Drinker

The map of Siren Isle with the location of Gunnlod the Sea-Drinker, circled in orange.

Inside the Forgotten Vault, deep beneath the isle, the Rare skeletal vrykul Gunnlod the Sea-Drinker haunts. He can be found in the vault’s eastern wing.


The map of Siren Isle with the location of Shardsong, circled in orange.

Within the Forgotten Vault’s western wing, a Rare crystal elemental named Shardsong lurks.

The Forgotten Vault is accessed through the Sacred Hollow in Jetsam Drift.


The map of Siren Isle with the location of Slaughtershell, circled in orange.

A Rare hermit crab, Slaughtershell, spawns most frequently in the waters north of Flotsam Shoal. However, it does tend to roam the dry land of Siren Isle itself.


The map of Siren Isle with the location of Snacker, circled in orange.

Snacker is a Rare shark that tends to spawn around a wrecked ship near an outcrop south of Deadfin Mire. It also often spawns in the waters north of Flotsam Shoal.

Where The Naga Week Rares Spawn

Coralweaver Calliso

The map of Siren Isle with the location of Coralweaver Calisso, circled in orange.

Coralweaver Calliso is a Rare naga who spawns on the southern shore of Stormtide Dregs. Like her name suggests, she is a powerful caster.

Siris The Sea Scorpion

The map of Siren Isle with the location of Siris the Sea Scorpion, circled in orange.

Wading in the waters of the eastern shore of Stormtide Dregs, Siris the Sea Scorpion lurks during Naga Weeks. She is a Rare centaurine naga, making her stand out among her comrades.

Where The Pirate Week Rares Spawn

Chef Chum Platter

The map of Siren Isle with the location of Chef Chum Platter, circled in orange.

The Rare ogre pirate Chef Chum Platter spawns on the southern shore of Stormtide Dregs during Pirate Weeks.

Plank-Master Bluebelly

The map of Siren Isle with the location of Plank-Master Bluebelly, circled in orange.

Plank-Master Bluebelly is a Rare vulpera pirate scavenging the western shore of Stormtide Dregs when her crew invades Siren Isle.

Where The Storm Week Rares Spawn


The map of Siren Isle with the location of Brinebough, circled in orange.

On a cliff east of, and overlooking, Flotsam Shoal, the Rare coral ancient Brinebough spawns during Storm Weeks. It can also spawn on the western shore of Stormtide Dregs.

Ksvir The Forgotten

The map of Siren Isle with the location of Ksvir the Forgotten, circled in orange.

Lurking within the south wing of the Forgotten Vault, the Rare vrykul ghost (possibly an echo) Ksvir the Forgotten stands vigil over a facet of the crystal Lorandel.

Tempest Talon

The map of Siren Isle with the location of Tempest Talon, circled in orange.

When the tempests arrive over Siren Isle, the Rare wyvern spirit beast Tempest Talon takes flight from its nest on the cliffs north of Deadfin Mire. It tends to fly over the mire and the other cliffs bordering it after it spawns.


The map of Siren Isle with the location of Wreckwater, circled in orange.

Among the minor shipwrecks scattered on the coast between Deadfin Mire and the center of the isle, the Rare bound water elemental Wreckwater sometimes rises from the depths.

Zek’ul The Shipbreaker

The map of Siren Isle with the location of Zek'ul the Shipbreaker, circled in orange.

A massive Rare squid-like kraken named Zek’ul the Shipbreaker spawns in Deadfin Mire during Storm Weeks.

Where The Vrykul Week Rares Spawn

Asbjorn The Bloodsoaked

The map of Siren Isle with the location of Asbjorn the Bloodsoaked, circled in orange.

A deadly Rare vrykul of the Bloodwake clan, Asbjorn the Bloodsoaked can be found near the southern coast of Stormtide Dregs when his clan raids Siren Isle.

Ikir The Flotsurge

The map of Siren Isle with the location of Ikir the Flotsurge, circled in orange.

During Vrykul Weeks, in Deadfin Mire, the rare sea giant Ikir the Flotsurge wreaks havoc on the expedition forces located there.


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